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thud123 Sat, Dec-23-17 08:00

I've switched out the bindings on the new Donek board with new FLOW NX2's and am ancy to try them out this morning on the hill. After that the plan is to kiteskate or freeskate (windsurfing sail with snowboard/skateboard type thing)

Some pretty awesome ice was seen last night when I logged into a yachtclub webcam!

Saw this yesterday of Conner Baxter out doing downwind on foil - so cool I hope to do this next year on some big days.

and last a picture of snowboard after wax job, ready to go!

thud123 Tue, Dec-26-17 11:44

Long weekend recap...

1223 - 53 - 24 - 211 - SnowboardKiteSkate-9
1224 - 49 - 31 - 216 - KiteSkate-8
1225 - XX - 51 - XXX - KiteSkate-5 (away from home)

Pulled an ab muscle on 23rd on snowboard laying down a turn on the new Donek board, this provided discomfort for the next 2 days but seems all better now. I first I was worried it might be a hernia - but never having had one before I didn't know. There was no bubble of intestine that I could feel and the spot it happened in was probably too "high" maybe - around belt level.

I was basially stretched all the way out with my hands infront and over head on the snow when I stopped moving. Not sure what it is, just getting old I guess.

Made a little movie each day and a few pictures...

23rd Movie:

24th Movie:

25th Movie (very cold):

Hoping to get out today for a short skate if the temp get's to zero degrees. Currently -4°F :(

Meme#1 Tue, Dec-26-17 22:28

GREAT!!!!! videos!

thud123 Thu, Dec-28-17 14:46

Been getting some really good evening session - strung I think 5 days in a row funhogging and the weekend is almost here again! Sweet. These two i used the camera in the front pocket trick. Video kind of suck when the phone is vertical like this, time for a goPro or something, or just stop taking so many videos...

video from Tuesday evening session

Video from last night, phone falls out of pocket at the end :(

No sessions Thurs or Friday - might try to get a skate in on Friday on local rink somewhere after work if not too far below zero.

thud123 Sun, Dec-31-17 11:51

Cabin fever drove me out of doors to a lake down the street. I don't usually kite here but it was close. The conditions were actually perty good! I plan on going out again this afternoon when the temps warm up into the single digits below zero - stuff seems to work, like pump and seals and stuff at that temp and above...

Link to video:

thud123 Thu, Jan-04-18 10:05

Happy new year, much riding happening even tho the temps have been highs below zero F. Ouch, a little almost frostbite on thumbs and toes but worth it :)

I'm going to start a low carb eating window from waking to noon and see how that goes. Eating somthing after a cold outdoor session will be hard to resist but we'll see how it goes. Also done experimenting with trying to figure out why acetone remains high in my in the presents of high carbohydrate intake (along with high fat) - I'm chocking it up to exogenous ketones created by incoming diet (over feeding) - not very useful and eating lots of carbs makes my weight go up very quickly. If you are interested I track that stuff here

A friend and I were out over the long weekend a few times and I even took tuesday afternoon off to ride one more time in high winds. Tweeked left shoulder and abdomen (previous snowboard injury a few weeks ago) but better now after a day of rest and not eating. I'm planning on continuing fast until Saturday morning - see if the HGH can repair damage ;)

Selfie with friend (he's 63 btw and can out perform me, and eats ritz crackers for fuel - he definitely is carb burner, needs food during the day of riding, me, not at all) Interesting how we can all be so different and yet the same.

That big moon that happened a same day as sunset above...

High wind day of the little kite I was able to ride powered up in 15-25mph winds all day. FUN!

Different angle of the kite... it is my trusted friend now, survived 2 nuke sessions with it...

laying low until the weekend is the plan, rest.

thud123 Sat, Jan-06-18 08:21

Skating yesterday evening at little rink in suburbs. 2 rinks with boards and one large flooded area. I was working on what we use to call "wind sprints" and making all the stops on my "weak side" which is my left foot forward. As I'm goofy foot on surfboard/skateboard I tend to favor right foot forward.

So, it my usually method of practicing things I like to concentrate on my weak points first. It's very tempting to keep repeating things that you are good at. This is not practice in my mind, this is honing one side of the knife.

When I consciously identify a weak spot I will focus on that and go back to beginner basics - As in what Sgt. Shutlz said in Hogan Hero's "I know nothing!" even tho he knew. The difficult part and one that takes time is training yourself to work on things you suck at. A beginner KNOWS they suck so it's not a big deal to them. A beginner has an open mind and enthusiastic, joyful spirit. That's what I shoot for.

