View Full Version : Dan & Karen's Story: 11 months and 136 pounds ago

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Wed, Mar-06-02, 14:16

11 months ago I weighed 223 pounds and stood in front of my closet which didn't contain 1 item of clothing that fit properly - even my shoes were tight. Around this time I was in my car one day when some young guy pulled up next to me and shouted "why don't you learn how to drive you fat slob".

That was it. That was my bottom. It was now or never. He was the messenger. Although I resented his remark deeply, today I would like to thank him. The lesson learned: "Don't shoot the messenger".

I read DANDR, I started walking, I started to visit this board. After loosing a significant amount of weight I decided to take my health and fitness to the next level and joined a gym. It all started RIGHT HERE.

Today my wife and I are happier, healthier, thinner and feel like newlyweds. Maybe LCing saved my life - I don't know. I do know that it made life worth living. I'm in the 5th. grade again and its Saturday morning. Thanks to all. dankar

Wed, Mar-06-02, 14:45
Way to go Dan! Nice abs too. Do you have any before pics, there would definitly be a great contrast. :thup:


Wed, Mar-06-02, 15:13
WTG Dankar!

I want abs like yours! One of these days.....

Wed, Mar-06-02, 15:17
Dan - when he didn't know about the LC WOL. Even the hat felt tight!

Wed, Mar-06-02, 15:19
Holy moly what a change!

Now where is a picture of that lovely wife? :D

Wed, Mar-06-02, 15:53
Here is another lovely picture of myself I get to look at every time I show my ID. If I didn't need to drive my car I'd burn it!

Wed, Mar-06-02, 16:04
whoo hoo! what a magnificent re-birth, dan! that's some bod you got now! ;)

do you work out a lot, or is that just from LCing, walking, fishing...?

Wed, Mar-06-02, 16:11
My jaw just hit the floor! What an inspiration! All I can think of to say is WOW! Your pictures are some of the most dramatic I have ever seen. Way to go on changing yourself! Your pictures look like completly different people. I am going to show my husband your pictures, maybe I can talk him into getting abs like yours! ;)


Wed, Mar-06-02, 17:18
Thanks for the reply. To answer your question: I walk everyday (have recently decided not to walk on Sundays) but did not miss a day walking for over 3 months... I love walking in the morning and no longer consider it a chore, I hit the gym 3 times aweek, I drink AT LEAST 3 quarts of H2O every day (not counting tea or coffee). Water, tea and coffee are the only liquids I consume.

My CCL is approx. 50 grams of carb a day. I add or delete 20 grams of carb whenever I gain or loose 2 pounds. In any given week my weight will be on target (146) 4 out of the seven days.

One very important point that I learned the hard way... it is very easy to overtrain; at 52 years of age my recovery time is much longer than it was when I was younger. Rest is just as important as any exercise you do. Most weight is lost while you sleep.

3 more pieces of advice: "DRINK YOUR WATER" , " DRINK YOUR WATER" and finally " DRINK YOUR WATER". Good Luck. Dan

Sat, Mar-09-02, 18:05
Way to go Dankar...

I've lost 98 Lbs. as of today, it's been since 11/2/2001, thats almost a pound a day! (That's for the Florida Supreme Court.)

When do I get a "Six-Pack" like that? Good job, it is truly a wonderful transformation. :yay:

Sat, Mar-09-02, 18:25
truly an inspiration ! At first when I looked at your stats I thought

they were a little juiced but then I saw in your profile that you

are 5'7 in tall. You lost the same amount as my goal and ... wow..

you are truly an inspiration ! I will print your post... thanks !

- Robert -

P.S. - Now its my turn !

Sat, Mar-09-02, 18:35
WOW!! That's all I can say! My father just turned 53 this year. He has been interested in weight training and "eating healthy" for the last 20 yrs. At his peak he won the state championships for free weights. But now that life is slowing down, he's gained quite a tummy. I will have to print out your post for him!!! Both my hubby and I are on the Atkin's Diet and loving the LC woe. Hopefully our parents will follow suit!! I'd love to see my father back in that kind of shape!!!!! Thanks for the inspiration :)

~ Jamie :spin:

Sat, Mar-09-02, 20:10
Awesome results. That ID looks like a fake ID :)

Sat, Mar-09-02, 22:24
Jimsgems: 98 pounds! AWESOME!!! Only a disciplined, dedicated and determined person could achieve what you have accomplished. More good news... THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!!
To answer your question about the abs: YOU ALREADY HAVE A SIX PACK... we all do. Are you willing to pay the price to bring them out and put them on the mirror? After what you have already done I'd say you are. Stay in touch. Dan

BIG-BOBBER: Some days I can't believe it myself. You are right about it now being "Your Turn". If you stay focused you will be in awe of what a magnificent machine the human body is and how quickly it responds to even the smallest amount of care. Its "Your Turn" to find out what it feels like to wake up in the morning and hit on all 8 cylinders ALL DAY LONG! Keep us posted. Dan

CrazyCurly and vensula: Sometimes I think the people we love benefit just as much as we do when we make a positive change in our lives. Thanks for the reply. Dan

Sephy: The license is real and, sadly, so is my picture. Thanks,Dan

Sun, Mar-10-02, 00:36
I was an Olympic power lifter and ate for power! Definition was never an issue or concern. Unfortunately, I was hit and ran over by a fleeing felon about 16 years ago, ended my career in law enforcement and I've put on about 165 lbs since. Discipline plays a big part, it's a choice to be healthier and live longer perhaps, knowing full well, I can reach my goal weight and drip dead the next day. I'm not a fatalist, but I realize that life and death is a lottery, we control the things we can and the rest... well we plan. I'm also was a Special Forces Ranger (before it was cool.) with two tours in Vietnam, wounded twice when your number is up, it' up.

I'll share with you a old family aphorism... "We Plan and God Laughs!". Living without a plan is totally irresponsible for yourself and your family, so I plan to be around for a long while.

I stunned myself the other day when I was shopping at Home Depot, I picked up a 50 lb. sack of sand and was surprised just how much weight I had taken on with 165, of fat, of course there was some muscle mass but most is fat and with each pound of fat the heart has to pump blood through an additional 9 miles of blood vesicles and capillaries.

We each make decisions daily that can make a difference in our lives and in the lives of others, hopefully for the better. When I stepped on the scale and it read 398, I experienced an immediate shift in my paradigm of reality. I mean it shook me to the core. I immediately started making choices that have really impacted my life, that’s for sure.

I can remember the other times in my life when and where this happened, they are truly life changing and reaffirming, all in an instant in time. Really magical if you ask me, because our brain's basic mechanisms are normally hard to update, the type of event I’m talking about bypasses these normal channels (guard stations) and goes directly to the heart of things and changes our messages and tapes to such a degree, change then becomes possible, really possible.

Dan, you must understand exactly what I’m so desperately trying to put into words that are understandable. Sorry if I’m not communicating this concept well, it almost an emotion than anything else. Be well. Jim

Sun, Mar-10-02, 00:53
Dan, I hope you don't think I was trying to accuse ya of having a fake ID there. :) I was just noticing how different both pictures looked, doesn't even look like the same person.

Sun, Mar-10-02, 05:08
Jim, I understood every word. I don't think there are many of us here on this board that have decided to try a new WOL (way of life) made that decision because we were on a winning streak. If everything in our lives was fine... why change? Its the PAIN we obey.
As for your thoughts on the choices we make in life, Amen brother, I couldn't agree more. I'm in your corner and rooting for you. Dan

Sephy, No problem. Even if you were accusing me of being dishonest that would be OK. I know the truth and thats whats important. One thing we must do to sucessfully change our lives is stop trying to please others and start listening to ourselves. Good luck on your LC journey. We will hook up again later down the road. Dan

Sun, Mar-10-02, 06:24
I said it elsewhere on the board, and I'll say it again here in your thread ... WOW!

Your attitude is what is great. It always seems to strike me that the people who go through the most, the ones who have "hit bottom" and make a personal commitment to change themselves are the most dedicated and determined people in fitness.

The are also (usually) the most humble since they know what it is like to "be on the other side of the fence".

I hope that when I am 53 I look like that. A true inspiration.

Sun, Mar-10-02, 07:24
Dan I am interested in knowing what your training routine was in the gym. YOU LOOK GREAT! :wave:

Sun, Mar-10-02, 07:24
When I first saw your picture on another thread, I thought what does that guy need Low Carb for, you look great. I think I'll use you as my inspiration, maybe blow up your picture for a pin up on my fridge ;) .
Well I am off to DRINK MY WATER.


Sun, Mar-10-02, 08:29
You both are such an inspiration. Congrats on your success. You have definitely given me something to strive for.

Sun, Mar-10-02, 11:05
CherylAust: I'm toasting the success I know you will enjoy if you stay focused with a glass of H2O at this very moment. Good luck and thanks. Dan

Stardust: Keep us up to speed on your progress. I'll be looking for you posts. Thanks. Dan

neb: I follow Trainerdan's advice (in the exercise forum) and strongly suggest that anyone who is serious about working out should pay attention to what he has to say. HES THE MAN! Thanks for the compliment. I'll be thinking about it while I do an extra rep in the gym tomorrow. Dan

Sun, Mar-10-02, 11:15
I follow Trainerdan's advice (in the exercise forum) and strongly suggest that anyone who is serious about working out should pay attention to what he has to say

Thanks Dankar ... That is a HUGE compliment.

Sun, Mar-10-02, 13:52
Your story is amazing. You are truly a wonderful success story. You look great and as Trainerdan as already said, your attitude is what is great. Thanks for sharing your success with us!


Sun, Mar-10-02, 15:26
Thanks Linda for your kind words. Positive feedback, like yours, gives me more firepower in the gym than 500 grams of carb. Thank you. dankar

Sun, Mar-10-02, 16:59
Here is another gem I just found. The reason for the smile... I must be thinking of french fries! dankar

Sun, Mar-10-02, 17:12
Hi Dan,

How about a write-up of your journey to goal? We could add it to our stories collection web page.


Sun, Mar-10-02, 17:21
Here is a "before" picture of my wife. It isn't easy for anyone, especially a woman, to put an unflattering picture of themselves on the internet. Karen allowed me to do so because it might inspire someone to adopt this WOL. It is a blessing having her as my soulmate. Her after picture is on page #4. dankar

Sun, Mar-10-02, 17:55
Karen's before and after pictures are on page #4

Sun, Mar-10-02, 18:01
Karen's before and after pictures are on page #4.

Sun, Mar-10-02, 18:08
OMG :eek:

What an amazing story the two of you have, and you both look outstanding!

Would Karen mind you sharing her before and after stats with us??

She looks great too. It must've been truly motivational for you both to work on this together. I can't wait to get to the end of this journey.

meanwhile DRINK DRINK DRINK ;)


Sun, Mar-10-02, 18:18
Wa'il, OK. What is it exactly that you want me to do? I thought this whole thread was an account of my journey to goal. Let me know what you want and where you want me to post it. I'll give it a go. dankar

doreen T
Sun, Mar-10-02, 18:25
hi Dan and Karen,

Here I am, your Number One Fan :D better late than never.

I remember your very first hesitant post, and since then your story has unfolded as a wonderful and patient testimony to the realness and benefit of low-carb. I've thought of you often, in spite of my delinquent correspondence with the two of you .. and always my heartfelt best wishes sent your way. Both of you are the epitome of what it's all about -- sticking to it, in spite of objections and nay-saying of others. God bless you both.

I'm still holding onto that offer to come visit you some day, when yer in Maine over the summer months. I just might get a hankering for some good Maine lobster dripping with butter. Low-carb is such a sacrifice :daze:

Love you guys, and wish you a long lifetime of health and happiness.


Sun, Mar-10-02, 18:32
I've got to be honest with you. Even I don't know how much Karen weighs. She won't go near the scale when I'm around.
I do know how much the gold necklace cost that I promised her when she lost 50 pounds though. Thanks for your kind words Lesley. dankar

Sun, Mar-10-02, 18:33
Hi Dan,

Feel free to select any portion in this thread. We don't have any specific format Check previous contributions here:


for some additional ideas. The first post in this thread may be too short of a description.


Sun, Mar-10-02, 18:40
Dan (and Karen),
I am overwhelmed at your success!
And inspired, so inspired!
Dan, I saw your pic somewhere a day or so ago and just assumed you were some young gym junkie.
You're the same age as me!
If you can do it, I can too.
Thank you so much for this - seeing your "before" pics - I am now going out for a walk. Talk about inspiring, wow, I'm too blown away to be too articulate.


Sun, Mar-10-02, 18:57
I have no words to describe what you have meant to us both. Always there, always motivating, your common sense approach is one of the reasons we are where we are.

I once described you as my "CYBER ANGEL" - remember? You are that and so much more.

No one would be more welcome in our home in Maine or we could meet at a restaurant somewhere in Portland. And yes I see a lobster in your future if you ever get to Maine... A 2 POUNDER.

We leave for Maine at the end of April and stay there until November. We are near Lake Sebago - the Porland, Me. general vincinity. Give it some thought.

P.S. How about some fresh asparagus and some ripe strawberries to go with that lobster?

Like I said earlier - I have no words to describe what you have meant to us and, I am certain, countless others. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Dan & Karen

Sun, Mar-10-02, 19:06
Rosebud, thanks for your kind words. I wish I could say more but I have been sitting here typing for hours trying to make sense to everyone that responded to my thread and I in turn replied to. Forgive me for being short. Its been a long day. Thank you. dankar

Sun, Mar-10-02, 19:14
Wa'il... I'll get to the account of my journey later when I can give it the time and attention it deserves. Thank you for asking me to do it. I want to put it together thoughtfully and completely. Thanks also for all you do for this board. In many ways you are the reason this wonderful site even exists. Thank you. Dan

Mon, Mar-11-02, 02:08
I was kinda leaving lowcarb this weekend since I stupidly concluded I needed some carbs to build muscle and later cut up...

Then I received the lowcarber mailer, saw the first link to something called 11 months and 76 pounds ago, so I clicked it.
When the profile picture came up, I simply said: moth... f...!! what an amazing development!!

My jaw dropped, I simply could not believe it, at my 23, a body like yours is exactly the "body model" I am looking after for myself... perfectly defined and ripped.

Believe me now I will drink lots of water, always low carb and do my exercise, this was my messenger dammit! I am so so pumped up by your post, even if you are 30 yrs older than me, I really want a body like yours! its amazing!!

man you really gave me inspiration to pursue lowcarb 24/7/365 its amazing!

so just let me know something, you or trainerdan, is still possible to build muscle while lowcarbing?

Your friend:

WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thup:

Mon, Mar-11-02, 02:57
Tony, Positive feedback like yours makes all the effort worthwhile. Your compliment is much appreciated. Trainerdan is more qualified to answer your nutritional/exercise questions than I am. His expertise on the subject has helped me get to where I am.

You will find his thoughts on low carbing and the cyclical consumption of a higher amount of carbohydrate - to provide the firepower you need in the gym for greater intensity- very useful indeed. Thanks and the best of luck to you. dankar

Mon, Mar-11-02, 04:00
Guess what I'm drinking....

Mon, Mar-11-02, 04:45
Who is this guy?

Mon, Mar-11-02, 12:20
You know, I think it's time for a new driver's license photo. If you ever got pulled over, the police officer would think it wasn't you. I would definitely keep that one, for a "before" picture. But you need one that looks more like you do now. It is so good to see your progress and success. You are an inspiration, especially for those of us who are over 30 year old. It's good to know we can really turn things around. Thanks for sharing your photos. I am looking forward to renewing my license this year and being "truthful" in the weight column. I long since stopped being truthful about my weight on my license. I never put 150 when I was closer to 300 lbs. But I never acknowledged gaining past 230 lbs. By the time my birthday comes around I should be at or lower than 230, so it will be fun filling out my weight, for once. ;) Victoria

Mon, Mar-11-02, 13:32
I see from your stats that you have lost 67 pounds... SIXTY SEVEN POUNDS!!!!! What a wonderful accomplishment. You should be very, very proud of yourself. I know from my wife's experience how difficult it is for a woman to loose weight. She seems to work twice as hard as I do at it and it seems to take twice as long.

When it comes to anyone knowing her weight, she is just as illusive as you are. Its a subject I have learned to avoid... Oh well, it is just another mysterious feature of her personality that I will have fun the rest of my life trying to figure out.

I have been questioned about the driver's license a couple of times when I used it for ID. Once at "Blockbuster Video" when I tried to rent a movie and once at the bank. I don't blame them,
I myself sometimes wonder what that guy's picture is doing on my license. If you think that picture was bad, take a look at the little beauty I've attached below. I look like a well fed chipmunk. Thanks for your kind words and stay focused. dankar

Tue, Mar-12-02, 12:31
Karen - 11 months ago and today (3-12-2002) after loosing 60 pounds.

Tue, Mar-12-02, 20:00
:) I said it before and I'll say it again--you are a very inspiring story and so is your wife Karen! You two are motivation for everyone on this board!

Tue, Mar-12-02, 20:14
Karen and I are truly grateful for your kind words and those of everyone else who replied to our thread. The positive energy and support we received from this board is whats really inspiring. Thank You. dankar

Wed, Mar-13-02, 04:51
I haven't forgotten about the write up you asked me to do for the stories collection web page. It is something I want to do right and may take a little time. It is not "My Story", it is " Our Story".
The LC experience of both my wife, Karen, and myself.

When it is ready should I just post it as a reply to this thread? The pictures will take additional replies since I don't think I can post more than 1 attachment with a single post. Will you then combine the posts and edit the layout so the finished write up looks like the other stories that appear in the collection?

Thanks Wa'il. We are flattered that you have asked us to do it. dankar

Wed, Mar-13-02, 08:14
Too bad we weren't on induction...

Wed, Mar-13-02, 12:47
You and Karen define "roll model" for the rest of us. I know at my personal weight I won't be lean, I can live a lot longer w/o 150 extra pounds on my frame.

It's interesting to notice that my frame is extremely large, even my radiologist commented on the large bone structure and when I was run over by a truck, the surgeons commented that it was easy to repair my legs back and hips because of the size, well it’s good to have found a use for all the large bones! Now if I could only get rid of the arthritis, things would at least be less painful! Getting 100 lbs off have helped considerably in this area too.

Having been a Olympic style power lifter (59" Chest, etc.), I bulked up in a different way, which you understand well, having chosen definition for your self. Because of my physical limits and disability about the two things I can do is walk and swim, I’m doing both and "things" are tightening up.

Karen, you look great! My wife is a tall (5’ 11") lady and she lost 35 lbs on the WOE too. She always been a statuesque woman, she varies between Rubenesque to Down Right Slender, but always tall and voluptuous, and I like it either way.

Thank you for your guiding the way.

I've enclose a photo of us taken on the night I sang at Carnage Hall in N.Y.C. as a featured soloist.

Wed, Mar-13-02, 15:52
OK, I've enjoyed the thread a great deal. It's even inspirational. But the fish picture and the 'carrying 4 of these around' comment has really cracked me up. :D I think I still have a small blue whale strapped to my midsection, but it's going away a bit more each day. Thanks for the photos!!! Way to go!!!

Wed, Mar-13-02, 15:57
This will be the first summer in 18 years where I can wear a black bathing suit without fear of being mistaken for an Orca.

Wed, Mar-13-02, 16:18
Just think, you could create your own motion picture called 'Free Jim' Freedom has it's price and it seems we are both paying the price for years of letting our stress and daily activities control us rather than the other way. It is indeed great to be back in control. Good luck and keep singin'


p.s. I have two sayings for you
1. (from here in the forum) 'Nothing tastes as good as thin looks'
2. From me 'Good music sounds great. Great music is felt all the way through!'

Wed, Mar-13-02, 16:30
Originally posted by dankar
I haven't forgotten about the write up you asked me to do for the stories collection web page. It is something I want to do right and may take a little time.

Hi Dan, there's absolutely no hurry.

And this is an open invitation to everyone (if I forgot to nudge you about it!) who would like to post their success stories and before/after pictures on our web site to inspire others.

They can be emailed to me directly, or posted here. They can be a one person story, a couple's story, a family, firends. It's pretty much open format.

And putting some thought into it, and taking the time is always appreciated. The story section is very inspiring, and many lurkers send me feedback on how much it made an impression on them to change their lives. :thup:

Thu, Mar-14-02, 06:10
Jim, Thanks for your kind words. You and your wife are a very handsome couple. Be looking for "Our Story" which I am almost ready to post here. dankar

Thu, Mar-14-02, 09:28
Although we originally titled the story “11 months and 76 pounds ago…” a more appropriate title would be “11 months and 136 pounds ago.” You see 136 pounds is the total amount of weight that my wife, Karen, and myself have lost as of today 3-12-2002. It has taken us 11 months to do so.

Our names are Dan and Karen and 11 months ago we had a serious weight condition. We discovered an effective way of dealing with it… a low carbohydrate lifestyle. The moment we think of ourselves as “being on a diet” instead of having a “new way of life” is the moment we assure ourselves of becoming the unhappy, unhealthy people we were.

One year ago I stood in front of my closet and realized that no article of clothing I owned fit properly - except perhaps my pajamas, which had an elastic band. The 46-inch waste pants I wore were evidence of what I had let happen to myself. Seeing my wife going through her wardrobe and only finding a XXL T-shirt that felt comfortable was even more disturbing.

I spent a lot of time in those pajamas. We retreated from the world as our weight climbed. We tried every type of diet imaginable. I tried diuretics and appetite suppressants and became increasingly unglued as these poisons did what they do. Most troubling was our complete lack of hope – we saw no way out.

One day we were out driving. We went through an orange light and I noticed a car was right on my bumper. I guess I wasn’t going fast enough to insure his getting through the intersection before the light turned red. He pulled alongside, rolled down his window and shouted “why don’t you learn how to drive you fat slob.”

That was it. That was my bottom. It was at this defining moment that our low carbohydrate way of life began. Although I resented his remark deeply, today I can’t thank him enough. The lesson learned: “don’t shoot the messenger.”

I began to search the Internet for yet another diet or solution to our situation. I came across this site and began to read. I bought the “Dr. Atkin’s New Diet Revolution” book and read it in four days. After Karen read it – I read it again. Even today not a week goes by without our referring to it. We went through our refrigerator and kitchen and discarded everything that wasn’t allowed on the induction phase of the plan. We began to drink water religiously and started walking - one mile a day every morning. Something miraculous then happened – the weight started to come off. Karen and I were in disbelief. Although we both experienced some initial discomfort as our bodies adjusted – we soon felt better.

My initial weight loss was dramatic, Karen’s less so. But the scale was going in the right direction for both of us. Karen sometimes became discouraged when she saw how quickly I lost weight – but both of us now know that as long as we stay on the same road she will catch up to me someday. This is a lifelong journey for us both. There is no “Graduation Day.”

The distance we walked increased gradually and at some point we decided to take our health and fitness to another level – we joined a gym. I joined first and Karen later. One day while I was getting a haircut something magical happened – someone noticed I had lost weight. My barber said “ your face looks thinner – have you lost some weight?” I was pumped. The same magic happened to Karen when the parent of one of the children she tutors simply said “you look different.” Karen’s first weight loss acknowledgment happened around Thanksgiving - more than six months after she started. The fact that it took so long is evidence of her determination. While everybody noticed me – nobody noticed her. She could have become resentful and jealous – instead she said things like “ I think you look great too.” I love her so.

There have been some bumps in the road - a prolonged stall for me at 170 pounds during the summer and several long stalls for Karen. Relying on seedless white grapes for quick energy and eating too much bacon may have prolonged my stall.
Karen deals with her weight loss stalls by taking in her clothes on her sewing machine. It reminds her that weight loss is not the only benefit of a low carbohydrate way of life, lost inches are equally important. She refuses to buy a new wardrobe only to have it become too large as she continues to lose weight and inches. I bought her a gold necklace when she lost fifty pounds. You would think she was wearing the “Hope Diamond” when I fasten it around her neck.

Today finds me at goal and Karen well on her way. My strength and stamina have not diminished as a result of the weight loss. I wasn’t able to do one pull-up when I first, very meekly, walked into the gym. Today I can do fourteen strict form, full extension, chin over the bar pull-ups. More than once, after finishing, I’ve heard a couple of young studs that were standing nearby say to one another “how old is that guy?” For those interested, I am 52 years old. Karen is younger than I am.

I’m not sure how much I weighed when I first went to the gym and was able to bench press 185. Today I can bench 195 and I weigh 146. We covered one mile on our first walk. Today I’m up to four and half miles at a fast pace with no stopping except to stretch. I love stretching – especially in the gym between sets. Stretching helps remove the lactic acid that accumulates in the muscles after intense stimulation and allows for fresh nutrients and oxygen to get in there and make them hard. Karen does about two and a half miles. In addition to walking she does water aerobics, goes to a gym for an aerobic class three times a week and uses the resistance machines while she is there.

I had a physical the other day. My medical doctor didn’t recognize me even though I have been going to him for years. After saying hello he said, “ I have another patient whose last name is the same as yours , are you related.” The look on his face when I told him “I’m that guy” will stay with me forever. Before I began I sought his advice on whether this way of eating would be advisable. He answered with two words… do it! He ordered blood work and I regret to this very day that I did not have it done. This was a mistake. In looking back I was afraid the lipid panel in the report (triglycerides, cholesterol etc.) would only confirm what I already strongly suspected … that the results would be dangerously out of range. There is no excuse for my stupidity, only a poor reason - I was desperate. Do not make the same mistake I did if you are new. Have the lab work done and drink plenty of water. These are the only suggestions we will make about what you should or shouldn’t do.

Some of my results:
Blood pressure, 100/70. My total cholesterol, 210, was in the borderline range. I have been told that a result of less than 200 is desirable. I have no idea what it was a year ago so I have nothing to compare it to. For all I know it may have been 400. Like I said – I made a foolish mistake not having the blood work done in the beginning. Triglycerides: 63. HDL cholesterol: 58. LDL- cholesterol: 139. Chol/HDLC ratio: 3.62. My potassium level, 5.4, was a little high – the desirable range is 3.5-5.3. I was taking a potassium supplement, which I have discontinued. My doctor asked me “what made you decide to lose the weight.”
I answered with a straight face “you told me to lose weight the last time I saw you.” I think I made his day.

In an effort to build lean muscle and energize my training I have begun to cautiously increase my consumption of carbohydrate. My CCLM is approx. 50 grams of carbohydrate daily. I have found that “Trainerdan” whose advice can be found in the body opus and general exercise forums is a wonderful source of information. His CDK approach for added firepower in the gym is helping me plan the next stage of my development. This is a big step for me. It will be very difficult for me to see that number on the scale go up even if the added weight is lean muscle. My fear results from the fact that I was so fat for so long. I will need all the help I can get with this one.

Karen continues to follow the OWL (ongoing weight loss) plan found in “Dr. Atkin’s New Diet Revolution.” It is not uncommon, however, for her to consume only an induction level of carbohydrate on some days. There is no finish line for us, no destination for us to be early or late for. The journey is on going.

Although our story has been primarily about the physical aspects of our new way of life, it would be incomplete if I failed to mention two other equally important changes… greater emotional balance and renewed spirituality. When dealing with other people and conflicts arise we now say to one another “just because they have invited us to an argument doesn’t mean we have to show up.” We used food to deal with stress. Today we try to look at food as being no different than the gas we put in our car. It is simply fuel. Do we miss the hot fudge sundaes, French fries and pizza? The answer is yes, sometimes we do. All things, both good and bad, have a price.

Spiritually we have a greater awareness of whatever it is that makes the grass grow the rainfall and a bird sing. We attend church regularly and Karen has actually gotten me to join her singing in the choir. I’ve gone from being a reclusive agnostic to a choirboy! Our only explanation is that a new level of confidence has stirred within us since we took charge of our lives. We are contacting old friends, making new ones and having fun. We try to quietly go about our business. Karen is more spiritually fit than I am. I am becoming better connected though. Thank you, Father.

We have tried not to tell anyone what to do or how to do it.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Here are a few that tell our story better than we would ever be able to. Stay focused. dankar

Thu, Mar-14-02, 22:48
Story just added. Thanks Karen & Dan! :thup:


odd sock
Fri, Mar-15-02, 06:02
All I can say is:


Fri, Mar-15-02, 06:19
Wa'il, You're welcome. Thanks for asking us to do it. Karen & Dan

Fri, Mar-15-02, 23:03
Wow. What an inspiration. It's remarkable.
Congratulation to you both.

Sat, Mar-16-02, 02:53
susanna, thanks for taking the time to read our story. I see from your profile that you its been about 6 weeks since you began. We hope you are enjoyng this wonderful way of life as much as we do. Best of luck. dankar

j. mcadams
Sat, Mar-16-02, 10:15
Dear Dan & Karen, I have just finished reading your entire history and I have to say THANK YOU both so much. Karen, you have the most beautiful smile and I can tell you and Dan are very much soul mates, that is so wonderful. I have 75 pounds I want to lose not that that will make me ''INSURANCE FORM'' weight, but it will make me where I have wanted to get for the past three years. I do have a few questions for you both. First, did you have gravings for sweets and if you did how did you control those, please don't tell me you "WHITE KNUCKLED'' them. I know the low carb. works, I lived in South Carolina in the late 80's and did Overeaters Anonymous lost 100 pounds kept it off for five years. I ate a lot of cheese it seems, but hey I like cheese. I started the Atkins diet back in Feb. of this year and fell off the wagon due to getting sick from Strep Throat and having to take two rounds of antibodics which can really mess up a persons stomach. My other question is just how long did it take you Karen to lose your weight, You look so great in your after picture. I know I have been told not to look at the entire amount of weight you have to lose but that is easier said than done. I do drink lots of water already about 64-80 ounces per day also I exercise three days per week. Should I up the exercise to five per week if I want to lose faster. I will be hitting 50 years old this August and would really like to be close to my goal of 190. My husband is a wonderful man he loved me even when I weighed 327 and he says my weight does not bother him in the least but he knows it bothers me. I have been overweight my entire life. Sorry this turned into such a long post but I have been so inspired by you both. Thank You, Thank You Joan in Kentucky :wave:

Sat, Mar-16-02, 15:11
Joan, thanks for your kind words and compliments. Anyone who says they don't pay attention to compliments or doesn't care if other people notice has never been heavy and lost weight. Recognition, flattering remarks - even jealous looks motivated us and reinforced our determination. It made the fire within burn brighter.

Its difficult for me to tell you how much to exercise or how much water to drink without knowing you - these questions would be better answered by your doctor. I can tell you that its not uncommon for Karen and myself to drink 3 quarts (96 oz.) daily.

As for exercise... we walk. Walking is the foundation of our fitness/exersise program. Weight training for me and aerobics for Karen (3X a week for both of us) enhance our results but are secondary in importance to us.

Don't worry about how fast the weight comes off. This is a lifelong journey - not another diet. Karen has lost at least 60 pounds since we started 11 months ago. I had less to loose to reach my goal than she does and she is shorter than I am. There will come a point when it becomes VERY noticeable. This point of "unmistakable recognition" happens to us all if we stay focused and have more than just a few pounds to loose The flattering remarks and double take looks become routine. Don't cheat yourself out of this exhilerating experience. Good luck. dankar

Sat, Mar-16-02, 18:21
Dear Dankar,
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your journey with all of us. I'm sure that the love and support that you and Karen share is a huge factor in your success. My own chubby hubby is gone today, but I can't wait for him to come home and read your story.
He loves me too, and if I've had a hard day he'll buy me a treat! It was peach pie last night. I must confess, I don't resist too much, it's not his fault!
Your story is an inspiration to me. I've had a sense for a while that walking will be the way for me to start to really shed the weight.
I didn't do the pre-induction blood work, measuring etc before starting this WOL. Excuses - no insurance etc, etc. I went straight to the tap and got a glass of water as soon as I read your story. I am re-inspired and thank you again for taking the time to help us all.

Sat, Mar-16-02, 18:34
I have read this thread from beginning to end . . .

What a beautiful, inspiring story! Thank you so much for sharing.

I especially liked your comments about the emotional, social and spiritual aspects of your journey. Because I agree w/ you that you can't make a change in one area of your life w/o it having an affect in the other areas. I also agree that changing things for yourself also has an impact on your partner. And how gratifying when those changes are positive.

God bless you both.

Sat, Mar-16-02, 18:49
WOW Dankar and god bless you....I lost about 30 lbs now and I have been feeling down and stalled...you inspired me to tears....you and Karen are my inspirations for me to refocus and get back to whats important...
Tynk you so much for that and I will update you often...I hope you keep posting so I can keep reading...


Sun, Mar-17-02, 04:02
jmary... thanks for taking the time to read it. When we started to walk we let our weight condition have it with both barrels. You are so right about the love and support a husband and wife provide one another. There is no greater experience than sharing life with your biggest fan. Thanks, jmary. dankar

Homegirl... thanks for your kind words. Our new WOL (way of life) began with our loosing weight but has opened our eyes to much more than a number on a scale. Thanks, Homegirl, and be listening for the birds if your'e out walking. dankar

sunny37ns...PLEASE keep us up to speed on your progress. Karen and I will be looking for your posts. Stay focused, stay in charge. Thanks, sunny. dankar

Sun, Mar-17-02, 10:41
Dan and Karen,
Your story is an inspiration for all of us in many ways. You are both so supportive of each other. It is nice of you to let us peek in at your lives and success. Way to go! ;) Victoria

j. mcadams
Sun, Mar-17-02, 10:53
Dan & Karen, its me again, Joan. I just wanted to ask if you all took any supplements such as the Chromium Picolinate and the L-Glutamine while doing the Low Carb. WOL??? I am beginning brand new tomorrow morning. You are no doubt wondering why not ''RIGHT NOW'', well the only excuse I have is because I am starting over on Monday. You guys have been so inspiring to read about you journey together. How wonderful. Thank you both.. Joan :wave:

Sun, Mar-17-02, 15:44
Dankar & Karen, you are such an inspiration to us all. You exude such confidence. Thank you for sharing your story.
I, like Karen did, appear to have stalled but am still losing inches. I have started aquaerobics and gym in the last few weeks and imagine that some of that fat is starting to turn into muscle. I will keep coming back to read about you and Karen and the wonderful success you have had.


Sun, Mar-17-02, 16:23
Wow....I can see your before picture :eek:
Hard to believe it was you.

Then the after.... :eek:

Way to go :Party:

Marcie :wave:

Sun, Mar-17-02, 19:37
Victoria, Its nice to be able to give some support and encouragement back after all we received from the people here over the past year. Your signature (Psalm 107) is wonderful. Sharing our experience is our way of saying thanks for the blessings we received. We are also having alot of fun doing it. Thanks, Victoria. dankar

j.mcadams, hi Joan. We both take a multi vitamin for people over fifty and a calcium/magnesium supplemnt. Karen also takes flax seed and vitamin E. I was taking potassium but I discontinued it after I got the results recently from some blood work. Occasionally I ate some Atkins' bars - when we were traveling for instance. It would be wise if we paid more attention to supplementing our nutrition with additional minerals. Thanks for bringing that to our attention. Time to break out our well read copy of "Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution" and see what the doctor says. I do remember that his advice on this subject was somewhat overwhelming for someone like myself whose idea of a healthy/nutritional breakfast was a pop tart. I will do it anyway though. Thanks, Joan. Mondays are always a good day to start a new way of life. dankar

Melberry, Thanks for your kind words. Karen loves her water aerobics... I think being able to get into a smaller size swimsuit has something to do with it.
Everyone stalls. Keep a record of what you eat and try to discover what might be causing it. Remember muscle is more dense than fat. This accounts for your weight staying the same only you're SMALLER (lost inches). Good luck, Melberry. dankar

danume, sometimes we can't believe it ourselves. If it is a dream we don't want to wake up. NOBODY PINCH ME! Thanks, danume. dankar

Sun, Mar-17-02, 21:22
Dan & Karen,

You both look fabulous! Dan, I remember you from when I first joined the board 11 months ago. You were losing weight quickly and found LC to be easy and were so supportive to the rest of us here at the time. What struck me then was that you were doing this with your wife. What a blessing to be able to have the support of your partner & best friend!

Like everyone else, I am simply amazed by your before & after pics. You both look radiant and energy exudes from you! Hehehe, now you are our LC poster couple! WTG!

Mon, Mar-18-02, 17:19
Ruth, You are very kind. We noticed from your stats that you have lost 59 pounds - the same amount that karen has lost in the last 11 months. Were you LCing before you joined the board? Has it taken you 11 months to accomplish this magnificent achievment? FIFTY NINE POUNDS... BRAVO!

The support and encouragement Karen and I try to give one another has brought us closer together as we travel down this road. Thanks, Ruth. dankar

j. mcadams
Mon, Mar-18-02, 18:13
:angel: Dan and Karen, just wanted to let you both know just how much your post have encouraged me. I did go back to Lcarbing today and have not had any sugar nor white flour, for that matter no flour, I am going back into my profile and redo it and also begin a new journal. I just needed to say thank you both again. Joan :wave: :D

Mon, Mar-18-02, 18:53
Hi Dan & Karen,

I started Atkins on March 26, and joined this board about a month later, so it has been nearly a year. Do you know, I had to provide my drivers license # to someone today & I took a peek at my picture. OMG, I couldn't believe the difference that 50-60 lbs makes. When I reach my goal I'll post before and after pictures - my goal being about 19 - 20% body fat. I'll know when I get there. :)

It's been snowing all day in Vancouver, I hope you are enjoying warm sunny weather in Florida.

Mon, Mar-18-02, 19:54
Ruth, Karen and you have alot in common. We can't wait to see your before and after pictures. It can be a little intimidating posting pictures of yourself on the internet - especially the before pictures. If you look at is a way of helping others it will be easier.
We love watching the snowfall when we are up north. It brings back so many fond memories of our childhood. I'm originally from New Jersey and Karen is from Ohio. I'm sure if I had to shovel it I'd feel differently. Stay in touch. dankar

j.mcadams, You're very welcome, Joan. All three of us are on the same road again. My sister once told me "I'd rather be heavy and loosing weight than thin and gaining". Something to think about. Talk soon. dankar

j. mcadams
Tue, Mar-19-02, 08:16
Dan & Karen, I just had to let you both know I weighed yesterday morning and was back up to 277 which was were i had been before starting Atkins the first time. Yesterday was my first day back on the WOE and guess what I weighed this morning and was down to 272 can this be real??? I had a really good day yesterday drank gallons of water and free tea. I love your sister's saying. Thank you both for being here and all the encouragement you give to all of us. MAY GOD BLESS YOU BOTH, as I know he already has. joan :wave:

Tue, Mar-19-02, 09:01
Joan, YES!... its real - you're on your way. We couldn't be happier for you. dankar

j. mcadams
Thu, Mar-21-02, 10:38
Dan & Karen, wanted to share with you both that since Monday and going back on the Atkins proagram. Monday I weighed 277, Tuesday 272, Wednesday 271, then this morning Thursday 268. Was I ever happy to see those numbers. I do have a question for you and karen. Did you all check your ketosis. I have been checking mine in the evening and the stick does not change color. I have been drinking gallons of water and free tea and only had a soft drink (diet rite) yesterday, they have no caffeine and are sweetened with splenda and no sodium. Any thoughts on this???? Hope you both are well and the weather is good in Flordia. Here in kentucky we have had Lots and lots of rain. We need to dry. Have a great day. Joan :D

Thu, Mar-21-02, 13:34
Hi Joan. I checked my Ketostix (Bayre product) reagent strips much too frequently in the beginning. After a while I became less obsessed. Karen rarely used them.

They assured me I was in Ketosis and I needed all the reassurance I could get back then. My reading was usually dark in the "moderate to large" range. Your readings may very well be different than mine and does not necessarily mean you are doing something wrong. Check out what it says about them in "Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution." For some people a dark reading may indicate they are dehydrated - being dehydrated is not a good thing.

Nine pounds in three days... WTG! Isn't it fun putting a lower number in your current stats. We're rooting for you! dankar

j. mcadams
Thu, Mar-21-02, 15:54
Dan & Karen, thanks so much for the reply. I had just read the article in the Atkins New Diet Revolution book and it could be a number of things causeing the strip not to turn. It does feel great to see those stats going down. I think I will be able to do succeed this time. Karen & Dan Thanks again for all the encouraging words. Joan :wave:

j. mcadams
Tue, Mar-26-02, 07:25
:D Dan & Karen, just wanted to touch base and let you know I am on my second week of Low Carbing. When I weighed on Monday I was up a pound and a half, but I am not discouraged by this 'cause I know how my body can fluctuate from day to day. Hope you both have a wonderful Easter. Joan :roll:

Tue, Mar-26-02, 09:52
Hi Joan, Fluctuations and plateaus are to be expected. A pound and half is a mild fluctuation actually. Karen and I experienced fluctuations and although I don't know how great her's were - I experienced fluctuations upwards by as much as three or four pounds in the beginning. They are disturbing. They do make you appreciate your progress that much more, however.

I don't think our bodies want to let go of the weight - we have to train it to do what WE want it to do. This is only my opinion and is not based on any authoritative literature.

Remember also that is a lifelong journey - not another trip around the block where you end up right where you started!

A peaceful and happy Easter to you as well. You're doing great. dankar

j. mcadams
Tue, Mar-26-02, 10:09
Dan & Karen, I am going to be posting my measurements in my journal. I was measured at the place where I exercise and was quite pleased with the results from the time I had joined them. Sooooo, I think with the low carb. life and the exercise I am gonna have to have some before and after pics. Thanks for your encouragement, it means so much to me. Joan :wave:

Tue, Mar-26-02, 12:36
I originally posted the reply below at another wonderful site which is designed for anyone attempting to make positive changes in their lives and who, like us, require guidance. Here is that site:

The information we have begun to receive at "quadrafit.com" will enable us to make the right decisions concerning exercise, nutrition and our general health and well being. We would encourage anyone else who needs answers to take a look. I replied to the topic "CONSISTENCY" by Trainerdan.
Here is that reply:

Thanks, Trainerdan, for some great advice. Any success I have enjoyed in terms of lowering body fat or adding muscle I attribute to one simple, yet vital, character trait - consistency!
The days when I was not in an overtrained condition and didn't feel like working out but still went to the gym anyway were extremely rewarding. I trained not only my body on these days... I also trained my mind.

CONSISTENCY: showing up. CONSISTENCY: doing what you said you would do. CONSISTENCY: being able to count on yourself to do the things necessary to achieve goals.

Whether it's getting into the kind of shape that turns every head when you enter a room or simply being the type of person others like to be around, if you're not consistent - it ain't gonna happen. dankar

Wed, Mar-27-02, 10:30
Oh my goodness, you two should be so proud. What a beautiful story of your journey. You can truly see the love that you have for your wife come out in your words.

What an inspirational couple . . . something for all of us to strive for.

You both look marvelous.


Wed, Mar-27-02, 10:44
Terri, Thank you for your kind words. This WOL is truly a blessing.

Thu, Mar-28-02, 17:50
Dan in the Florida Keys, taken 2-15-2002

Thu, Mar-28-02, 23:48
What an inspiration !! Way to go :thup:

I want your abs!! Great pictures. I've lost around 30 lbs and have alot of skin just hanging around.(I'm only 5' 3") Now that I've seen your picture at the gym I know that I really need to get serious about working out if I want to tighten up and put on a swim suit.

Thanks for your inspiring words.

Angelfish :wave:

Fri, Mar-29-02, 00:04
Dan, I'm just curious, have you calculated your body fat percentage?


Fri, Mar-29-02, 03:18
Hi angelfish. THIRTY POUNDS! what a great achievement! You should be very proud of yourself. I, too, have some loose skin hanging around (especially my face) that I would like to see go away.

Your support, and that of everyone else here, is still very important to Karen and myself. Even though I have achieved my goal weight - I must admit I am still very insecure. Looking at before and after pictures of myself helps. I never want to forget how I felt when people snickered and laughed or made cruel comments such as "well I can see you haven't missed many meals." It's been less than a year - I'll get over it.

If you are seriously thinking about going to a gym and working out, see what Trainerdan has to say. His advice can be found here in the exercise forum and at another superb site where he shares his abundant knowledge on nutrition and exercise -

Thanks, angelfish. dankar

Fri, Mar-29-02, 04:08
Here is a picture of me in the gym taken on 3-28-2002. You would have a hard time convincing me this Way of Life doesn't work! dankar

Fri, Mar-29-02, 04:29
Wa'il, I haven't calculated my body fat percentage. I'll do it and post the result. Thanks, Dan

j. mcadams
Fri, Mar-29-02, 05:48
Dan great picture. I know It does work and it is like everything else you have to work also. I did have a small set back but have gotten back up and am running with the Low Carb. WOE/WOL, this is the program for me. Thanks again to both you and Karen for all your encouragement. Have a wonderful Easter. Blessings on you both Joan :wave:

Sat, Mar-30-02, 18:49
Dankar - I just wanted to say that I think you and your wife's success on this WOL is truly awesome, but somehow awesome falls short.

I have instead designated you low carb gods. Your fantastic loss and body shape put younger guys like me to shame. I hope it continues for you. You deserve it.

As you might see from my stats, I'm having a bit of trouble with this WOL. I have only lost 6lbs since November 2001. On Atkins induction levels ( 20g carbs ).

Just wondering if you had any tips you could throw my way?

Best wishes. And keep that awesome body toned. You and your wife are truly extraordinary people.

Sat, Mar-30-02, 21:25
Hi Atkid.
As you might see from my stats, I'm having a bit of trouble with this WOL. I have only lost 6lbs since November 2001. On Atkins induction levels ( 20g carbs ).
Just wondering if you had any tips you could throw my way? You have allotted me much to respond to.
Obesity has caused quite a bit of heartache in my life.

There have been times when I lost weight - I always put it back on. I refuse to blame anyone but myself. I was the one who flopped on the sofa eating a gallon of ice cream and whose only form of exercise was walking to the refrigerator for some more chocolate syrup. Gluttony has always been, and will always be, an issue for me.

I have not been "reformed", I have become "informed." This Way of Life we speak of may have saved my life. I tried everything short of a surgical procedure. A low carbohydrate lifestyle, for me, was the "last house on the block" so to speak. Forgive me for being melodramatic. There are very few things I am truly passionate about - this Way of Life is one of them.

Let me be the messenger. Think what you want of me. If you weigh 280 and have only lost 6 pounds in five months (Nov. to April) - you're doing something wrong. Perhaps you are one of those people, who Atkins talks about, whose metabolism is very resistant. He addresses this condition in DANDR and offers solutions - have you read what he has to say? He also states on page 95 of the revised and updated paperback edition: Your "just one taste won't hurt" rationalization is the kiss of death on this diet. These are his words, not mine. Personally I detest the word diet - it brings to mind the temporary, quick-fix remedies I attempted. I much prefer the terms WOE (way of eating) or WOL (way of life).

Are you being rigorously honest with me, and more importantly with yourself, when you say you are only consuming an induction level of carbohydrate (20 grams) daily? Extreme caloric intake and/or a sedentary lifestyle could, I suppose, account for your lack of progress. Aside from those considerations, I find it hard to believe that someone, who weighs 280, eats only 20 grams of carb a day or less and follows the plan as outlined is only able to lose 6 pounds in five months. I'm sorry - I just don't buy it.

I didn't spend over an hour writing a reply to you because I have nothing better to do or I don't care. I DO CARE - about you and everyone else who, like myself, is plagued with this curse. Complete strangers, who I will never meet, cared enough to help me. Karen and I hope everyone has a Happy Easter. Dan

j. mcadams
Sun, Mar-31-02, 11:21
Dan and Karen, just wanted to let you both know the response to AtKid was right on target. I think sometimes we kid ourselves about what we do and do not consume. For me this morning was finding a Easter Basket at our front door from two very loving neighbors who do not realize what a problem I have with sweets. So here again something else to deal with. This WOE/WOL is also the thing for me. I just wanted to tell you again THANKS TO YOU BOTH, for your honesty. Joan :wave:

Sun, Mar-31-02, 12:00
Hi Joan.
We received a few chocolate bunnies ourselves. LOL

The decision to give them to Karen's young cousins was a no brainer. Wishing you a peaceful Easter. Dan and Karen

Sun, Mar-31-02, 20:07
What can I say - I am absolutely gob-smacked at your story and pictures. It's amazing - you're both amazing.
I know how your wife feels - the weight just drops off my husband too - it's easy to feel a bit left out!
People all round the world can be inspired by your photos and stories - I am.
Having support around you is so important. My son bought me some lovely roses for easter instead of chocolates - a doouble treat! - nothing the trigger a carbfest!
I think you need to get a new photo licence - if the police pull you over they won't believe it's you and you may have some unwanted trouble. I wish I had that trouble!!

I am off to drink some water!

Byee and Congrats

Wendye :wave:

Sun, Mar-31-02, 20:46
Hi Wendye,
Thanks for your kind words - they mean a lot to Karen and myself.
Roses instead of chocolate - you have a very thoughtful and considerate son.
Stay focused. dankar

j. mcadams
Sat, Apr-06-02, 06:24
:roll: :roll: Dan and Karen, just wanted to stop by and say HI. I have been reading your journal and I am always amazed when I see the before and after pics. You two are such inspriations to us all and when I am feeling weak I stop by to see what is new in your alls life. Just wanted to say Thanks again for all your help. Joan :roll:

Sat, Apr-06-02, 06:47
Hi Joan,
Its always good to hear from you. Karen and I are fine - thanks for asking. We are currently doing all the things we need to do to get ready for our departure for Maine on April 25, 2002. We have a second home there and spend May to November at our small "camp" on a lake. We hope you are well and enjoying your new WOL as much as we do. Stay focused and stay in touch.
Your LC friends, Dan and Karen

j. mcadams
Sat, Apr-06-02, 16:43
Dan and Karen, I want to tell you now 'cause I know I will forget your departure on April 25. Have a safe journey, my husband and I will say a special travel prayer for you both. Stay safe and thanks again. Joan :wave:

Sun, Apr-07-02, 16:34
Dan and Karen...
this is the second time that i've read your success storeis...and wow...the responses are so long that I haven't read all of them. But, I come to this thread for inspiration... and, I read a little bit more each time.

Dan...you've done a great (awesome) job...I hope I will have the same type of benefits (well...in the female sense) from working out and the LC life style.

Karen... you're such an inspiration. I lose so slow...and sometimes I can become so impatient...but, when I read successes like yours...I know that success will come and that I just need to be patient. Women lose slower than men (darn it...lol)...but, every pound lost is incredible. My DH hasn't really tried to do this WOE but, he's gone from 210 to 188 just because of the way that I'm cooking. Now, he's even talking about staying on program with me to see if he can go off of his blood pressure medication. He was so impressed with the successes on this site...and Dan's was really an inspiration to him.

Thanks for sharing your success...congratulations

Sun, Apr-07-02, 19:54
Thanks Cher,
Karen and I don't have the words to thank all of the people, like yourself, who have replied to our "thread" (I prefer the word story). You have no idea how much your kindness and support means to us both.

When I first posted my account of what happened to us one year ago I had no idea so many people would be interested. It has been a wonderful experience.

The people closest to us benefit just as much as we do when we finally do something about the heartbreaking condition we find ourselves in. Be patient and ask for help - then give Him a little time to move a few people around.

I have read your quote (signature) at the bottom of your post 4 times - absolutely beautiful!

Stay focused. Stay in touch. Dan & Karen

Sun, Apr-07-02, 20:05
I just noticed something as I was getting ready to shut down.

forty nine pounds. FORTY NINE POUNDS!!!!!!!!! OUTSTANDING!

What a blessing this WOL of life is for people like us. Dan & Karen

Mon, Apr-08-02, 00:04
Dan and Karen,

Isn't it wonderful...the number of lives that you've touched and inspired by sharing your story...that's what's so nice about staying close to this bb.

I'm so excited about the 49 pounds...thanks for your words of support and encouragement. I literally take this 1/2 pound at a time...LOL. Hopefully my metabolism will change with my exercise and eating habits.

I will stay focused and I'll stop by periodically to say hello, see how your doing and, share my progress.

P.S. i love that quote too...it's my all time favorite :)

Tue, Apr-09-02, 08:39
dan ! amasing,you got the body that i dream about it ,i started this woe back in jan but i really take it seriously in feb ,no cheat since then,i walk everyday at the gym around 35 min ,but after seen your pic i will add the weight training because i want those abs! can you describe me what exactly you did for those abs (which exercises you do)) by the way i started at 285 and now i'm at 246 .thanks to you and your wife for sharing this story with us!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Tue, Apr-09-02, 12:38
I was just cruising through the board today and I finally took the time to check out this thread...


Ok, so I'm a little late...but CONGRATULATIONS to you, Dan & Karen (and all who dwell here)! What an amazing and inspirational story. To say nothing of the photos and increadibly thoughtful replies you have posted here. Truly a class act. :thup:

I've been LCing for 3.1 months now and I feel great. When I started in January I was in a very low place that I don't ever want to see again. Today, I'm 57lbs down and I'm loving the results of this WOE and my new WOL.

Today, I gathered my courage to begin exploring gym memberships. I've had bad experiences in the past with trainers who pushed way too hard for my abilities in the initial 30-minute training sessions and I left those meberships never to return. I felt ashamed and ate more to cover up how I felt.

At this point in my life though I'm wiser and in a better place emotionally. I'll look around until I find a gym where I'll be comfortable.

Thank you so much for sharing your stories with us and for all the encouragment and experience you openly share.

Donald :wave:

Wed, Apr-10-02, 02:00
Hi Donald,
Thanks for your encouragement and support - your kind words are very much appreciated by Karen and myself.

57 pounds in a little over 3 months - we are so happy for you. Nobody achieves results like that without sacrifice and dedication. FIFTY SEVEN POUNDS - YES!!!!!

I know exactly what you mean about gathering the courage to join a gym. I was very intimidated by the young hard bodies when I first entered. I thought of myself as being a fat old man who had no business being there. I did belong there, however, and had more of a reason for being there than most.

I remember the feelings I had when I first walked into the gym. Today they are a reminder of where I had been and where I don't want to go back to - very powerful stuff. I hope I never forget that day.

We achieve good results by merely eliminating most the carb from our WOE. We put this thing in another gear when we exercise.

Have you visited Trainerdan's forums (general exercise and CDK/body opus) here at this site and at his own website quadrafit.com (http://www.quadrafit.com)

His tireless imput has been a great help to Karen and myself. The man knows what he's talking about when it comes to fitness and this LC WOL.

Karen and I wish you all the best life has to offer. I know you are already aware of what those things are - your quote defines them better than I could ever hope to... "a stronger body, an open mind and a healthy spirit". Enough said. Your LC friends, Dan & Karen

Wed, Apr-10-02, 02:59
Thanks, sebastianp, for taking the time to read our story, your kind words and support.

I am not qualified to suggest an exercise program for you - Trainerdan is. He is a big reason for any success Karen and I have experienced. I would be doing you a disservice if I gave you exercise advice and I won't do that to you or anyone else. Trainerdan's abundant knowledge on fitness, nutrition and this LC WOL can be found in the general exercise and CDK/body opus forums at this site and at his new website http://www.quadrafit.com

If you are serious about getting into shape and want some solid advice about the LC WOL and fitness, Trainerdan is a MUST READ.

I've attached a photo below of me before I knew of this WOL and one taken a week ago. It seems the only time I would allow anyone to take a picture of me back then was when I caught a nice fish.

THIRTY NINE POUNDS sebastianp!!! - You're on the beam! It looks like you ARE serious. Stay focused. Dan & Karen

Wed, Apr-10-02, 17:59
And what a great fish that is!!! It probably weighs more than you do, Dan!

I've just got back from a couple of weeks holiday staying with my Dad, who lives in a fishing town. We had fish every night. And, I admit, I did have a few chips with it too (homemade) BUT my lunches were meat and salad (without all the bread that everyone else had) and I didn't have toast or crumpets for breakfast either. I made sure I carried my water bottle with me all the time. Exercise was walking along the beaches or going out fishing in the boat (reeling those fish in use up a bit of energy!!). I am pleased to say that I weigh about 500grams more than when I left, and that will come off in no time. Not many holidays have resulted in that! Usually I put on a few kilos so I am extremely happy and raring to get back to the gym tomorrow!

Thanks for continuing your story and showing us more photos. It is just as important that the WOL continues. Have you found that you can eat many more carbs now that you have reached your goal weight? Or do you still just do without all bread and potatoes, etc.


Wed, Apr-10-02, 19:56
Hi Melberry,
Welcome home! The fishing village you spent your holiday at sounds wonderful... unspoiled and natural.

I have increased my level of carbohydrate - if I didn't that fish would surely weigh more than I do! I am eating more fruit (strawberries mostly) and vegetables (broccoli and asparagus are my favorites.) Lettuce and spinach salads are also very popular in the dankar household. Karen sticks close to the OWL (ongoing weight loss) plan outlined in DANDR. She does, however, eat a wider variety of foods than I do.

My accelerated metabolism (due primarily to walking in the morning) has also allowed me to start eating oatmeal, which I sometimes have with some strawberries before I go to the gym. I also have a whey protein shake immediately after I workout.

I have found that additional carbohydrate is almost a necessity for the energy that I need in the gym. I'm only speaking for myself, Melberry. Everyone is different and must discover for him or herself what amount of carbohydrate they require to lose, maintain or gain weight.

April 15, 2002 is the one-year anniversary of our new WOL. Neither Karen nor myself have had a single piece of bread (except for communion at church) for the past 51 weeks. Hard to believe.

Thanks for staying in touch. Your LC friends, Dan and Karen

j. mcadams
Thu, Apr-11-02, 04:30
Good morning Dan and Karen, I have seen you new picture Dan "LOOKIN GOOD''. I have a question about the bood Dandar I have noticed you mentioning at times in your Journal. Could you give me a bit more infor, I have not heard of the book. Early Congrats. to you and Karen on you anniversary of this WOE/WOL. Joan :wave:

Thu, Apr-11-02, 05:00
Hi Joan,
The book I often refer to is "Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution" (DANDR). We have the revised and updated paperback edition.

Karen and I hope you are well. Thanks for congratulating us on our one-year WOL anniversary. Your LC friends. Dan and Karen

j. mcadams
Thu, Apr-11-02, 05:22
Gosh Dan do I feel like a real sap. I had no ideal that DANDAR was an abbreviation for the same book I have. However, Thank You so much for the information. Have a wonderful day and do something fun together. Low Carbing all the way Joan :wave:

Thu, Apr-11-02, 05:47
Joan, No big deal.
I, too, have trouble with acronyms. They are confusing.
TTYL (talk to you later). :daze: Dan

Fri, Apr-12-02, 12:17
OK - no more fish pictures... unless I catch a really big one. I've got to be honest, Karen caught the one on the right on 4-4-02. She loves to go fishing with me and often catches more than I do - I may stop taking her! dankar

j. mcadams
Fri, Apr-12-02, 13:08
Dan I just am making an observation, but in your heavy days you were always smiling in the pictures. In the later pictures there are not so many smiles. Smile it looks good on you. HI to Karen. Joan :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Fri, Apr-12-02, 13:44
You're absolutely right. I should look like this little guy :wave: dankar

j. mcadams
Sat, Apr-13-02, 15:19
Hi Dan and Karen, I just had to pop in and tell you both about my experience this morning with the BLUE JEAN-O-METER. I have this pair of jeans that I had not worn since early December and then I could hardly breath. To zip and button took lying flat on the bed so stomach would suck in and not get pinched in zipper. Well this morning my DH and I were going on a day trip to visit my Mother. Sooooo, for some reason I thought I'll get those jeans out and just see how too small they are now. Low and Behold, I did not have to lie on the bed, I did not have to suck in the gut, I actually could breath set without being like a board, in fact I had a baggy butt. It was wonderful..I wore these jeans on a two hour trip to visit my MOther and was very confortable and my sister even asked if I had lost weight. I was and still am sooo happy. I wanted to share this accomplishment with you both because you Karen and Dan have been such an inspiration to me and whenever I post to you, you always have kindness to share. Thank you both and Bless you. Joan :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Thu, Apr-18-02, 10:49
Some time ago you asked me if I had calculated my body fat percentage. I had it done this morning. Sorry it took some time but I wanted to make sure I had it done right and by someone who knew what they were doing.

Along with the result I'd also like to share some of the things I found out about this interesting little test.

I discovered there are three ways of having the test done: 1. A water tank - where you get in and the percentage of body fat is determined by the amount of water displaced. 2. an electronic device with a small suction cup gizmo that attaches to what looks like a small adding machine. and 3. using a hand held caliper.

The water tank is the most accurate and I'm sure the most expensive. I have no idea where I could have had this type of test performed so I did not have it done this way. I was also told the electronic gizmo is not reliable.

I had it performed by the head personal trainer at the gym where I go. She used a hand held caliper and charged me $10 to have it done.

Approximately 5 readings were taken on various parts of my body. Each reading was done 3 times to insure accuracy. I weighed 146 this morning when I had it done. The results of the test were:

I was told a desirable percentage of body fat for a 52 year old man like myself was 10% and that this is the optimum percentage to insure physical and mental well being and the creation of lean muscle. My low percentage of body fat may also account for the fatigue I experience after a strenuous workout.
It goes to prove that too much of anything is not healthy.

I hope you and the other board members found this as enlightening as I did. Dan

Thu, Apr-18-02, 11:45
Thanks for the info...I'm afraid to have my done :) I'm sure of my 205 lbs , 150 is fat lol

Anyway, do u have to increase your percentage or do u feel healthy where u are ?


Thu, Apr-18-02, 12:05
Dan and karen,

Just thought I'd stop by to see how you're doing and took a moment to read your "body fat percentage" experience. Of course...I would be totally afraid to have mine taken at this point but, it seems like it's pretty important. I was just wondering...do you limit the amount of fat that you eat per day or, is this a result of the type of exercising that you're doing??? I have often thought about lowering the amount of fat that I consume but everyone says that the fat is so important to "burning fat". Any thoughts?

Thu, Apr-18-02, 12:35
Hi sunny,Anyway, do u have to increase your percentage or do u feel healthy where u are ?

My initial reaction was "No - I won't put on any any more body fat." Looking good, however, is not as important to me as feeling good and having energy.

I plan to introduce peanut butter (sugar free, unprocessed and natural if there is such a thing) into my WOE for the fat content. Also a few more egg yolks - I currently eat very few, eating only the egg white.

A tablespoon of peanut butter, mixed in with oatmeal and then microwaved is one suggestion I received. It may make it easier to digest. Quite honestly, this is a whole new playing field for me.

I also intend to check out what trainerdan has to say. Adjusting my WOE to the needs of my body is something I will always need help with. Thanks sunny, dankar

Thu, Apr-18-02, 12:53
Hi Cher,
Good to hear from you again. Karen and I hope you are well.

do you limit the amount of fat that you eat per day or, is this a result of the type of exercising that you're doing???

My attention has been primarily on the amount of carbohydrate in my WOE. I have paid little or no attention to calories or fat. I'm certain the exercise I do, both aerobic and anaerobic, has much to do with my low body fat percentage.

This is a new challenge - new foods and greater amounts of old ones. Right now I'm not certain what to do. Thanks, Cher. dankar

Thu, Apr-18-02, 12:58
Hey Dan!
Just stopping in to tell you that your abs look better in every picture I see of you!! :D Your bodyfat % is amazing also.
Dan took mine a few weeks ago and I was at 20%, pretty good for a 6'2" woman!

Have a safe trip on the 25th!


Thu, Apr-18-02, 13:41
Hi Linda,
When you say your body fat percentage is 20%, I must admit my ignorance - I know very little about the optimal amount of body fat. 20% for a 6'2" woman must be good, though, because you look very fit in your photos.

I am just learning about the good and bad points of low body fat. It may be responsible for the fatigue I experience after a heavy duty workout - at this point I just don't know. If I have to add body fat and give up some definition for more energy and growth potential - it is a price I am willing to pay.

Being able to go to your website


for nutritional, exercise and general fitness knowledge is wonderful. You and trainerdan are a big part of any success Karen and I have enjoyed. Thank you for your tireless imput

P.S. I read both of your stories again last night. It seems you and Trainerdan provide each other with the same kind of support that Karen and I try to give one another.

Thu, Apr-18-02, 14:40

Thanks for answering my question so quick. Of course...I want a lower body fat percentage and now it appears that you need yours a little higher (of course...you have been LCing and exercising a lot longer than I...LOL). So, is your's really too low or are the charts just not indicative of fat percentage when someone is in really good shape??? hummmm. But, I feel better that you have only paid attention to the carbohydrates. I've probably added 2 -3 teaspoons of butter a day since starting on this WOE. I also add a little olive oil to ground turky when I make it (the 7% fat ground turkey) and add flax seed oil whenever I think of it. My thoughts are that I should eliminate the butter completely but everyone says that it helps us to burn fat...in your case that seems to be true. Well, I do wish you the best and I'm interested in Trainer Dan's comments...thanks again!

Thu, Apr-18-02, 22:13
Hi Cher,
So, is your's really too low or are the charts just not indicative of fat percentage when someone is in really good shape???
I wish I could I could answer your question, but the truth is I just don't know at this point.

Cautiously increasing my body fat should provide me with an answer as to whether or not the fatigue I feel after a workout is due to a low percentage of body fat. Everyone's nutritional requirements are different - I'll just have to see what works for me. Raising my body fat percentage will allow me to introduce some new foods into my WOE - something that would be very difficult for me to do unless I had a good reason to do so.

Foods you mentioned: butter- I don’t use it, olive oil - I use it on salad and flaxseed oil is one of the supplements I take daily.

Foods I avoid: dairy - no more heavy cream (although I am thinking about introducing skim milk to my WOE). I use to eat so much Swiss Cheese I thought I could yodel but since I eliminated it I found I am much more regular (if you know what I mean). I also no longer eat bacon.

Foods I eat most: egg whites, chicken breasts, whey, lean ground beef, tenderloin, fresh fish, asparagus, broccoli, spinach and lettuce. Some foods I eat may not be appropriate for others but agree with me and don't cause me to gain weight – oatmeal and strawberries for example.

I use splenda only in my morning coffee and sweeten the oatmeal and strawberries with the vanilla flavored whey protein powder I use which contains sucralose.

I avoid sugar like the plague, haven't had a piece of bread, any form of potato or pasta in 53 weeks and will throw anything away without thinking twice if it looks suspicious or is too high in sodium.
Last but not least… the “magic bullet” – water. I drink at least 3 to 5 quarts a day.

Remember I am no longer trying to lose weight, I am trying to add muscle. Daily cardio and lifting weights allow me to eat the way I do without gaining.

I would strongly suggest paying attention to what trainerdan has to say. His abundant knowledge about our LC WOL is available in the general exercise and body opus forums and at his own website: quadrafit.com

Over time you will discover what works for you. dankar

Fri, Apr-19-02, 07:08
Originally posted by dankar
Hi Linda,
When you say your body fat percentage is 20%, I must admit my ignorance - I know very little about the optimal amount of body fat. 20% for a 6'2" woman must be good, though, because you look very fit in your photos.

P.S. I read both of your stories again last night. It seems you and Trainerdan provide each other with the same kind of support that Karen and I try to give one another.

Thanks Dan!
20% is in the healthy range for a woman my height and I am happy with that. I would love it to be lower but for now, it will do! But then again I am always wanting more when it comes to my body--actually I should say less!! Loss of inches, weight, bodyfat %.... it takes time I know.

Dan and I do provide tons of support for each other. I never thought I could be so in love with someone and have so much in common. He has taught me so much. It is hard, as I'm sure Karen knows, when your significant other seems to lose so much easier and faster than you. But I'm sure, like me, she is nothing but happy for you!! You two seem like such a wonderful couple! I feel truly blessed to call the both of you friends. I am glad that Dan and I could be of help but you have helped both of us extremely too! :D :D :D Ok... enough mushy stuff!! :)

Take care!

Fri, Apr-19-02, 09:10
Dan...I'm so glad that you told me more about what you're eating...I didn't eat butter before and I think I'm going to give it up again. The olive oil and flax seed both seem very healthy for the system! Here's the BIG one...dairy...I was dairy free prior to starting this WOE and then decided to add it back after 3 months on this program. Now I'm thinking I should eliminate it again...this will sound wierd...but, I think I'm allergic to dairy...I always feel like I have a cold when I'm using dairy products...and that heavy cream...well that's one treat that I've gotten used to, that I never had before...so, I think it's time to let that go too. I add strawberries and feel good about that and I've thought about adding oatmeal because the glycemic index is so low. Hummm...I need to spend some time with DH before he goes to work...but, thanks so much for explaning your WOE more...this gives me a lot to think about. I will also visit trainer Dan's site...sounds like he's been an excellent influence in your life...take care and say hello to Karen...you too are awesome!

Fri, Apr-19-02, 13:37
Exercise caution, Cher, when it comes to the oatmeal. You may want to wait until you hit your goal before you start eating it - I did.

It is high in carb and will be a big part of the daily amount allowed in the OWL (ongoing weight loss) stage.

Once you hit goal and begin the Maintenance stage you will be allowed more freedom to choose. Determining your personal CCLM (critical carbohydrate level to maintain) is a trial and error process. Stay focused. dankar

Fri, Apr-19-02, 14:04
OK...got that caution about the Oatmeal...thanks !

Mon, Apr-29-02, 17:42
Fern and I had the distinct pleasure of meeting Dan and his wife Karen this past weekend. I don't believe that there are words to describe the sort of bond that I feel with both Dan and Karen.

I will leave the details for Dan to post (as well as some pictures that were taken) ... but, I will drop this little teaser on you all ...

We all met for dinner Saturday night, then a workout Sunday afternoon, followed by an early dinner Sunday evening. It was fun having 4 LCers at the same table ordering. Our poor waitresses ... LOL ...

Both Dan and Karen look even better in person than they do in the pictures you see here online. They are a shining example of a couple living the low-carb lifestyle with great success.

I know that I have made two friends for life.

There are a few pictures in Fern2340's journal, but the bulk of the pictures were taken by Karen in the gym. I am waiting anxiously to see them ...

That man is an animal in the gym, and I have a hard time believing that he is 52. He is hardcore! LOL.

Thank you Dan and Karen for a wonderful weekend.

