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Welcome to the Active Low-Carber Forums

Support for Atkins diet, Protein Power, Neanderthin (Paleo Diet), CAD/CALP, Dr. Bernstein Diabetes Solution and any other healthy low-carb diet or plan, all are welcome in our lowcarb community. Forget starvation and fad diets -- join the healthy eating crowd! You may register by clicking here, it's free!

Fri, Mar-12-10, 13:19
Hi, my name is Cathy and I live in southern CA, in San Bernardino County.

I am 66 years old and have battled weight problems from my teen years at 5'6" tall and 140-150 pounds. Now at 5'4", I would be thrilled to weight 150 pounds... lol!

I reached my highest weight December 2006 at 298 pounds and in December 2008 I weighed 282 pounds. In January 2009, my fasting blood sugar had climbed to 128. I knew it was time that I MUST make changes in my WOE.

I gave up white flour and sugar, except for when I occasionally stopped at fast food places, beginning in January 2009. I started to drop weight and my sugars began to decline. By early May 2009, I weighed 245.8 pounds,

I began Somersizing mid-May 2009 and today, March 12, 2010, I weigh 210.8. It took me two days short of four weeks to drop my first two pounds. I have been very careful, but have still hit several stalls for multiple periods of multiple weeks and then I begin to lose once again.

I have developed a great deal of patience over the last year... lol!

I Somersized once before a number of years ago and successfully dropped 50 pounds before sliding back to my bad eating habits. That time I was into the plan for eight weeks before I started to lose weight. I am not one that gets the quick benefits that others seem to experience. This time I have been patient as I do know it will work for me...

I hope to remain committed to my reach my goal of 150 and stay there, thereby working to improve my health.

My last fasting blood sugar results in January 2010 was 102. I achieved a 26 point drop in a year by changing my diet. My triglycerides dropped from 222 to 115 during that time period, also. The last series of blood work is the first time in more years than I can remember where all of my cholesterol readings were within normal range.

I have been taking cholesterol medication for many, many, many years... I hope at some point that I will be able to discontinue the use of those meds.

That is my story in a nutshell!

I wish everyone great success with what ever plan you have chosen to use.

Warm regards,


Fri, Mar-12-10, 13:27
Welcome Cathy. Congratulations on losing more than 70 pounds so far. I know that you'll find a lot of support here, and a good support system is half the battle. I've been doing Atkins, so I'm not too familiar with Somersize but have a couple of friends who have been quite successful with it. Good luck on your journey to good health. It's always nice to have a new person join the fray. :sunny:

Fri, Mar-12-10, 17:16
Thank you for the welcome and congrats on reaching your goal!


Fri, Mar-12-10, 17:26
Hi Cathy, and welcome! Part of why it's going slower for you now is that you're older. I'll be 65 in May, and I never imagined it would be this slow! Stick with it, though, you're doing great. Start a journal, and/or come play in mine.


Fri, Mar-12-10, 22:03
Hi Cathy, you are doing great, congratulations on your loss!!!

Fri, Mar-12-10, 22:50
Hello and welcome on board.

Things do slow along as we get older but weight loss is still possible.

Mon, Mar-15-10, 10:10
I will continue to hang in there... I know eventually that I will get pass this current bumpity stall in the road and once again drop a few more pounds.

Patience is certainly one of the keys!
