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Maori Fri, Mar-21-14 11:35

Inspiration!!!!!!!! Congratulations!

Just Jo Sat, Mar-22-14 05:05

Originally Posted by Neanderpam
And,...on the other side of the 'kcal/carb' fence...I staggered my calories throughout my loss (and still high day is around 1800 and my lowest day is around 1200). fat percentage has always been around 70 to 75%.

The 'secret' to 'my' stabilization in maintaining my weight for so long is the fat. And I had a doctor who 'got it' about low's not high protein, and it's not low's high fat, low carb. Even now I have some doctors and a LOT of friends/family asking me 'Aren't you going to add more carbs back in? Aren't you supposed to do that?' Well, nope, not if you are me you aren't, lol.

My carbs on a daily basis are around 18 to 22 net carbs...and many days, on a high day staggered, they will be very close to 5net to 8 net...and the majority of the day will be 'fat' with some 'protein thrown in for fun'. :)

I really want to know where my "sweet spot" is -- the place where I don't gain/lose weight. I know if I experiment with number of daily kcals & carbs, I will have some idea where that is. I don't want to EVER go off the rails again!! I know I will always be low carb -- but not sure where the limit is yet! So that's the next part of my LC WOE journey!

“Success is not Final. Failure is not Fatal.
It’s the Courage to Continue that Counts.” Winston Churchill

Just Jo Sat, Mar-22-14 05:06

Originally Posted by Maori
Inspiration!!!!!!!! Congratulations!

Thanks so much Maori!!

“Success is not Final. Failure is not Fatal.
It’s the Courage to Continue that Counts.” Winston Churchill

Just Jo Sun, Mar-30-14 04:12


Okay I started this thread 3 weeks ago when I had reached my personal goal weight. I have now lost 2 more pounds and down to 128 for a total loss of 122 lbs.!!! I have never in my adult life weighed 128 lbs...

:cool: **Doing the little happy-happy dance!!**


“Success is not Final. Failure is not Fatal.
It’s the Courage to Continue that Counts.” Winston Churchill

KCinKY Fri, Apr-04-14 09:34

Wow you are so inspiring. You got to your goal the same day I restarted. I am convinced that there is a reason for this date. Thanks for sharing. Congrats

Just Jo Sat, Apr-05-14 01:28

Thank you so much for your kind words, KCinKY!
I'll be cheering you on and wishing you heartfelt success as you continue on your LC WOE journey!


“Success is not Final. Failure is not Fatal.
It’s the Courage to Continue that Counts.” Winston Churchill

Just Jo Fri, Apr-11-14 03:20

Survived Vacation!!
Weeeehooo -- just came back from spending 4 days in Phoenix with my dd and her hubby. I was not tempted one moment to go off plan. When we went out to eat, I either ate before we went (depending if I was hungry) or ate when we got back. They are both so supportive and were literally shocked (in a good way) about how amazing I look.

I saw them back at Thanksgiving when I had already lost 90 lbs (weighed 160) and when I saw them on Saturday, I weighed in at 127 (the lowest I have ever weighed as far back as I can remember -- maybe middle school??) so that's a 33 pound loss.

Can I live with how I am eating permanently? I know I can. I do not feel deprived of anything. I need to continue wearing my carb-glasses and let nothing stop me from following this WOE. Remember this is not a diet but a WOL and a WOE. I am in control of EVERYTHING I put in my mouth. I will continue to succeed because I am better than “FAT” Jo -- always have been -- always will be!


“Success is not Final. Failure is not Fatal.
It’s the Courage to Continue that Counts.” Winston Churchill

AnneSchall Fri, Apr-11-14 05:06

Thank you thank you JustJo for that post! A bit late getting to read it but congratulations! Great job and really appreciate you sharing your food and workout plans.

I've got a similar goal weight to achieve. Been on a workout break due to TOM but your post has reminded me I need to get back to that.

Did you ever hit a plateau?

Just Jo Fri, Apr-11-14 05:39

Thanks for the kind words, Anne!

What do you mean by plateau? I don't think I ever have this time around. Having done A '72 most of my adult life, the only time I had ever stalled was when I used to get TOM -- but that's history for the past several years. I would gain weight or not lose anything for 10-12 days each month and I knew I was eating clean -- so I concluded it was those horrible hormonal changes...

A '72 worked 100% of the time for me -- but I FAILED to work 100% of the time for it -- never did the last most important & difficult part: Maintaining the weight loss! I will this time!! :)

Hope that answered your question. Wishing you heartfelt success on your LC WOE journey!!


“Success is not Final. Failure is not Fatal.
It’s the Courage to Continue that Counts.” Winston Churchill

AnneSchall Fri, Apr-11-14 23:41

Yes it dos JustJo! Thank you!

Menou'smom Sat, Apr-12-14 11:55

Wow! Congratulations Jo!
Can someone please tell me what A'72 is? I'm guessing Atkins 1972? CCL and WOE are a mystery to me also. Yes, I'm blond. :-D

DAGrant Sat, Apr-12-14 13:26

Way to go! I've been reading this thread and you are so inspiring, especially for someone who has almost 100 to lose myself. Well, that's if I go to 150 lbs. Maybe when I get there I will keep going.

2thinchix Sat, Apr-12-14 13:59

Originally Posted by Menou'smom
Wow! Congratulations Jo!
Can someone please tell me what A'72 is? I'm guessing Atkins 1972? CCL and WOE are a mystery to me also. Yes, I'm blond. :-D

Yes, Atkins 1972. WOE is Way of Eating. CCL is Critical Carb level- the point (different foe each individual) that you can't go over and still lose.

Kristine Sat, Apr-12-14 14:32

Originally Posted by hysteria
Thank you for clarifying this & forgive me, but from personal experience, I found mixing low carb / low fat / low calorie / high exercise to be ultimately dangerous and wish I could turn back the hands of time & undue the damage I did to my body. Maybe it WOULD have been different under the care of a physician.

Hi Jo. Congrats on your success. I do, however, have to chime in on the Debbie Downer side. ;) I'd be a hypocrite if I tried to deny ever hyper-dieting here and going for pounds-lost, everything-else-be-damned... but Hysteria is right. Low carb AND low fat AND low calorie is not Atkins and is rarely sustainable. You may be under a physician's care, but will s/he be able to predict nutrition deficiency diseases before you get them? One day, you can wake up as I did quite a few pounds heavier, body temperature in the basement, and half the hair on your head is gone.

If I were you, I'd forget about CCL/M and start adding FAT and lots of it, and looking at exercise as something to protect your bone density and keep you strong, not something to burn off food.

Good luck.

Just Jo Sat, Apr-12-14 19:32

Originally Posted by Kristine
Hi Jo. Congrats on your success. I do, however, have to chime in on the Debbie Downer side. ;) I'd be a hypocrite if I tried to deny ever hyper-dieting here and going for pounds-lost, everything-else-be-damned... but Hysteria is right. Low carb AND low fat AND low calorie is not Atkins and is rarely sustainable. You may be under a physician's care, but will s/he be able to predict nutrition deficiency diseases before you get them? One day, you can wake up as I did quite a few pounds heavier, body temperature in the basement, and half the hair on your head is gone.

If I were you, I'd forget about CCL/M and start adding FAT and lots of it, and looking at exercise as something to protect your bone density and keep you strong, not something to burn off food.

Good luck.

Thanks Debbie Downer :D -- I think you mean well. As we all know it's not going to take luck for me to keep the weight off -- it's going to take determination and constant vigilance.

I am under the care of a wonderful doctor who I see every 3 months. She's happy and unconcerned with my weight loss since she runs test on me 4x a year. I get a bone density test once a year and my doctor is amazed at how strong my bones are and I don't exercise to burn off food, I exercise because I enjoy it and it makes me feel good.


“Success is not Final. Failure is not Fatal.
It’s the Courage to Continue that Counts.” Winston Churchill

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