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Tue, Apr-29-14, 23:33
I've been doing the low carb thang since january and I absolutely love it. However, my birthday wa late March and I let myself have a slice of cake. This may sound ridiculous, but it seems to have triggered a collapse in self-control. Since then, I've only done maybe three days low-carb before caving and going on a carb binge. Has anyone else had a backslide like this? It's furstrating because I feel much better when I eat low-carb, but can't seem to stay on it right now. Any advice and tips very much welcome! Thank you :D

Wed, Apr-30-14, 01:03
Hi there,
I think if you read around this forum you will find a number of discussions that will help you understand what's going on. It isn't really about self control, it's about physiological responses. On a LC regime, once your body gets used to burning fat instead of carbs, you stop craving sugar and starch, pretty much, if you don't cheat. It depends very much on the person and what you eat whether a small carb splurge will derail you completely but it seems to happen a lot.
It is also perhaps harder to get your head round low carb again once you've "lapsed". I put that in inverted commas because it's not a moral issue or one of self-control. It's a question of deciding that's the way of eating that suits you and working out strategies for sticking to it. Once you're back on track, you can get your head around not eating carbs a lot more easily because you stop wanting them so much.
Also, take a look a low carb cook books and recipe threads. There are some great cakes that you can make as an occasional treat.
I am sure other posters will have good advice to share and I wish you all the best.

Wed, Apr-30-14, 03:44
Addiction to sugar, and the carbs that turn to sugar, is a biochemical response. A response that helped our ancestors survive harsh winters, but it doesn't do us any favors.

Here are some tips to get back on track, but net down, they all involve not eating sugar. And no artificial sweeteners either. Have fat instead. ;)


Wed, Apr-30-14, 07:24
That is the biggest danger of a slip up, and the reason why most people who quit, quit. I think the only thing you can do is go straight back to induction, and white-knuckle it until ketosis kicks in. I've had to do that a few times myself. And in the future.... It's way easier to just skip the cake. Recognize that if you choose to have it, the price is a couple eeks of struggle. Bit you CAN do it!

Wed, Apr-30-14, 09:05
I've been doing the low carb thang since january and I absolutely love it. However, my birthday wa late March and I let myself have a slice of cake. This may sound ridiculous, but it seems to have triggered a collapse in self-control. Since then, I've only done maybe three days low-carb before caving and going on a carb binge. Has anyone else had a backslide like this? It's furstrating because I feel much better when I eat low-carb, but can't seem to stay on it right now. Any advice and tips very much welcome! Thank you :D

This is exactly why I jump on pretty much anybody who claims they "have to" eat cake on their birthday. (or usually, their child's birthday, because mommy doesn't love you if she doesn't eat cake) IT's not because I'm mean, it's because I hate seeing people derailed like this. And there is no proper response other than "don't do it!" as far as I am concerned.

A low carb diet works due to a very complex balancing system of hormones and satiety. It is not a debit/credit idea like the flawed calorie theory. When you are building a house of cards and knock it over? You have to start over. It sucks, but it's reality.

Wed, Apr-30-14, 09:22
These ladies have said it all and on the dot. I've been were you are many, many times and I am now on 8 weeks without carbs. I often wonder how I did it knowing me and my body but the best answer is that I didn't let myself eat the sugar. Its not always easy, I have my moments LOL But to tell you the truth, it scares the hell out of me to eat even a little and run the risk of it all coming back.

Wed, Apr-30-14, 09:45
You can for sure get back at it!

When I have my momentary set backs (as I like to say it)! I have to regroup personally. Make sure my house is clean eating only, make a list of things that are acceptable and stick to it! Once I am out of the clean clean induction level eating I feel more secure and relaxed about my choices and I stick to it!

I know you can too! :)

And as most of us will say, we've all been there! :)

Wed, Apr-30-14, 11:20
I've been doing the low carb thang since january and I absolutely love it. However, my birthday wa late March and I let myself have a slice of cake. This may sound ridiculous, but it seems to have triggered a collapse in self-control. Since then, I've only done maybe three days low-carb before caving and going on a carb binge. Has anyone else had a backslide like this? It's furstrating because I feel much better when I eat low-carb, but can't seem to stay on it right now. Any advice and tips very much welcome! Thank you :D

I'm in induction. I ate a slice of cake 4 days ago, but it didn't make me want more, I continued with induction the neext day as if nothing happened lol.

Actually after I'd eaten the cake, I realised I wasn't missing it as much as I thought...Interesting that.

I guess each individual is different..

I also find popping a frankfurter in my mouth when I'm feeling the cravings helps - they are my life savers at the moment lol. They're really salty, think the sodium takes the edge off for some reason..

Wed, Apr-30-14, 11:26
I'm in induction. I ate a slice of cake 4 days ago, but it didn't make me want more, I continued with induction the neext day as if nothing happened lol.

Actually after I'd eaten the cake, I realised I wasn't missing it as much as I thought...Interesting that.

I guess each individual is different..

I also find popping a frankfurter in my mouth when I'm feeling the cravings helps - they are my life savers at the moment lol. They're really salty, think the sodium takes the edge off for some reason..
You had an odd but good rection then because for me and many others, one slice of cake/cookies or anything sweet will lead to more. I made cooking after christmas and ate 1 when we were done. That was the only cookie I at but it nagged at me afterwards I wanted more, I wanted that sugar and my body was screaming it at me. We put them all away and I was having sugar porn dreams that night and the next day was craving crazy. I sent the dam cookies out of the house so I could get back on track. For those with a food addiction, its a bitch to slip up and just hop right back on the train.
Do the very best you can, do what ever helps you keep from the junk food. I got some books to read, puzle books and cleaned house like a mad woman durring my first few weeks. Anything to keep me buisy away away from the cravings and junk food.

Wed, Apr-30-14, 11:35
Wow thank you so much for taking the time to reply, your answers are much appreciated! It really does help to hear that these things happen. It seems to be a combination of slipping up, relentless cravings and caving on my part for sure. I found low carb to be so easy and I can't imagine living otherwise - but, harder go stick to now than when I first started. I'm definitely going to take all your advice - definitely going to "white knuckle" it in particular.

Wed, Apr-30-14, 11:45
I don't remember who on here always says it, but her quote is 'You cave, then you crave". So true!

Wed, Apr-30-14, 11:57
You had an odd but good rection then because for me and many others, one slice of cake/cookies or anything sweet will lead to more. I made cooking after christmas and ate 1 when we were done. That was the only cookie I at but it nagged at me afterwards I wanted more, I wanted that sugar and my body was screaming it at me. We put them all away and I was having sugar porn dreams that night and the next day was craving crazy. I sent the dam cookies out of the house so I could get back on track. For those with a food addiction, its a bitch to slip up and just hop right back on the train.
Do the very best you can, do what ever helps you keep from the junk food. I got some books to read, puzle books and cleaned house like a mad woman durring my first few weeks. Anything to keep me buisy away away from the cravings and junk food.

"Sugar porn dreams" Haha I'm going to remember, that's funny! Yea. I find myself doing more house work than usual these days, always trying to be busy. Never used to be THIS busy! All so I don't end up thinking of the contents in the fridge hehe :0

Wed, Apr-30-14, 19:26
"Sugar porn dreams" Haha I'm going to remember, that's funny! Yea. I find myself doing more house work than usual these days, always trying to be busy. Never used to be THIS busy! All so I don't end up thinking of the contents in the fridge hehe :0
A good 2 weeks ago I was having dreams of eating cookies, lots and lots of cookies. I woke up with the alarm and got scared the I had actually done it. There were no cookies in the house even :lol: I woke up BF and asked him if I got up and ate anything in the middle of the night and he assured me I never left the bed, like he would have noticed LOL I checked the bedding for crumbs when we got up :lol:

Molly B
Sun, May-11-14, 09:34
I've had 'sugar porn dreams' too. I've had donuts chasing me in my dreams. Crazy stuff. Only happened in the first month though. Every day gets easier. I too cave in sometimes; for our yearly family reunion, I did great--ate a lot of meat and green beans and salad (no dressing). Then said what the hell, and ate a piece of cake, only because it was a Publix cake and I know how delish they are. You know what? It wasn't worth it. The self loathing and guilt and the REMORSE I felt was so much worse than the terribly HEADACHE I had the rest of the day!!! BUT: It didn't throw me off track! I was still in ketosis and I didn't gain any weight from one piece of cake. I, in fact, was down 2 lbs the next a.m. and I weigh religiously, every morning. Everyone's body is different---not saying this is how it would go for you---but believe me, that cake wasn't worth it. I'd much rather make my own sugar free cheesecake with an almond meal crust, and enjoy that instead. I've been doing this LC/HF WOE now 9 months and 1 week. I have made mistakes....I have cheated...but I get right back on track that day, (don't wait until the next day or you will fail!) and I've lost 50lbs so far. Keep going!

***I had to come back and add this comment: Even though at our reunion I ate a lot of different meats, and vegetables, I know those things were food, I knew what they were. You can create meat or vegetables--right? But that cake. I looked at it. It was these crazy vibrant bright colors of blue and yellow and white frosting. What IS that? I wondered to myself. THIS is NOT food. This is something that was created from other things. From CHEMICALS basically. Just like those boxed Little Debbie snacks, those packaged pies.... what IS that stuff? It's NOT food, it's crazy colored chemicals mixed together, molded and shaped and frosted with what?--to create this THING that looks like, well, like a child's fake plastic play food. I look at this stuff and wonder HOW I ever ate so much of it before. Yeah, it tasted good before. But really, when I think of it as chemicals put together and molded colored and shaped, it's NOT food anymore. It's something entirely different, bad....

NOW: I can take a block of REAL cream cheese, some almond flour and butter and an egg and a packet or two of splenda, and make what I KNOW is more natural. No chemicals involved. But look at the labels on those little debbies and ask yourself, what IS this crap?!! The stuff doesn't even LOOK real anymore!!!! I might still badly want to eat a chocolate pillsbury cake with their vanilla tubbed frosting, but it's easier to say no now when I think of what is IN it. It's NOT real food. It's JUNK!!!!!!

Sun, May-11-14, 15:41
I've been doing the low carb thang since january and I absolutely love it. However, my birthday wa late March and I let myself have a slice of cake. This may sound ridiculous, but it seems to have triggered a collapse in self-control. Since then, I've only done maybe three days low-carb before caving and going on a carb binge. Has anyone else had a backslide like this? It's furstrating because I feel much better when I eat low-carb, but can't seem to stay on it right now. Any advice and tips very much welcome! Thank you :D

Increase fat. Try greasy pork chop or similar for couple days.

Molly B
Sun, May-11-14, 16:19
You have to eliminate all of the bad foods in your cupboards, fridge, and pantry. Toss out potato chips, crackers, cookies, pasta, anything, everything (!!!) so even if tempted, you have no choice but to turn to the dozens of eggs, blocks and strings of cheese, cans of nut, bagged salads and other GOOD foods you bought at the grocery store this past week. :-)

Srsly, get rid of all of the tempting foods that are OFF-LIMITS and it'll be much easier. You can't eat cake if you don't have any.

This might be easier said than done, right? Esp if you have a family that isn't willing to eat LC like you want to. But you must be strong! Be resilient! Tell them ANYONE can do ANYTHING for 3 days! And then take it from there. ;-)