View Full Version : Weekly Support 01.06.03-01.12.03

Welcome to the Active Low-Carber Forums

Support for Atkins diet, Protein Power, Neanderthin (Paleo Diet), CAD/CALP, Dr. Bernstein Diabetes Solution and any other healthy low-carb diet or plan, all are welcome in our lowcarb community. Forget starvation and fad diets -- join the healthy eating crowd! You may register by clicking here, it's free!

Sun, Jan-05-03, 20:12

This is my plan for the week:

Monday to Sunday

1. no sugar
2. rm: Balance
3. multi vitamin
4. eat fruit every day

Mon, Jan-06-03, 01:15

I was reading last week's support post and just thought of something.

Most people gained during the November to February monts right? Well, if you are just maintaining right now, fluctuating if you will, then you are one step ahead of the rest!

Lol, there is ALWAYS positive somewhere :)

Anyways, I am losing those pounds I gained over New Years. Down to a mere 2 pound gain (compared to 7, but hey can't complain about 5 pounds gone in three days). It makes me mad that I am the ONLY person in the world that can gain 7 frikkin pounds overnight and keep it on..... But hey, that is what today and tomorrow are for - losing the weight I've gained from my own indulgence from the past.

Ok, well hope there will be some wooshes this week for people !!

Mon, Jan-06-03, 09:01
HI all,

Cassie, I went up 4 pounds since Thanksgiving and have lost only two.. sigh. Still, I haven't been REALLY trying either as there are the remainders of temptation still around.

I was able to maintain this week, thankfully. After that 4 pound jump over the holidays I was really worried about it. I am now where I should be in terms of keeping under an hour at RM, and my CMs are very low.. even skipped lunch yesterday and might today. Now I just need to work on eating more balanced RMs. I do eat a large salad at every RM, but my problem seems to be that I eat a comparable amount, or higher amount, of high carb foods than protein and LC vegie.

And, I need to find a way to curb the cookie monster. I can't seem to stay away from these cookies!!! And now Girl Scout cookie time is upon us and I will have cases of them around for the next month!!! ARGGHH... but I'm getting ahead of myself because that starts next week while I'm away, and this week is this week. I told my children last night that this was the last week we would have the Christmas cookies, that what they didn't eat were getting thrown away.. lol. That went over well..... NOT. Seriously, though, the GS cookies I can manage because they're in sealed boxes and I know they'll cost me money every time I open one. The Christmas cookies are paid for and will go bad if not eaten (money wasted) and they are right there in the cookie container in the kitchen.

So weekly agenda is ... #1: balance RMs. #2: deal with the sweets after dinner issue.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Mon, Jan-06-03, 11:41
Hey Cassie,

Yes, I guess it is pretty good to at least maintain over the holidays! You and I must be a lot alike in that I can gain several #'s overnight and they don't come right back off again. And they say you have to eat something like 3500 EXTRA calories just to gain a #, but NOT IN MY CASE! And it sounds like the same in yours. That is so frustrating, too, cause there is no logical reason for it!

And Joanie... yes, those Girl Scout cookies!!! We have an order form going around at work and it's easy to see what everyone's weak spot is! I wish you the best getting rid of the Christmas cookies, too.

I worked out extra all weekend, but didn't quite feel "light" enough to want to weight this morning! I am such a wimp some days! But I've been taking Tylenol a lot lately for a sore muscle in my neck that is about to drive me nuts and I know that can cause water retention... Why does EVERYTHING work against us?! :confused:

Anyway.... I hope everyone has a good week and great success with getting rid of those holiday pounds!


Mon, Jan-06-03, 18:16
HEY GUYS.....YAHOO for me i had no sugar today.

My rm were more balance. Had no veggies i could not do better.

b: ground chicken

rm: fries, red beans, fish, cashews, 1 can drink...sugar free orange juice.

d:pure sterlized cream with splenda

i usually have no dinner. I ate less at rm today i am so proud.

Tuesdays plan:

b: ground chicken and spinach

rm: mac and cheese with cooked veggies and corned beef

D: i usually have no dinner

Mon, Jan-06-03, 19:42
oh no no no no no!

I keep eating junk after dinner, during RM, but still, way too much junk - from cookies, chocolate, chips... till I'm stuffed!

I don't know why! I keep promising myself to stop it but every night lately I keep doing it anyway.

I'm fine all day - I eat breakfast, lunch, and a snack if I'm hungry... it's just right after dinner. If I could just stop this I'd lose some weight!

But, rather than give up, I'm coming here to ask - How do I stop this?

Mon, Jan-06-03, 21:40
Moi, try having your RM during lunch! I've switched over for the time being and it seems to help a lot.

Sometimes I am just so not hungry that I go until the next day, the RM sure do keep me full....

Joanie, I guess it is all about finding out what works. There must be something you are eating during your CMs that is throwing you off. But you know, some people's bodies just LOVE to hold on to the fat and keep weight on during the winter months. Perhaps you are one of them. Hopefully the Spring will bring better things, as it usually does :)

Tokenyanke, sometimes i TRULY hate my body!!!! AHHHHH!! It does seem like everything works against us sometimes, but I guess that is what makes us stronger, right? I mean, how easy would it be to have a super fast metabolism (my husband is one of those) and do nothing to look or feel good... Super easy, but we are learning discipline and self-control. We are also learning how to treat our bodies right, something a lot of those hypers (lol, my "coined word" for the I-Can-Eat-20-Pounds-Of-Food-And-Lose-5-Pounds people) don't understand. My husband has a banana split for breakfast (no we don't have kids yet, I have him to handle first!) - no not a small size, more like a 1/4 of a gallon of ice cream and TONS of syrup. It makes me sick just looking at it. Anyways, I guess we just have to take the negative out of things and throw it aside. There is no room for negative feelings when you are loosing weight, since half the battle is with loving ourselves. The other half is eating right and exercising.

Lowco, Yayy!! I am so proud of you!! Lol, it will be a while before I can master the "No-Sugar" attitude, but I certainly do admire you for getting there! Wait to go!

Tue, Jan-07-03, 05:38
Moi the only way I can do this is to write down the next day plan in advance. and just be very decisive about it.
easier said than done ;)

luv67fire. youre quite right. I saw Susie Orbach on tv last night. She was attacking the diet industry. Said all we have to do is listen to what our bodies tell us. Simple and true. My DH is one of your hypers. But to be honest, if he isnt hungry, he just doesnt eat. Kids the same, perfectly natural.

Im finding CAD more challenging than Atkins but that is because I am an all or nothing sort. Easier to leave it out altogether, than control the strict 1/3 carb.... so Ive had a bit of "unbalance" over the holidays and vow to get that balance back in....Joanie like you I am drawn to the carby bit but need to be stern with myself. I can do it.
lowco thanks too for the vit reminder I keep forgetting. Do you think its as important as Atkins?? :thup: good for you with the sugar

tokenyanke whede DID they get 3,500 from LOL, I think most of our ups and downs are what normal people have, but they never know cos they arent scale - hopping :)

Tue, Jan-07-03, 06:58
LOL Plum.. you're probably right about that!

And Cassie... I swear you must want to smack your hubby seeing him eat like that and not have a weight problem! :eek:

I've ended up switching my RM back to evenings instead of at lunch. I end up only getting 20 minutes to eat and it makes my stomach hurt cause I get all stressed being in a rush... Plus people walk in and comment on how much more I seem to be eating all the sudden. If I were actually losing weight, that wouldn't bother me so much, but since I'm not, I end up feeling like a pig and I would rather not even try to explain what kind of program I'm doing cause they wouldn't believe it anyway. So, I'll just have to stay careful and not go overboard at dinner and maybe just do RM lunches on the weekends when I'm off work.

I'm still adding in more exercise, but so far, no progress is showing so I have to be patient! That is a virtue, right???? lol :D

Tue, Jan-07-03, 10:06
Cindi, and others....

once a long time ago I did CAD and it was Xmas potluck lunch at work so I made it my RM, so I took a nice variety plate of food of course, the diet was working, I was losig weight... and right in front of everyone, I guess because I also had more than my usual (CM fare) my boss says BOY, YOU GOT A LOT OF FOOD THERE, ARE YOU GOING TO EAT ALL THAT?

I was shocked, I didn't know what to say... then another girl who I don't know if she helped by breaking the silence or made it worse says (because she knew I also had "tummy" issues) OH SHE EATS AND THEN SHE JUST POOPS IT ALL OUT.

it was a double whammy day! LOL!!

Tue, Jan-07-03, 10:29
Thanks everybody for your wonderful suggestions so far (keep 'em coming if you got more!)

What I did so far is I cleaned out my husband's junkfood cupboard and sent him to work with it. If it's not in the house I can't eat it, and I'm really determined to break this habit and do right tonight! I said it so I'm now accountable to you guys, thank you!

But get this, despite the whole scarfing down junk last night I'm down a pound today from yesterday's weigh-in... Go figure!

Tue, Jan-07-03, 12:05
Oh, Moi, that sounds horrible and totally embarrassing! Why do people do that???! I would never dream of saying things like that to someone. I would just mind my own business and keep my thoughts to myself. Every workplace seems to have those nosey people, though, who have to have a comment for everything!!!!

Tue, Jan-07-03, 17:01
Oh boy, that sure is embarassing! Lol, luckily I have lost weight on this woe and I tell them that I can have what I'm eating and still lose. Most people still don't believe me, but it doesn't faze me much because it is my body, not theirs.

Anyways, token, lol, yes I DEFINTELY smack him around out of envy :) I can't even get the doctor to tell him that a half gallon of ice cream a day is bad for him. I guess he has to have high cholesterol or something for him to be worried.... hmm.... lol

Down another pound!! I'm 1.5 lb to be back to normal. I really should start keeping a journal here, but honestly, you guys would have a field day if you knew what I was having during my RMs. I am a little ashamed :blush:

Wed, Jan-08-03, 06:57
Well, still no signs of success with the increase in exercise and I feel a bit blue today because of it. I am going to make it my goal to not have any sugar the rest of the week and stick with only whole grains.

Cassie... Congrats on getting your weight back down. I'm envious that it's working for you, but I'm also happy for you, if that makes any sense! lol...

Wed, Jan-08-03, 07:56
Hi guys!

So far so good.. at this rate I will have an average 1.5 loss for the week.. YES!.. but the only prob is that I'll be in the middle of the everglades on Sunday and won't be able to weigh for the average.... sheesh! I think I'll just weigh Saturday morning before we leave and use that figure.. shift everything to Saturday.

It's funny, I thought I posted a question yesterday on this thread, but I don't see it today. Must have posted in an earlier thread. Anyhow, I've been skipping lunches. At first it was by accident but this is now the 4th day, and yesterday I started planning it that way when I noticed I could manage it easily enough. In fact, I seem to get through the day better without it. My question is whether or not this is a good idea. I'm eating the same breakfast as always, and my dinners are getting much better since the cookies are almost gone, but I worked through my lunch for a couple of days and then just decided to continue with that, with no ill effects. In fact, it seems to have jump started my loss and I went from 140 on Sunday down to 137.5 today without a lot of hunger. What do you think? Can I continue like this for a bit?

I finally got the Christmas tree down, meant to do it Sunday but got involved with putting meals together for the trip. Now I have boxes and boxes sitting in my living room to go through.. since we're a "new" family we come with a lot of duplicate things, including Christmas decorations. Gotta weed through and decide what will become his kids' pass alongs, my kids' pass alongs, and what we really don't need two of and the kids won't want.

Hope all is well with y'all,

Wed, Jan-08-03, 09:34

According to the book and my understanding of what it says, it sounds safe to only do 1 CM and 1 RM. I did it a few times over the holidays when I was off work and there was so much going on and I was at least able to keep weight off and not gain with all the holiday food!

Congrats on the weight loss. You'll do fine on your trip, I'm sure. You are planning ahead and that is a big plus!

Wed, Jan-08-03, 09:53
I did it! Got rid of the junk so I had no temptations, made my plan to do things right, and got through a really good'n'healthy dinner without eating junk for dessert! Later in the evening I wanted something... but I had nothing, so I had a little bit of chicken instead!

And I dropped another pound! Now only 1/2 pound to go to get back to the pre-NewYears weight that it actually says on my chart on the side of my messages, lol.

Thu, Jan-09-03, 06:58
Still no change for me! UGH. This is frustrating. I do cardio for 40 minutes each morning then walk 25-27 minutes at lunch and have been doing another 20-25 minutes on the exercise bike at night. GRRRRRR...