Approach a problem with an open, joyful, curious mind; Then practice becomes play and is enjoyable. There are no ultimate goals, only the open spirit of embracing the unknown - see where it takes you - It might be somewhere you didn't plan on going. Be surprised :)

Heading out to explore a lake to day kitesnowboading with my buddies. I will be practicing weak side, toeside riding on - I'm not good at it, we call it riding switch. One of my new online snowboard mentors, Ryan Knapton, plans to spend 2018 also practicing switch - the goal for me is to develop a stance-less approach to riding like Rodney Mullen has on skateboard where there is no weak side, no strong side, no side at all - just riding.

Ryan Knapton 2018 Goals:

Rodney Mullen "Build on a Bedrock of Failure":

Lake and launch options today:

thud123 Mon, Jan-08-18 13:30

2 days on that lake in a row each about 5 hour sessions. I counted those as an "8" as far as physical exertion on my sliding scale of 10 :) Yesterday the temps were almost human in the 20's F and were able to be gloveless derigging kite gear. Made a little movie last night - got on the ice at 8AM (dawn) and off by 2:30 - got home, ate and slept over 12 hrs each day. Hammered down physically, should be even stronger in recovery for next weekend - no significant injuries other that a persistent ab pull that might or might not be a hernia of some kind, studying up on that...

Movie clip from day 2 with friends:

Friend trying out a Cloud 13.5 sweet!

rest now...

thud123 Wed, Jan-10-18 11:49

Got out again yesterday after busy morning. Thanks to Skype I was able to stay in a meeting while driving to little local lake, arriving at 11:00 - One of my kiting friends is a meteorologist for a local TV station and was bringing some camera gear out. He's doing a story that will air Jan 29th I guess - Some type of local flavor thing pre-superbowl - Anyway should be cool. I told him he can use any of my material captured as well.

Solid 4 hours of kiting on the softening snow - today it's pretty much gone, getting ready for more this evening and tomorrow for sure. One thing about snow is that is can be locally heavy - not sure where it's gonna dump but likely there will be a lake somewhere underneath it :)

On minute video clip i put together of some of the locals:

A friends prayers are answered ... SNOW! ;)

This guy broke is leg last fall kiting on the water. Looking good now, able to get good angulation. He rehabed well!

might ice skate today, tomorrow will probably be a bust with work and stuff but maybe I can sneak out we'll see...

thud123 Thu, Jan-11-18 10:00

I yesterday was penciled in as a rest day but curiosity made me to out and try some kiting in really warm temps (~40) most of the snow had melted and there were little pools of 1 inch water in low spots. It will be interesting to see how things refreeze around here. Might be able to get more skating time in with kite. This has become my favorite form of practice. I'm hoping some of the kite handling skills will transfer to kitefoil this coming soft-water season (April).

Spring Park from the ice...

De-rigging in the dark on the ice with car headlights, worked great!

what will tomorrow offer? :)

thud123 Sat, Jan-13-18 11:57

It brought wind and snow and cold. Messed up a local surface that makes it almost impossible to skate. So yesterday I got some time in at this local rink for about an hour. Good work out and practice.

thud123 Tue, Jan-16-18 14:01

Lots of activity/exercise this month compared to last year. Saturday was really low wind and numbingly cold temps so I decided to check/hiked a few places out for riding on Sunday which turned out fun and a blistering high of 10F with winds 10-15 - great for kiting but kind of hard to see. The snow started coming in at the end of session...

little movie clip...

And yesterday I decided to head out again to a local lake after we got a few inches of snow. wind was 10-20 with blowing snow and temp ~3F - Session was for about 1.5 hrs. If it's above 0F I'll consider kiting, below that is just too hard on the hands and feet. Everything else is ok tho at that temp except I start to get concerned about some of the kite parts and pump maybe breaking...

A little movie clip...

Heading back to this spot in an hour till sunset. Sunny with high around 6F and light winds >10 mph - life is good!

thud123 Wed, Jan-24-18 21:47

Been kiting and snowboarding like crazy. Too much in fact as I'm hardly doing anything else like.... work :)

Super nasty storm that dumped a bunch of snow... weee!

Next day it was really light wind but beautiful blue sky and decent tems...

And I figured I'd try to old the phone and record a snowboard run of my buddy, then he recorded me. Kind of cool to see yourself from different perspective...

ReneeH20 Thu, Jan-25-18 17:42

Catching up on your adventures. Glad someone was able to take advantage of all that snow we got. My adventure with it was limited to digging out my driveway :lol:

Is that last clip you? Dayum.

thud123 Mon, Jan-29-18 18:51

Originally Posted by ReneeH20
Catching up on your adventures. Glad someone was able to take advantage of all that snow we got. My adventure with it was limited to digging out my driveway :lol:

Is that last clip you? Dayum.

Cool Renee! Yeah that was me as the second rider in the snowboard video. We're practicing carving on the hill so we can get better at carving with kites. Now all that snow is crust and crud. Hoping for a bit more soon ;)

The little story my friend was doing aired on the local TV station as a specialty story was kind of fun. If they post the whole story I'll post again but in the mean time I took some snapshots while I watched. A couple images of me and a little gallery I posted of other snaps...

Lots and lots of activity this Janurary compared to last even tho I'm so much heavier due to carbohydrate experimentation and ketone production. I'm done experimenting - Even being this active in freezing weather doesn't balance with over consumption of calories and over carbing. I'm gaining Muscle, Water and Fat. Next month in going to refocus on trying to eat low carb before noon - that's the eating window. Problem with all the activity is that my perceived hunger is pretty high after being active for hours on end. We'll see...

January 2017

KX=Ketonix, KP= Ketone in Pee, KILOs=Kilograms, NC=Net Carb, Act=Activity Level

Date - Kx - Nc - Activity
0101 - 85 - 30 - Low 97.2 Kg
0102 - 75 - 20 - TwoLineKite
0103 - 67 - 14 - Low
0104 - 75 - 13 - Low
0105 - 78 - 22 - Low
0106 - 81 - 20 - Low
0107 - 74 - 15 - Low
0108 - 79 - 46 - Low 97.1 Kg
0109 - 65 - 22 - Low
0110 - 53 - 17 - Low
0111 - 72 - 18 - OneBladeMed
0112 - 62 - 19 - TwoLineKite
0113 - 74 - 15 - Low
0114 - 81 - 13 - TwoLineKite
0115 - 81 - 22 - Med 95.9 Kg
0116 - 79 - 25 - Low
0117 - 70 - 21 - Low
0118 - 76 - 21 - Low
0119 - 77 - 18 - Low
0120 - 71 - 19 - Med
0121 - 75 - 18 - Med
0122 - 79 - 20 - Med 94.9 Kg
0123 - 80 - 23 - Low
0124 - 84 - 16 - Med
0125 - 85 - 16 - Low
0126 - 88 - 21 - Low
0127 - 88 - 04 - Med
0128 - 89 - 22 - Low 93.7 Kg

January 2018

KX=Ketonix, NC=Net Carb, LBS=English Pounds, Act=(Type-Intensity[1-10])

Date - Kx - Nc - Lbs - Act
0101 - 69 - 620 - 228 - SnowboardKiteSnowboard-8
0102 - 61 - 565 - 229 - KiteSnowboard-7
0103 - 60 - 00 - 234 - Low
0104 - 43 - 00 - 227 - Low
0105 - 55 - 00 - 216 - Skate-5
0106 - 43 - 619- 212 - KiteSnowboard-8
0107 - 74 - 650 - 222 - KiteSnowboard-8
0108 - 75 - 669 - 228 - Low
0109 - 61 - 160 - 233 - KiteSnowboard-8
0110 - 69 - 30 - 230 - KiteSkate-4
0111 - 65 - 15 - 229 - Med
0112 - 53 - 15 - 219 - Skate-4
0113 - 46 - 12 - 214 - Scouting-2
0114 - 57 - 824 - 213 - KiteSnowboard-6
0115 - 65 - 483 - 224 - KiteSnowboard-6
0116 - 52 - 307 - 227 - KiteSnowboard-3
0117 - 71 - 550 - 229 - KiteSnowboard-8
0118 - 67 - 462 - 231 - KiteSnowboarding-1
0119 - 41 - 652 - 232 - Low
0120 - 51 - 710 - 230 - Snowboard-5
0121 - XX - 572 - 234 - Snowboard-5
0122 - 65 - 650 - 237 - KiteSnowboard-6
0123 - XX - 558 - XXX - KiteSnowboard-6
0124 - 54 - 190 - 235 - Low
0125 - 11 - 450 - 232 - KiteSnowboard-6
0126 - 59 - 328 - 233 - KiteSnowboard-6
0127 - 36 - 526 - 233 - KiteSnowboarding-5
0128 - 45 - 649 - 235 - Snowboarding-5

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