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Just Jo Tue, Oct-02-18 05:43

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

HUGE, HUGE Congrats on your 3rd Anniversary, thud and wishing you many many more, dude!

As always, wishing you continued success on your journey! :wave:

thud123 Mon, Oct-08-18 11:54

Hi and thanks for the visits Renee and Jo! 3 years seems like a long time but not so long at the same time. I don't really count minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years too much but one more year and I'll have my LC Degree ha!

October is an interesting transition month for actives. There is still open water so we go there when the air temp is tolerable (water temp + air temp > 100 degrees F = GO!) Most likely next month we'll be on ice skates so in the mean time there's a lot of skateboard type stuff we can do as seen below with a little kite in a public school parking lot farting around. Actually it's a lot of work and we're sweating good when finished, on account of clothes.

Wet and cool here for the next few days in forecast to mostly will try to buckle down and get some stuff done at work and wait for sunshine ah!!!

Crazy big wind came up last Wednesday as I was getting off the water so I shot some video

Link to Video:

Windsurfer making a big turn…

And yesterday goofing around with small kites in parking lot with skateboards. "Almost" feels like foiling :)

Link to Video:

And the forecast for the next few days. I’m taking a break!

And since we last visited the island... October in full effect!

KX=Ketonix, NC=Net Carb, LBS=English Pounds, Act=(Type-Intensity[1-10])

Date - Kx - Nc - Lbs - Act
1001 - 61 - 27 - 207 - Low
1002 - 46 - 15 - 209 - Low
1003 - 72 - 16 - 204 - KiteFoil
1004 - 61 - 14 - 204 - Low
1005 - 70 - 12 - 205 - Low
1006 - 40 - 26 - 204 - Kiting-2
1007 - 39 - 23 - 205 - KiteSkateboarding-5
1008 - 59 - 18 - 207 -

thud123 Mon, Oct-15-18 16:07

Getting action when I can and trying to catchup on work and eating while I'm not funhogging. Might be time to cut back on the food a bit if I'm not burning it up fast enough. I'm a believer in calories in and calories out, I don't have to count - I see the eviddence on the scale and my pant fit. Water or Fat, hard to tell but probably both. Eating well not GPS, just more than I need because, DAYUM, food is good! Maybe I should make it not so tasty.

Drysuit only weather. Water is now below 50 F and it's a no go when air temp is below 50 F we have a 100 rule we use as a comfort guide (air+water =>100 degrees)

So now I'm "takin' it to the streets" to quote the Doobie Brothers. Here's a kite that use to be the shit, now with the new Cloud kites it doesn't even compare. Finding buyer for it this winter...

So I made a little video yesterday of what it's like to kite with a skateboard in a small parking lot with a kite. So fun and relaxing!

Link to Video:

... and this coming up! Snow Kiting! I took an old clip and made a little music loop with my new Ditto mini looper and guitar. Kind of came out cool...

Link to Video:

Since we last left the island...

KX=Ketonix, NC=Net Carb, LBS=English Pounds, Act=(Type-Intensity[1-10])

Date - Kx - Nc - Lbs - Act
1008 - 59 - 34 - 207 - None
1009 - 57 - 24 - 208 - Low
1010 - 60 - 24 - 209 - Low
1011 - 59 - 23 - 207 - WindFoil-7
1012 - 62 - 29 - 206 - Low
1013 - 52 - 27- 207 - KiteFoil-5
1014 - 55 - 23 - 210 - KiteSkateboard-4
1015 - 64 - 20 - 211 - None

Jaz66 Tue, Oct-23-18 04:14

THUD- I followed your "this is how I "play"- post. That is awesome!!!!!! Love the pics. I didn't even notice the snow was man made until MEME mentioned it!!!!! How fun that looks. I have seen snow in a few years.

I would love to say I missed it but I don't. What part of the county do you live?


thud123 Wed, Oct-24-18 05:18

Thanks for the visit Jazz66! I live in the middle of the U.S.A in a state that borders the country that most of the admins that work on this site live in :)

It has been a busy week on the water. There is no way to know how many calories I've burned or how many I've eaten, well, maybe there is but why count. The water season is winding down and I'm super stoked for the snow and ice - Winter is when I can really practice a lot of stuff that's difficult to do on the water and I can do it over and over and over... that's what practice sometimes is; repetition and exploration.

