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Thu, Jul-25-02, 09:52
Hi everybody!

My name is Shannon, and I have been doing Protein Power for about 3 days now and have lost 2 lbs (hey, its a start right?). During the day I am fine, and have no problem sticking to the plan, but at night...I just want french bread lol. So far I've been able to resist temptation, so hopefully the cravings will stop in a couple of days! I would love some buddies to talk to who are in the same boat as I am! Good Luck everyone, have a great low carb day! :D


Thu, Jul-25-02, 10:14
Greetings! I know what you mean - bread is my weakness as well - BUT stay the course, the first week can be a little rough. If you live alone, it would help to get rid of all temptations - replace them with what you CAN eat.

And good luck! (I have a friend who lives in Trumbull - beautiful state you have there!) :wave:

Thu, Jul-25-02, 10:48
You're right, if I lived by myself my temptation would be so much less! But I'm only a senior in high school and have 2 younger (and hungry) little brothers, so I can't move out just yet! Congratulations on your progress so far, and thanks for your feedback!

Thu, Jul-25-02, 11:35
Little brothers - such pains! :lol:
I have two small children and a sugar fiend husband so I can't take my advice, either. ( sounded good, though) What's worse is I like to bake! (its an Italian thing) So I continue making the cookies and the cakes. Suprisingly I'm not usually tempted. I think this is due to two things - I just naturally don't have much of a sweet tooth and low carbing! After a time, the cravings for such foods really fade away. Of course, that doesn't mean you'll never eyeball another Snickers bar, but your progress and the knowledge that you are taking such good care of yourself should prevail.

Good for you - starting this program at your age, wish I'd started some healthier habits when I was a senior in high school.

Do you exercise?

Fri, Jul-26-02, 13:41
I used to love to bake cookies for my family, but for the time being, I think I should avoid that stuff. For the most part, its not too hard for me to avoid the sweet stuff, but my discipline is going to be put to the test...I just got a new job working in restaurant/bakery! :eek: Well, I'll see how that goes. I play varsity softball for my high school, so usually during the school year I excercise to prepare for the spring season by going to the gym in my town. Unfortunately, my membership expired during the season, so since I was exercising at practices, I didnt renew it (plus, its soo expensive!) But some friends of mine were telling me just the other day about this gym thats one town over from me called Curves for Women. From what they say, it sounds great! Since there are no men, the women aren't strutting around in tiny outfits trying to impress! I'm hoping to go and check it out for myself tomorrow, and if I like what I see, then I'm definitely going to join. I actually miss exercising! How old are your kids? It must be hard to get a chance to exercise with them running around! (well, that is probably enough of an exercise on its own!)

Fri, Jul-26-02, 18:03
I've heard good things about Curves, we have one here, too. Personally, I like working out at home. I don't have to worry about getting out in bad weather (when ISN'T the weather bad, here?!) or scaring people by my early morning appearance. I have an elliptical runner, like a treadmill but the pedals move with your feet, less strain on your joints. I also have workout videos - cardio and weights. I really like the weights the most. Funny, I started exercising just 2 years ago - wish I'd started much sooner. I get up early (never was a morning person, either!) - usually exercising by 5am. That is the ONLY time I can be by myself. Turns out to be a great way to start the day.

My daughters are 3 are 7.

Are you going into your senior year of high school this fall? What's after that?

Sun, Jul-28-02, 14:43
Yeah, I am definitely NOT a morning person either! I would probably injure myself by falling off the machines if I tried to exercise earlier than 10 am! My brothers are 2 and 3...sometimes I wish they were girls so I could dress them up, but oh well! Come August 28th, I will be going into my final year as a high school student (wooo hooo!). I'm actually looking forward to going back to school, this year will probably be a breeze compared to junior year! Right now, Im looking into colleges n stuff...It is a horrible process! At first it was kind of fun, but now, I just wish that someone would tell me what school I should go to! Its so confusing! Im pretty much looking at colleges in the north east, and focusing on New York and Mass. I want to get out of CT, but still be able to come home if I feel like it. I havent been on any college visits yet, but Im really interested in the University of Rochester. The only thing Ive heard that I dont like, is the really rough winters. I love snow, but I dont think I want to have 4 feet from december til march! Hopefully I will be able to go on a campus visit and talk to some students about it :)
It is so hot here!!! Today its kind of rainy, but we have had such a heat wave! My youngest brother turned 2 a couple weeks ago and got a Slip N Slide as one of his presents... :D Its supposed to be for people under 5 feet, but I am SOO breaking that thing out tomorrow! Lets hear it for childrens toys!

Sun, Jul-28-02, 18:57
Wow - big age difference between you and your brothers. I'll bet you're like a second mom.

Well, what a wonderful predicament to be in - deciding on a college. I remember those years as a major roller coaster ride. No money, big deadlines, away from home. I'd do it all again in a heartbeat.

How's the bakery job going?

Mon, Jul-29-02, 11:15
Im 15 years older than my youngest brother, so sometimes I definitely feel more like another mom or an aunt! Its embarassing sometimes because we will be out someplace and I will be holding their hands or something and I know that people probably think theyre mine! :eek: oh well! I havent officially started the bakery job yet. Its a brand new place, so we have had a bunch of paid staff meetings to go over protocol etc, (and a dry-run tonite) and my first day/grand opening is on wednesday. I get to go in at 6 am! yay! My family is going away for vacation in August, so I might get a chance to visit a couple of colleges, depending on whether we go to rhode island or cape cod. My uncle was just telling me about Providence College, so Im hoping to check that one out if we go to RI. What college did you go to?

Mon, Jul-29-02, 11:27
I attended the University of Iowa (go Hawks!), known the world over for its medical school. Also maintains a wonderful nursing college, the Writer's Workshop and an awesome liberal arts school. In conservative Iowa, it is a mecca of diversity. I took my friend from Conneticut there (I now live about an hour away) and she loved it, said it reminded her of the Yale scene. She happened to be here with her then boyfriend/now husband while he attended Palmer College, the first and foremost college of chiropractic medicine. Not that I'm bragging...

So if you ever decide to attend a school west of Conneticut (like WAY west) just let me know, I'll give you a tour!

What are you going to major in?

Good luck on the bakery job. There is a hostess bakery in my town and I used to live in an apartment that was down-wind. Never got tired of the smell of baking bread. But I suppose it would be different if I was the one baking it!

By the way, I received my bachelor's in sociology and am seriously considering going back for a masters. Just a thought at this time....

Tue, Jul-30-02, 13:00
Wow, it sounds like you have some top notch schools out there in Iowa! :) I will check out the Univ. of Iowa in my college books! I know that for my undergrad stuff, I want to stay in the northeast, but I might want to go farther when I go to grad school. Im not completely sure what I want to do when Im older, but right now Im planning to major in biology and maybe minor in spanish, and from there maybe med school. Im not sure though! I want to have a job that I really enjoy but I also want to have a life outside of that, so Im not sure if being a doctor is right for me. Im looking into different branches of medicine, so hopefully I find one that will really grab my attention and still allow me to do my own thing. I really want to travel. I went to France and Spain before my sophomore year and I LOVED it! So I definitely want to go back someday! Last night, the restaurant had its "dry run" so we had to organize the bakery and learn how to work all the espresso machines etc. It was kind of confusing, but I think I'll get the hang of it eventually. The way that the bakery part of the restaurant is set up, the baker is preparing all of the desserts n stuff right out in the open for all to see...temptation was great last night! She was making this fruit bowl thing, where the bowls were made of a coconut cut in half...I wanted it, and I dont even like coconut that much :rolleyes: I actually think having the temptations will be better for me...it will strengthen my willpower! Wow, sociology! Im taking Psych and Sociology as one of my classes in the fall! It sounds really really cool! A degree in sociology must help you understand your kids better! If you did get your masters, what would you do with it? Go into teaching maybe?

Tue, Jul-30-02, 13:58
I think the medical field is a wonderful choice and there are really so many avenues you could take - hands on, research, etc.
I don't know if my education has helped me understand my kids much, although some of the things I learned in my psychology classes have come back to haunt me (Piaget, etc.). Kids are pretty much an education all their own!

I do a little teaching right now, at the community college where I work. I do classes like sexual harassment, stress, stuff like that. Generally I have an administrative position. Kind of the best of both worlds, really. I get the perks of administration but the fun of teaching. I have fun, too. Can't stand doing classes where it's just me running my mouth all day.

The bakery sounds interesting. Don't tempt yourself too much, however, life is too short for torture!

Your name Star85 - is '85 the year you were born?

Tue, Jul-30-02, 20:38
If I do decide to go to medical school, maybe I could concentrate on the nutrition branch. I think that after going through my own battles, that I could probably offer some helpful insight to other people who have the same kind of problems. Wow, teaching at the community college sounds great! It must be fun to teach students who actually want to learn (not the reluctant high schoolers!) :) Even better when its administrative!! I think that I will be able to handle the bakery. Ive been noticing that my carb cravings have been diminishing. Now when I find myself reaching for something carby, I stop and think whether I really want the snack or if its just a habit. Most of the time it is because of old habits! And when I actually do crave something too carby, I just ask myself whether cheating on something small is worth the days of effort it will take me to get back to where I was before the cheat. That usually works for me! When I chose my screen name, I picked star because it sounds neat and to remind myself to keep reaching for my goals, and 85 is for good old 1985, the year I was born! 17 and Low carbing! I only know one other person my age who is doing it and she goes to a different school! I try and tell my friends about protein power and atkins, most of them are supportive, but then there are others who just dont understand the basics of the high protein low carb thing. They ask, "why dont you just eat less" or "eat more fruits and veggies"...Ive heard it so often that I just tell them to go and do some research because if they did, the would find that LCing works, and that they have been misguided by people pushing the low fat and high carb diets! I cant wait to show them that this WOL works!

Thu, Aug-01-02, 13:50
Holy cow! 1985 was the year I graduated from high school! Quick, grab my cane!

It's funny, isn't it, how clueless most of the world seems to be about lc. I heard on the radio just the other day that the FDA (I think) was going to launch some million dollar campaign to 'educate' people on how to eat right, seeing as obesity has reached epidemic proportions in this country. My first thought was - "They're going to tell people to eat low fat, high carb!" And a generation later, someone will become famous by stating what we all already know - it doesn't work. Hey, maybe that will be you! With your medical degree (from Iowa) they might just listen. We can say we knew you when!

Mon, Aug-05-02, 13:46
Hey! Sorry it took me so long to respond, I have been working and working! I was soo tired after just 2 days! Waking up at 5 am does not agree with me! Its not too bad though, its a pretty fun job...and the tempting treats....Oh my. LOL. I didnt think it would be so hard! Im just surrounded by cookies and brownies galore! And my legs...wooo, they were so sore! But I have today off so I can recuperate :) A couple of nights ago, I bought Crystal Light lemonade mix, and it is sooo good! It tastes just like real lemonade! Well, last night, I got home from work and helped myself to 2 huge glasses of the stuff...only to find out later that my stepdad had refilled the pitcher with country time REAL lemonade!!! I was so mad! I know it was an accident, but its going to cost me more time to get back to where I was before I drank about 180 grams of carb down! Oh well, live and learn right? Ive just got to be super good for the next couple of days. My senior pictures are coming up and I want to make sure that I look nice for them!

Tue, Aug-06-02, 13:57
Sounds rough at the bakery. You're getting a lot of exercise, though! (running from the sweets!)

I read a story once about a (low carb) guy that was traveling and stopped at a local diner for dinner. He had a whole plate full of sausages and asked the waitress what was in them, they tasted so good. She said they had bread crumbs, sugar... I remembered this when I heard your lemonade story!

Are your folks supportive of your way of eating? I understand the lemondade was a mistake but in general, are they behind you on this? My husband is good about it, even though he has made it clear he has no intention of low carbing, himself. Too bad, because diabetes runs in his family and he is a sugar fiend. I guess I work it to my own advantage, too - I have him 'get rid' of things I find tempting. "here, eat this!" And he always does. Is that love or what? (or what!)

I am traveling this week. Have to be clear across the state (the state of Iowa, that is) to teach all week. I got here last night after a six plus hour drive only to find out they did not have my hotel room reserved. Never heard of me. !!!!!!! It was straightened out this morning but what a mess.

By the way, remember me telling you I have a friend in Conneticut? Well, she is following Atkins, now and has lost 43 pounds!

Oh and another thing, you can use that crystal light as a seasoning of sorts, too. I have sprinkled it on cottage cheese or whipped cream for a little dessert type of thing. This way of eating does make you creative. :roll:

Thu, Aug-08-02, 07:02
Yesterday when I was working, I was bad and had a choc. chip cookie! I think I will be able to resist them after that, they were good, but I felt so guilty after, and my craving has been satisfied :). From now on, I better spend more time running away from the sweets! My mom is 100% supportive of this WOL. She has actually done it before, so she knows it works. My stepdad is also supportive of it, even though he is a pasta fiend. He could eat pasta and cookies all day and probably not gain an ounce...! Wow, good thing that the reservation problem got resolved so quickly! That happened on my moms honeymoon! (she was less than pleased) We are going on vacation too in 10 days! We are last minute people, so Im not even sure where we are going! That is great that your friend has had so much success! I havent weighed myself in a while, afraid of what the lemonade and cookies might have done. So Im going on an atkins type induction for about a week, then I will break out the scale. My family has started noticing that Im losing though, which is always fun. And the other day, one of my friends was like, "WOW, you look great, youve lost so much weight!" Hearing that stuff is going to help keep me honest! Crystal Light on whipped cream...I will have to try that! Usually when I get a craving for something crunchy, I have cottage cheese mixed with either smoked almonds or cajun peanuts, it looks kind of gross, but its tasty!

Thu, Aug-08-02, 13:47
Don't beat yourself up about the cookie. It was the cookie's fault! Bad, bad cookie! :p

Sounds like you get along well with your folks. I, myself wasn't the least bit interested in going on vacation with mine at age 18! For some reason, they had a penchant for the Black Hills (South Dakota) and the thrill was lost on me. I remember it being very hot and there were a lot of rocks. I was not impressed.

School starting soon? My husband got my oldest registered for first grade, today. I think she goes back on the 22nd. I've always loved this time of year, because I always looked forward to school starting.

The cottage cheese and almonds sound good. I've been chowing down on macadamia nuts for a snack, myself. Found a low carb chocolate at Walgreens and ate that WITH macadamia nuts. I'm drooling just thinking about it!