I had NO sweets at RM last night! I'm going to keep leaving out the sweets and see how that goes.

Thu, Jan-09-03, 07:24
Another 1/2 pound gone, making 3 pounds since Sunday.. can't wait to see the average for the week, but I'm scared to death about this upcoming trip. I know it's going to be way off plan, but we are only taking fuel to cook one meal a day. I just hope I work hard enough to burn everything off.

yesterday was two eggs w/cheese, ribs and applesauce, salad and a few peas. no lunch, no snacks.

Tonight it's fish.. haven't decided what kind yet!


Fri, Jan-10-03, 06:55
Well, some good news for today... I'm down 1#. Of course, that could go the other way tomorrow, so I won't get too excited. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed that maybe all the exercise and avoiding sweets is paying off!

Fri, Jan-10-03, 07:18
Hey tokey.. congrats on the pound! As long as I'm not on an upward average swing, I like think just the fact that things are moving is good news.

I'm down another pound too, can't believe it, but there it is. I fully expected to awaken this morning to pound up, just because it's been creeping down lately and I'm not used to it, but lo and behold, I'm at 136 this morning. So another 3 pounds and I'll be at my first watermark. By that I mean that when I did Atkins I got from 160 to 133 and stayed at 133 for 8 weeks. It was like a set point for me or something. After that I went to 125 and stayed between 125 and 130 for two years. So I feel like I'm at least nearly at the point of struggle.. those last 10. Let' s see if I can kayak it off! lol

so folks, last day you'll see me for a week.


Fri, Jan-10-03, 09:46
Congrats to you, too, Joanie! Wonderful progress report!!!

I bet you'll be so busy this weekend that the "diet" will be a total breeze for you. Have fun!

Fri, Jan-10-03, 15:28
Hi there! :wave:

I just wanted to introduce myself and join in on your daily discussion, if that's okay. I love hearing your inspirational stories.

I started CAD yesterday. I did Atkins in 2001 and lost 33 lbs in 4 months. But, lots has changed since then and after a lot of research, I think CAD fits my lifestyle better.

My menu today was leftover steak and veggies&dip for breakfast, a chicken tacoless salad for lunch and we are going out for Chinese for supper.

My main concern is not snacking. I am so used to "picking" all day, this will be a bit of self control. I am definately not hungry, just used to habits! :(

Fri, Jan-10-03, 20:40
Hey Ragedy!

Welcome to CAD/CALP. I hope you like it here and find success. I did Atkins for a long time, too. I liked it, but it was hard to keep away from those forbidden carbs all the time. This is much easier. I seem to be sensitive to the sugary sweets, so I've started avoiding them and adding in more exercise. As you go, you will find the right combination that works for you.

This is a great board and there is a lot of support here so never be afraid to ask for help. I just love checking the messages and seeing the progress.


Sun, Jan-12-03, 08:36
hi guys,

i have been really stressed lately. Why do i have to gain 5 pounds 2 weeks before TOM? i FEEL slimer during tom. Does that make sence.

well think also it has to do with the food i am eating. When i am extremely low carb, i gain very little. I have been indulging in desserts. i promised i wasn't going to have desserts, but it didn't work. Tom was already in control. I stayed on plan and never desire to go off that's the only thing that is saving me form gaining bunch of weight.

i have not eaten so well in a long time. I feel my body is healing from the years of no carbs and no supplements.

on another note, i am broke, and can't afford to keep up with the veggies/meat right now.....i am saving my veggies and meat for cm's only till i get paid january month end.
( can't afford dessert either ;) )

happy cadding every one

Sun, Jan-12-03, 10:05
Hey Lowco,

Hang in there. TOM is a tough thing... not only with the weight gain, but with the emotions, too. It can wreck havoc on any diet program. I often feel like a totally different person during that time, and a lot of others do too. Just take it day by day till you feel more stable emotionally and you'll be right back on track.

When money is tight, use more eggs or cans of tuna to get you through. Tuna isn't always my favorite, but it gets me through and keeps me on course.

Don't let it get you down and keep up the posting for support. You have a lot of others here who know what you are going through, so lean on us, okay?

:thup: ;)