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Support for Atkins diet, Protein Power, Neanderthin (Paleo Diet), CAD/CALP, Dr. Bernstein Diabetes Solution and any other healthy low-carb diet or plan, all are welcome in our lowcarb community. Forget starvation and fad diets -- join the healthy eating crowd! You may register by clicking here, it's free!

Mon, Jan-17-11, 02:20
Hey All,

My name is Shane, I'm from Perth, Western Australia. :wave: Been on Paleo for about a week now and feel great! I have to say not only has my hunger for food increase but so has my hunger for knowledge. I could of my best friends are Paleo and for some time I admired their results and commitment, so since new years I got into gear!

I currently weigh 80kg / 185 cm tall (apologies to the imperial folk out there, but suck it up ;) ) with 11% body fat.

My goal is to increase my weight to 85kg and 6-8% body fat in 2011. :agree:

So I guess everyone has their reasons for seeking out and striving for the optimum diet and health. My reasons are all selfish though, firstly, I MUST live a long time to do and enjoy all the aspirations and goals I have set out to accomplish. You can't put dirty fuel in a new ferrari... Secondly, and I suppose like most people on these forums, I have never been one to conform or be spoon fed whatever appears on the tv. We all have a level of open-mindedness and I would like to think I fall squarely in this catagory.

I have trawled these forums for over a month now and every single one of you in here, in some way shape or form, are inspiring. I'm nothing special except for the people I allow myself to be surround by. I feel very at home with the community here :)

Now enough of the mushy stuff :cool:

I hope to contribute as much as I can, encourage where I can and in turn met some cool new people.

Until then,


Mon, Jan-17-11, 10:01
Welcome Shane, My reasons are all selfish though, firstly, I MUST live a long time to do and enjoy all the aspirations and goals I have set out to accomplish. I love this! I have the same reasons, I just didn't realize it. Thanks for putting it in words. Good luck on your journey!