Made a little quick movie for the gang of the basic boring stuff of landing launching etc. This is from the end of day, some folks trying to get the last little bit of wind...

Link to Video:

Fellow windsurfoiler heading out on a bigger day. Cool picture, the light is so right this time of year as the angles stay low for a long time and you don't have to be super quick with the camera

This picture of a friend just kind of happened. I saw it happening but did tell him to stare into the sun for the final shot. Sometimes shit just works.

A few days ago after kiting into the evening this peaceful shot. It was cold and angry that day, the picture doesn't reveal it tho, that's fine :)

Since we last left the island and for the record... Strung a lot of days together of kitefoiling. I don't control this, the conditions do. I'm just subject to them.

Water temps are getting into the 40's and getting uncomfortable on the head (ice cream headache)

KX=Ketonix, NC=Net Carb, LBS=English Pounds, Act=(Type-Intensity[1-10])

Date - Kx - Nc - Lbs - Act
1015 - 64 - 20 - 211 - None
1016 - 48 - 19 - 207 - KiteFoil-7
1017 - 43 - 19 - 208 - KiteFoil-5
1018 - 49 - 13 - 205 - KiteFoil-8
1019 - 60 - 15 - 205 - KiteFoil-9
1020 - 65 - 17 - 208 - KiteFoil-5
1021 - 59 - 34 - 206 - KiteFoil-6
1022 - 51 - 32 - 206 - KiteFoil- 8
1023 - 58 - 27 - 207 - Med
1024 - 67 - 00 - 207 -

Until later! Less than a month left to journal this stuff. Hope you have been entertained so far!

thud123 Thu, Nov-01-18 05:27

Wow! October is over, it seemed like a very long month full of fun. Time is going slower - I try to savor each moment and not think too much about the past or the future, doing this can cause mental proliferation and rob time from the present, the only time you can do anything about anything.

"Wow! where did the time go?!" = Mental Proliferation

Looking back over the last few days since last post my camera has been fairly in active but the body has not. This is about the only shot worthy of a post to share as it's a really good fartatta or whatever it's called, blacked pork butt and jalapeno - like button!

Here's a recap of the month of October Weight, Ketones and Activity.

"Don't just enjoy this moment, enjoy the HELL out of it"! - paraphrase of a Church of the Subgenious quote.


(Added to - the full disclosure public data journey continues)

October 2018

KX=Ketonix, NC=Net Carb, LBS=English Pounds, Act=(Type-Intensity[1-10])

Date - Kx - Nc - Lbs - Act
1001 - 61 - 27 - 207 - Low
1002 - 46 - 15 - 209 - Low
1003 - 72 - 16 - 204 - KiteFoil-5
1004 - 61 - 14 - 204 - Low
1005 - 70 - 12 - 205 - Low
1006 - 40 - 26 - 204 - Kiting-2
1007 - 39 - 23 - 205 - KiteSkateboard-5
1008 - 59 - 34 - 207 - None
1009 - 57 - 24 - 208 - Low
1010 - 60 - 24 - 209 - Low
1011 - 59 - 23 - 207 - WindFoil-7
1012 - 62 - 29 - 206 - Low
1013 - 52 - 27 - 207 - KiteFoil-5
1014 - 55 - 23 - 210 - KiteSkateboard-4
1015 - 64 - 20 - 211 - None
1016 - 48 - 19 - 207 - KiteFoil-7
1017 - 43 - 19 - 208 - KiteFoil-5
1018 - 49 - 13 - 205 - KiteFoil-8
1019 - 60 - 15 - 205 - KiteFoil-9
1020 - 65 - 17 - 208 - KiteFoil-5
1021 - 59 - 34 - 206 - KiteFoil-6
1022 - 51 - 32 - 206 - KiteFoil- 8
1023 - 58 - 27 - 207 - Med
1024 - 67 - 26 - 207 - Med
1025 - 69 - 24 - 206 - Med
1026 - 69 - 26 - 207 - Low
1027 - 58 - 25 - 205 - KiteSkate-3
1028 - 46 - 24 - 207 - WindFoil-6
1029 - 51 - 24 - 208 - KiteSkate-3
1030 - 50 - 20 - 206 - KiteFoil-6
1031 - 49 - 34 - 208 - KiteFoil-5

ReneeH20 Thu, Nov-08-18 08:57

Looks like you were enjoying the hell out of the month as usual. I was wondering how you’d fare with all the rainy weather we had in Oct. It kept me indoors a bit more than I liked. Also thought of you yesterday when the snow hit us here in the northern burbs(Hubs said there was none of the white stuff in the city).

