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Sun, Mar-09-03, 17:33
So I've got the Flaxseed Meal, now what in the world do I do with it? Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.

Lisa N
Sun, Mar-09-03, 17:44

You can sprinkle it on salads or you can mix it with cream and water along with a little butter and Splenda for a hot cereal (I also add unprocessed wheat bran to mine). I also add it to my kids' oatmeal and baked goods to add some extra fiber and omega-3 fatty acids.

Sun, Mar-09-03, 20:56
I add a tablespoon to my atkins shake mix ( I don't use the canned stuff ,blech !) when I have one of the those rushed mornings. It mixes in real well, not gritty at all. I also mixed a tablespoon in to our scrambled eggs yesterday and DH didn't even notice ...hehe...

Mon, Mar-10-03, 10:41
Type it into the search engine and search under the recipe section. I found quite a few recipes that you can make with it. I just made muffins and they were GREAT! I also have been making oatmeal with it by mixing it with my protein powder and water. YOu can find all these recipes there, especially look in the breakfast section.

Mon, Mar-10-03, 20:27
Just today I put about 11/2 tsp in my yogurt, found it very satifying.


Tue, Mar-11-03, 16:51
Put it into the crust of lc cheesecakes, into yogurt, in salads, etc. Adds a little nutty flavour.

Wed, Mar-12-03, 13:36
i got this recipe from somehere for LC cereal, its good!! :thup: 3 T. both flax seed meal and vanilla whey protein( LC of course)and a pinch of salt. mix together add 3/4 C. of water, nuke to 2 minutes,( i did it for 1 min. 15 sec.) put it in a large enough bowl, it will bubble up when u nuke it!!! add 1 T. butter, splenda and cold heavy cream to taste, enjoy!! i love this recipe!! :thup: :)

Wed, Mar-12-03, 14:09
I put 2-3 Tablespoons Flax meal in a bowl
add hot water, butter and LC maple syrup