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Mintaka Wed, Jul-13-22 10:56

Hi Janet, I will check out MK's information. I get very constipated if I eat cheese or bread or chocolate. I may eat sauerkraut from time to time but growing our own only feeds the mice and not us. It has been a cold winter here so far. We are not in Brisbane, still in Queensland.

JEY100 Sat, Jul-30-22 10:10

12 years in the making! With the past two years more focused on Higher Protein and Nutrient Density. I have finally shared my success story on, joining Brendan- Grav, Ken-khrussva, Jean- cotonpal, Kathy - KeyTones and likely other LowCarbers I do not know by name. Still can’t believe I shared these photos with the world!

If low carb continues to work for you, great. But if not, and you haven’t reached your goals, or even regained weight, you may be interested in this newer approach. DietDoctor now provides higher protein and higher satiety information with many new food guides, practical tips, and articles. My two favorites are linked in the story, if after years of LC, you can’t think of how to lower fat…there are the answers.
My success story here has earlier comments with more detail about the foods, fasting, and protein percentages I used This DietDoctor article is more an overview on my transition from very low carb to a more moderate carb and nutrient dense diet.

Grav Fri, Aug-05-22 12:49

I saw that story appear the other day, and thought ah, I know this person. :)

Well done Janet, you look fantastic!

JEY100 Fri, Aug-12-22 05:59

Thanks, Grav. And 38 pounds less of me than when we met. You are the only person I know with two DD success stories…and a book! :wave:

Aug. 6 is 2 years following Marty Kendall and Dr Naiman's PE diet. Also it is 9 months maintaining around 150 pounds. This app uses weighted averages so I drift up and down a few pounds. Today a 22.7 BMI so perfectly happy with that and an easy maintenance.

Since June 1 have been doing intense cardio and some resistance for an hour 6 days a week. Was trying to increase muscle mass without adding fat, a challenge at 71. ;)

I sometimes think I should try to reach the "ideal" 145, so when I’m actually tracking (not often anymore) my Macros remain 40% P, 40% F and 20% C. You can read Marty Kendall's new long posts on Macros for various goals, or I simply used this page from ThePEDiet. 145g P, C + F less than half of 145g. I am agnostic between Carbs and Fats, though usually most fats are the first meal, more carbs around dinner + dessert.

kimprono Sun, Aug-28-22 13:18

Thank you for this information! Opening my eyes to reasons why I am not losing weight. I will check out the links you left.

WereBear Mon, Aug-29-22 05:12

I am agnostic between Carbs and Fats

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I keep telling people it's not a spreadsheet, like CICO. There are so many variables in each person's body inheritance and past habits that shapes the best way for them to eat.

I eat slabs of red meat that makes DH look skeptical. While he's a muscular guy -- now losing weight as he zeroes in on what works best for him -- he avoids fat to an extent I never could: I'm far more on the carnivore end of the scale.

Yet we both eat a low carb regimen. Carbs are my spices and fat is my condiment, I might say.

Thank you, JEY, for bringing Marty's work here and getting us all on board with his wonderful guidelines.

I think he's doing what engineers do best. He's building such a sturdy structure for people.

JEY100 Tue, Aug-30-22 04:18

Thanks, Ladies. Since DietDoctor posted my success story, there have been two others posted, also focused on Higher Protein and Higher Satiety, Virginia and Bernd. More good tips how to adjust low carb for consistent weight loss and health goals.

Higher protein and higher satiety both depend on the Nutrient Density of the foods chosen, and the new Diet Doctor podcast is an interview with Marty Kendall, "The Secret of Nutrient Density"

cotonpal Tue, Aug-30-22 08:04

I admire your discipline and perseverance. I tend to be a little sloppier around the edges, a little less focused. It helps me to be kinder to my current self by reminding myself where I came from. Relatively speaking I am doing just fine. We have both been successful which is something worth celebrating. I really wish more people (all people even) would be able to understand and implement these kinds of changes so that they could live healthier lives, not lives filled with avoidable suffering.

WereBear Tue, Aug-30-22 10:29

I remind myself that wherever I am, it's much better than it would be if I'd just given up.

Nemaste Thu, Oct-27-22 03:41

Thank you so much for bringing this way of eating to my attention. It’s definitely something I’d like to try. I love the idea of 50g of non-fibre carbs along with unlimited green vegetables. You look amazing by the way!

JEY100 Thu, Oct-27-22 04:08

Thank you! I feel amazing too. Getting enough nutrients (protein, calcium, magnesium, etc) has made a noticeable difference in my hair, nails, skin and I hope bone density. High fat is neither satiating nor provided enough vitamins and minerals for me, and the high fiber helps my digestion. The threads on both Dr Ted Naiman and Marty Kendall under the Semi-Low Carb forum are very helpful, as is getting The P:E Diet e-book ($10 on DietDoctor

New article on the Protein Leverage Hypothesis:

Nemaste Fri, Oct-28-22 07:12

Originally Posted by JEY100
Thank you! I feel amazing too. Getting enough nutrients (protein, calcium, magnesium, etc) has made a noticeable difference in my hair, nails, skin and I hope bone density. High fat is neither satiating nor provided enough vitamins and minerals for me, and the high fiber helps my digestion. The threads on both Dr Ted Naiman and Marty Kendall under the Semi-Low Carb forum are very helpful, as is getting The P:E Diet e-book ($10 on DietDoctor

New article on the Protein Leverage Hypothesis:

I’ll get the e-book and take a look at the link as well as the threads. Really hoping this suits me, it certainly seems doable. I love the idea of unlimited green vegetables. Thanks again.

Nemaste Mon, Oct-31-22 10:38

Hello, hope you are well. Hope you don’t mind me asking but is there a green veg list? I plan to give this plan a go starting next week and was wondering if courgettes are on the list? I’m guessing peas aren’t on the list?

JEY100 Mon, Oct-31-22 12:47

Originally Posted by Nemaste
Hello, hope you are well. Hope you don’t mind me asking but is there a green veg list? I plan to give this plan a go starting next week and was wondering if courgettes are on the list? I’m guessing peas aren’t on the list?

You're in luck...every green vegetable is on The P:E Diet, and since Marty's programs support EVERY style of diet..he is "diet agnostic"'s all good.
In fact it was Dr. Naiman who got me hooked on Sugar Snap Peas. He eats a lot of edamame too, but I don't due to the possible soy/cancer risk. Being more taxonomy precise, courgettes are under the "low sugar fruit" section and there is a separate section for all the small tubers.

Highly recommend The P:E Diet in e-book form, only $10 with the discount at the end of this article:
300+ has everything you need to be successful.

Nemaste Tue, Nov-01-22 07:45

Thanks so much! It’s good to hear peas are on the menu! I will definitely purchase the book. Thank you for the link!

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