Adventure on friend!

thud123 Tue, Nov-13-18 10:06

Hey Renee, thanks for the visit! The brakes really got put on for physical outdoor activity starting Nov1 - and then I had some car trouble. This few week transition period is brutal for me to do so I just kind of sit around and wait for something to pop up and it has. Ice has developed on a few small lakes and we're going to try to kiteskate it today in about an hour! Also, this weekend a few of the ski places open up and the one I have a season pass at is one.

The year long adventure series is over. I will do one more post this evening to tomorrow with a few pictures and wrap up. This will end my time on this site on a daily basis and plan on posting quarterly (at least that's the plan for now) and update my stats - continue to post my daily stats at the usual place...

it's been fun!

So only a few pictures this time, most not related to exercise...

Last session of the year, shot from deck of kiteboard staring out at cold water. Was super fun!

Link to video:

"Steve" the dog. I was messing around with him when getting my car fixed last week. he loved that squirl and playing with it. tuff little dog but a stiff breeze could blow him over ha!

Went to this place called "Dave's Guitars" in WI - heaven. Only spent 300 buck haha!

Stuff I eat...

That's about it, not activites to mention since Nov1 (ouch!)

thud123 Wed, Nov-14-18 09:32

Well. IT'S A WRAP!

365 Days of Funhogging came full circle yesterday. I was able to get back on the ice (solid 4" of clear black ice - plenty save for foot travel) and had a great session with some friends. I'm sore today as the muscles used are completly different than anything I've been doing for the last 6-7 months - at least in the legs and back.

So, my Low Carb Friends. With this last post, I wish you well on your journeys and perhaps you can find some inspiration or comic relief in what I've posted here over the last year. Get out there and do something. Anything!

If you have any feedback or questions I'll keep this "Gym Log" open and set to ping me with an email if you need to get a hold of me or have a question. I'll also commit to providing quarterly updates to my stats and current condition in my second journal as well here:

Thanks for tagging along, it's been a wild ride...

Video Link of yesterday KiteSkate session:

khrussva Wed, Nov-14-18 10:03

I will miss poking my nose in here to see what's up with Thud. It was a great outdoor gym log -- the best kind. Enjoy your winter adventures.

I'm sore today as the muscles used are completly different than anything I've been doing for the last 6-7 months - at least in the legs and back.

I hear you loud and clear on that one. I went on my first ever zip lining/obstacle climbing adventure with my daughter this past Sunday. It was a fun 3 hour workout and a lot harder than it looked. It has taken me 3 days to fully recover.

Entropy39 Sun, Jul-05-20 13:54

Let me explain just how much walking I did on July 3rd and July 4th.OMG prob 6 miles a a day LOL.

If you look at a map of Long Beach boardwalk in New York. You can see it is about 4.4 miles if you walk it back and forth. Well my car was parked ... drum roll please. .on Neptune blvd. PAST EAST PARK AVENUE PAST EAST CHESTER STREET BUT NOT PAST EAST HUDSTON STREET. SO JUST THINK ABOUT HOW MUCH WALKING THAT IS OMG!

thud123 Wed, Jul-08-20 05:09

Originally Posted by Entropy39
Let me explain just how much walking I did on July 3rd and July 4th.OMG prob 6 miles a a day LOL.

If you look at a map of Long Beach boardwalk in New York. You can see it is about 4.4 miles if you walk it back and forth. Well my car was parked ... drum roll please. .on Neptune blvd. PAST EAST PARK AVENUE PAST EAST CHESTER STREET BUT NOT PAST EAST HUDSTON STREET. SO JUST THINK ABOUT HOW MUCH WALKING THAT IS OMG!

That's INSANE Entropy - so stoked for you! Keep on truckin' - I'd love to walk that boardwalk too.

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