View Full Version : The horrors of corn oil (Omega-6)

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Nancy LC
Thu, Feb-18-10, 10:55

What a surprising study! That it was even done was the big surprise. More at the link, here's a quote.

CO [corn oil] is known to promote bone loss, obesity, impaired glucose tolerance, insulin resistance and thus represents a useful model for studying the early stages in the development of obesity, hyperglycemia, Type 2 diabetes [23] and osteoporosis. We have used omega-6 fatty acids enriched diet as a fat source which is commonly observed in today's Western diets basically responsible for the pathogenesis of many diseases [24].

Just 10% of the diet as corn oil (roughly 20% of calories), with no added omega-3, on top of an otherwise poor laboratory diet, caused:

* Obesity
* Osteoporosis
* The replacement of bone marrow with fat cells
* Diabetes
* Insulin resistance
* Generalized inflammation
* Elevated liver weight (possibly indicating fatty liver)

Thu, Feb-18-10, 12:14
Nancy, great article!!! Thanks for posting.

Thu, Feb-18-10, 12:45
I love Stephan's blog. He passes on so much info :thup: