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Thu, Dec-26-02, 12:19
Okay everyone.. I totally pigged out yesterday on Christmas! I mean I ate BREAD .. lots of it.. and PIE>> lots of it.. I was a total HOG. Today I'm back STRONG low carbing. But I have been totally nauseated all day. Here's what I ate. Breakfast -two eggs and two peices of ham. Lunch- steak and salad. Have not had supper .. I'm wondering if anyone has experienced this sick feeling the day after they cheated? Any comments will help. Oh.. and yesterday when I cheated.. I felt just fine after I ate.. But today.. feel like I'm gonna :Puke:

Thu, Dec-26-02, 12:43
What you are experiencing is a pretty typical reaction to eating the kinds of carbs that have been eliminated from your diet. Assuming that you are absolutely back on track, it's going to take about three days for you to get feeling good with LCing again. Just take this as a lesson learned and move forward.

Wishing you all of the best at LCing for the remainder of the holiday season!


Thu, Dec-26-02, 13:00
I thought I would treat myself yesterday to a couple of Atkins Banana nut slices of bread I cooked... well I ate 1/3 of the loaf...(so much for moderation) and I ate 6 m&ms. Although it doesnt sound like I ate as many carbs as you, I am feeling absolutely TERRIBLE. I was up with indigestion all night. I guess this is a big motivator for me not to cheat!!!

Hope you are feeling better!

Thu, Dec-26-02, 13:38
Hi Shannon. From past lc experience I would also say your going through a littlle w/drawel again, just stay focused and tough it out :) You may wanna try a softer diet w/chicken broth, s.f. jello, scrambled eggs- things that are a little easier on the stomach. Also, I read your past posts about the "starving" your weight down. I have a good friend (mother to 3 too) who is doing that now. Any advice on how you overcame this? She's not doing well. THANKS- Hezz :wave:

Thu, Dec-26-02, 14:10
Thanks for the input everyone. Lesson learned. Hezz-- to answer your question. It is about learning to love yourself. When I think back to when I was living on diet coke and one healthy choice soup a day.. I remember that being thin was not the answer to my happiness. For some crazy reason we think that being thin will make our world such a better place or something.. or at least I did. But I was sooo hungry all the time, and what I did eat I threw up. I knew I was sick and I really prayed a lot. I forced myself to say something good about myself every day. You see I always thought if I paid myself a compliment that meant I was being conceited.. WRONG> It's called self love. I still have a long way to go in the self esteem area,but have accepted the fact that few women look perfect.. and it could always be worse. I would suggest that your friend NEVER starve herself,because she'll have to continually starve just to maintain that weightloss.. I know as soon as I began to eat just 3 lowfat meals daily .. I gained it back twice as fast. I also developed irritable bowel syndrome,and acid refux as a result. Eating disorders wreak havoc on all internal organs and I do not even know what I've done to mine.. So if your friend has exhibited the signs.. please get her some help.. Sometimes just talking to them as a good friend is helpful..

Thu, Dec-26-02, 14:48
Good advice Shannon. She has moved out west presently, so it has been a little hard to k.i.t. real frequently. The letter I received from her recently stated she's in pretty bad shape mentally and physically! I've prayed for her IMMENSLY as I've felt EXTREMELY burdened about her "hasty" move out there 2 yrs. ago. In my last letter I shared w/ her my weight battle's since having 4 birth's and 5 children (one set of twins in there) and some post partum depression (1997) w/meds that sent me BALLOONING from 144 - 174 in 6 mo.! (Needless to say I threw them out as the weight gain was MORE depressing in the long run -and found "healthier" alternatives for my inbalances!) I'm trying to show her in all my studies in weight and health low carb is definitely the most scientific way of losing! Healthiest too! I just HOPE she'll listen as she is almost to the point of hospitalization and has always been about low-fat! She has struggled w/this since high school and had re-lapses, but as you say at 29 now I wonder what her internal organs must be like! Thanks Again!
:) -Hezz

Thu, Dec-26-02, 16:47
You are welcome Hezz. I understand your friends pain. It would not matter how good she looked in her mind.. she'd never feel good enough. It's a sad illness,because people do not understand. I know the first time my mother found out about my bulimia she was so angry and her comment was.. "Just stop it!" that's sick! Which does not help when you already feel like a freak. I also can understand your post partom depression. After the birth of my daughter I lost a loved one when she was only one week old.. I went through 18mos of panic attacks.. and depression.. We all have issues and problems,but we all have to realize that we are always soo much stronger than we ever think we are.. And when you fall ya have to GET right back UP. Good Luck to you and feel free to message me anytime. :spin:

Thu, Dec-26-02, 17:05
HEY! :) I definitely know of the panic attacks! ARGH! I began getting those at 19 (am 29 now) I believe these to are controlled by diet! My grandfather passed away right b4 I had the twins & then BOOM pp depression/panic attacks w/a vengence! But dh being the prayer support and good friend he is helped ALOT! He's been a REAL blessing from the beginning at age 19! Gotta run!-chat more later! Hezz :wave: