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senrides Sun, May-23-04 19:26

Hey Jeff! I wish I had more advance knowledge of these festivities because I just can't imagine any place I'd rather spend the holiday weekend then there! Unless, of course, it's getting to ride with GypsyAngel and NoWonder in Philly! ;)

If we are both still here next year, give me a heads up a few weeks out so I can see if airfare can be snagged cheaply because that sounds awesome! Have fun!


GypsyAngel Sun, May-23-04 22:05

Sen.... you can admit you'd rather be in California for the "Great Western Bike Rally" this weekend! LOL! I wouldn't blame you for picking that over biking in 90 degree humid, gross air, even with the wonderful company of nowonder and myself. :D

Jeff That does sound like a lot of fun! I pick the zoo ride (so what if I'm an adult! :D I'll try not to run over any rugrats) followed by the wine tasting ride! :cool:

Karenemt I'm also in Eastern PA. On the Chester/Lancaster border. I have relatives up in the Poconos....that would be some hilly riding! Good luck to you!

Gypsy :D

senrides Mon, May-24-04 13:28

Recovery Fuel
Hey Everyone-

Can anyone tell me what they are using for recovery food? I'm dragging terribly today after yesterday's ride and thinking perhaps I need to rethink recovery foods. Also, a racer friend of my daughter's that's like cat 4 or 3, not even a lowly cat-5, always takes a nap after a training ride. I confess, I often dream about doing exactly that but I deny the impulse for fear it is a left-over from my lazy, inert, couch-potato lifestyle days. Anyone have any ideas on napping post-hard ride, too?


Allez Y'All-


loCarbJ Mon, May-24-04 14:31


I, too, have heard and agree with the napping, post-hard ride. When I am somewhere that napping isn't a option, I try to relax, slowdown, take in some protein (usually in the form of a protein drink) and I often take creatine.

The next day, I try and get back on the bike, as much as possible, and eat sparingly, and slowly wind back down, and maybe do some relaxed reading.

I posted a thread on Muscle Meditation and I think the same concept is at work here. Today, I went out and found some information on a meditation class.


senrides Mon, May-24-04 20:56

Hey J - Does your wife do the creatine, too? I did it when I first got into road and the longer rides, initially the regular stuff that required it be mixed with water or juice as well as needed preloading, and I bloated so terribly I was going to give it up. Then I came across the pricey liquid that needed no preloading, and I both picked up speed and felt better as far as muscle fatigue went, but it would still bloat me. So, can you tell me if you all have encountered this at all?

Nice to hear a nap might not be such a bad thing, though..... as the warm weather keeps crowding in and the mileage picks up increasingly longer rides are on tap, I just get to feeling like I'm not doing anything if it's under 30-

Allez Y'All -


CarbsBeGon Mon, May-24-04 21:24

Regarding post-ride nutrition, I've had good experience with Power Bar's new "Protein Plus - Carb Select" products (link: There's also a "women specific" bar called "Pria:"

Anyway, I find it gives me a little boost of energy after a ride and packs quite a bit of protein - good for muscles. They also taste pretty good - what an idea! ;) If you like them a lot, you can buy in bulk at Costco and save nearly $1/bar.

Another good product is made by Premier Nutrtion: They're really tasty - like a candy bar! Anyway, either of these have been good options for me after a ride. Regardless, I always try to get protein back into my body; doing so seems to prevent me from feeling so tired. I've gone the nap route too, though! :D

loCarbJ Mon, May-24-04 21:31

Hey Sen,

My wife is not into the fitness game nearly as much as I am and her strategy is much more hap-hazard. She doesn't take any supplements or plan her workouts in any way. She's very spontaneous.

I've only taken the carb-free, pill-form creatine. I have noticed a rare incidence of bloating, last night was the first-time, and that was followed by some bad diarrhea. So I can't really say that it was the creatine. I almost never get sick, I mean almost never.

I also read today, that a lot of proteins contain vitamin b12, and that b12 is supposed to be very good for recovery.


srd0821 Mon, May-24-04 21:35

Still no bike for me :-( Still trying to figure a way though....

loCarbJ Mon, May-24-04 21:40


Did you read my other post on "Amazing Bike Technology for Every Level"?

I actually, partially, had you in mind when I posted it!


Kaillean Tue, May-25-04 01:26

Hi everyone,

Great to see this thread is staying active. I thought I'd share some photos from a ride DH and I took on Sunday.

We did a 35km (20 miles) ride up the Ashlu Valley, near Squamish. We were on old logging roads, combo of rough and graded gravel. A few rough patches and a couple of washouts to make things interesting. The elevation gain was 800 metres and the scenery was amazing.

The shots are on my website. Click my name for the link.

Here's one for you, in the meantime!

Happy peddling!

CarbsBeGon Tue, May-25-04 06:22

Wow, that's a gorgeous area - thanks for sharing! :) I'll have to snap some shots during one of my next rides. It's raining here today so I guess it's "cross training" time... :rolleyes:

Kaillean Tue, May-25-04 09:52

Oh, do post pictures. I love seeing everyone's photos. Unfortunately, it's cloudy here today, too, and I suspect the rain won't be far behind.

Enjoy your workout!

senrides Tue, May-25-04 19:44

Wow Killean! All I can say is that I had better get some views like yours on the Rapsody ride if I commit the time and money to doing it! Stunning! If I were better with a camera (stop laughing NOW Carbs!) I'd take one of a field I pass almost every day on the bike. Nothing special about it except that it is often full of tiny ponies, and right now there are tiny pony foals! I like to think they heartily approve of me, slogging away and turning my own crank, rather than forcing one of their kinfolk to take me down the road......

Allez Y'All!


senrides Thu, May-27-04 19:19

Lance Chronicles are on OLN right now, and frankly, it's making me teary and I HATE tears! BUT, if a 13 year old boy that survived his mother being murdered at the age of two, followed by Leukemia at something like 4 (I think that was the age they said) and then testicular cancer at the age of 7 can get out there and ride his bike to go meet Lance, despite having diminished lung capacity due to chemo or other cancer treatments, then by gosh, I can get off my lazy butt every day and get out there on my bike.

Allez Y'All, really


Karenemt Sat, May-29-04 22:30

Woohoo! I did 20 miles today with my toddler in the trailer. I am so SORE but this is the longest ride we've ever done (and he LIKED IT!!). Thanks for letting me share - I know some of you do way longer rides, but with all the hours I work, a ride like this is a major accomplishment!!!

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