Mon, Apr-29-02, 18:34
everyone meeting...now that had to be fun ! Hope you guys/gals had a wonderful time.

j. mcadams
Tue, Apr-30-02, 05:06
Just wanted to pop in and say how I wish here in Kentucky I had some real low carb. buddies to meet with. However I am so greatful for my new family here on the forum.
Karen and Dan are two of he many kind low carbers that have helped me so much.

Dan and Karen, have you made it back up north yet??? Have a great summer. Joan :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Sat, May-04-02, 04:53
Hi Trainerdan,
It was great meeting you and Linda in person. Karen and I enjoyed every minute we spent together. Your nutritional and supplement advice will be a great help to me as I attempt to achieve my goal of adding lean mass while keeping my body fat to a minimum.

The training session you put me through in the gym was awesome. Your suggestions and guidance are much appreciated. My training will certainly be more productive and efficient thanks to you.

I also know I can always go to quadrafit.com if I need additional guidance.

Thanks Trainerdan. Once again you came through for me. Karen and I send our best to Linda. You are a very inspirational couple and we are blessed to have you both as friends. dankar

P.S. Here in Maine I have very little high tech hardware - only a small laptop. As a result I won't be able to post any pictures. Also my seasonal business will keep me quite busy for the next 6 months. Time for me to go to work. Dan

j. mcadams
Sat, May-04-02, 07:33
Dan and Karen, so glad you have made it back to Maine safely. It has been way too long since I have seen a post from you all. Have a great summer and keep in touch. Joan :) :)

Sat, May-04-02, 15:23
Hi Joan, Thanks for staying in touch and thinking of us. We had a safe trip and are busy opening up our "camp" on a a lake here in Maine. Traveling and sticking to the diet was an experience. Lots of hard boiled eggs, protein shakes, salads and funny looks from the waitresses and waiters who served us. Karen and I hope you are having a wonderful spring. dankar

Hi Cher, Karen and I had a great visit with Trainerdan. He and Linda are a warm and wonderful couple. The nutritional advice and exercise program I received from him will enable me to make great progress toward realizing my goals. Even though I am in Maine, his website quadrafit.com is only a mouse click away. Thanks for staying in touch. dankar

Sat, May-04-02, 15:44
Thanks for the support! Linda says "hi" and sends her best.

Good luck with your business this season. I promise that I will have the programs we discussed for you next stage of physique transformation together as soon as possible ... can't rush perfection, right? ;)

Looking forward to another training session, and more photo ops in 6 months or so ... Our next set of "before" and "afters" ... :D

Sun, May-12-02, 07:38
Hey Dan,

Firstly , thanks for answering my post to you . I have been reading your thread about you and your wife's success story . It is mega .There is no way that I can add to whats already been said . You are clearly a shining beacon of success to locarbing and yes I am jealous of what you have accomplished :)
I would just love that to be me . I am short and stocky in build and yes I may only have 30lbs to loose but it is alot for a small person ,I am 5'2". What I would only give to be ripped !!

I was a gym junkie , but things changed in my life and I kinda lost focus , had other things to do . I have found it very difficult getting motivated and can find any excuse not to go to the gym .

I have been locarbing now for 3 weeks , and have lost 4 and 1/2 lbs ,most of it lost in the first week . I have continued with induction for fear of slowing down the rate of loss further .

I thinkI'm doing it all right , am trying to limit calories too , to 10-12X body weight . Do you think thats a good idea ? Or should one eat until one is full ? Maybe I am too impatient . I must say that my stomach is flatter , but I dont seem to have anough energy to do my run on the treadmill at the gym .

Is there anything in keeping your body well fed to prevent it from going into starvation mode?

It would be really encouraging to me if you could say just how quick or slow you lost and give an example of what you ate in those early days .
Looking forward to hearing from you

Rob :wave:

Sun, May-12-02, 18:44
Hi Rob,
Thanks for your kind words and support. I'm going to post parts of my original reply to you, that I posted in your journal, below for the benefit of others who may be follwing this thread.I read your journal like you asked and I have a few observations which may help. Your current weight (162) is not that much so don't expect to lose as fast as someone who is really obese. How tall are you? It looks like you started in late April - 4 pounds for someone who wants to lose 32 more pounds is not bad progress.
You are exercising. You are becoming harder, losing inches and getting stronger as you add lean muscle. These developments are more desirable than a number on the scale - take some measurements and use them to track your progress. I'll trade fat for muscle any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Weigh yourself early in the morning as soon as you get up and preferably at the same time each day before you eat or drink anything. This is the only reading that will tell you whats really happening

Don't give in. Keep moving that iron in the gym and be disciplined at meal time. If you do, you are going to get high looking at yourself in the mirror one day... sooner than what you might think right now.

I, too, am a short person (5' 7"). Aside from being a jockey. a boxer or possibly track and field... there aren't many other athletic avtivities where being short is not a disadavantage.

There is one other athletic activity where being short is not a disadvantage... bodybuilding. A bodybuilder is an athlete in the purest sense. We compete against ourselves. It is also a lifelong activity.

Speaking for myself, when I was overweight the first thing people noticed was that I was fat. Over the course of my life I lost enough weight several times to no longer be considered fat - when this happened the first thing they then noticed was that I was short. It bothered me.

Now that I've lost the weight and have gotten in shape I am experiencing yet another reaction. Being from Florida I am able to go to the beach. When I take my shirt off they don't notice how tall I am... they notice the level of physical fitness I have achieved. I no longer think about being short.

Short people actually have an advantage in bodybuilding. 5 or 10 pounds of lean, hard muscle shows up much more on short guys like us than someone who is six feet tall. Most people are aware of the effort and sacrifice that goes into creating a hard, ripped physique. The price is great... so are the rewards.

I paid no attention to the amount of calories I ate and very little attention to the fat content of my nutrition when I first started my new WOL - only the amount of carbohydrate. I did avoid foods that were high in sodium with the exception of bacon which I no longer eat. I did some form of exercise daily (primarily walking), usually ate nothing after 6 pm, DID NOT CHEAT, and follwed Atkins' prescription for weight loss with very little variation. I drank water until my teeth floated. I have already explained to you in your journal how I felt eating cheese and butter slowed down my metabolism and how much cleaner and energetic I feel not eating them. Egg whites, low carb whey protein shakes and skinless baked chicken breasts would also be a big part of what I ate if I was just beginning. Other examples of what Karen and I eat can be found in earlier posts I have made in this thread.

The amount of weight I lost was dramatic in the beginning and I stalled several times on my way to goal. The exact numbers and time frames are too lenghty to post.

Always keep in mind that this WOL is not another quick trip around the block where we end up right where we started. It is a lifelong journey and the rate at which we lose weight is not important. Be patient. It will happen.

This WOL of life works! I hope I'll be looking at some ripped pictures of you someday. Are you willing to pay the price? It ain't cheap but tears of joy will fill your eyes when you see that guy looking back at you in the mirror. Stay focused. dankar

P.S. Check out what Trainerdan has to say in the general exercise and CKD/body opus forums and at his own website quadrafit.com

Tue, May-14-02, 02:31
Here are a couple of pictures of our visit with Trainerdan and Linda when we visited them in New Jersey on 4-28-02 on our way to Maine. They are from Linda's (fern2340) journal.

We all worked out together and then proceeded to a restaurant for a low carb meal. I'm not sure our waitress ever wants to see us again after taking our LC order.

Tue, May-14-02, 03:00
Trainerdan made me pull up my shirt! I must admit he didn't have to encourage me too much to do so.

He may want my abs... but I want those shoulders of his. The most difficult part of my workout with him was putting more weight on the bars for his sets. His gym may soon have buy some more plates if he gets any stronger! dankar

Tue, May-14-02, 14:11
What an inspiration you both are! I just started this way of life just over a week ago (already lost 6 pounds). After reading about you two and seeing the pictures all I can say is AMAZING!!

Well, I hope I too can follow in your footsteps.

Thanks Sharon :wave:

Tue, May-14-02, 14:27
Thanks, Sharon, for your compliment. Karen and I wish you the best of luck. 6 pounds in one week - EXCELLENT! You are on your way. Keep us posted on your progress. dankar

Tue, May-14-02, 15:36
Dan I am staggered ,

your pics totally blew me away . You are such an inspiration to me , you have no idea .

I hope to post some pics of myself here oneday too


Tue, May-14-02, 17:12
Thanks for the compliments about my shoulders and my strength, Dan. LOL. Your intensity in the gym during our workout took me to a place I haven't been to in a while. Good to shake things up like that every once in a while.

I still want (AND WILL GET) abs that resemble yours ...

Short people actually have an advantage in bodybuilding.

How true, how true. It is taking me a lot of blood, sweat, and protein to fill out this lanky frame that I was given. While Dankar could step onstage in the VERY near future and compete (if he were so inclined ...), I still need to add another 20 lbs. of LBM to even get onstage in the height class I'd be in. (looking at summer 2003 to compete locally)

I may have along reach, but it takes forever to fill out these long muscle bellies on my arms. LOL.

Dan, thanks once again for your support of Quadrafit. IT means alot to me and Linda.

Say hello to Karen for me. Any updates on her transformation?

Tue, May-14-02, 20:42
oh how fun to come and visit you guys/gals. Those pictures are just awesome...I can't wait to be in a place where I can post before and after pics...how very cool! Hope all is well!

Wed, May-15-02, 02:52
Hi Trainerdan,
I am considering entering an AAU (Amateur Athhletic Union) sponsored bodybuilding contest in the late fall after we return to Florida. It all depends on what kind of shape I'm in.

There are many such events in south Florida, California also seems to have quite a few.

I would never be competitive going up against young guys like yourself, however, I wouldn't have to. As you know there are age categories for men and women. I would compete in the "Master's" class (age 50 to 55). There are also age classes for athletes over 55, over 60 and even over 70! Simply having the confidence to compete would represent a victory to me.

It is only a dream for me right now. But then how can you expect a dream to come true unless you have one. I never dreamed that an LC WOL and exercise would be as effective as it has been in altering my physique. When I first registered at lowcarber.org I planned on losing a few pounds... here I am a year later thinking about entering a bodybuilding contest! How anyone in their right minds can think this WOL doesn't work if done properly is beyond me.

The wonderful people here who moderate this site and everyone else who provided encouragement and support are responsible for our progress and Karen's growing talent at taking in her clothes on her well used sewing machine. She wants to get closer to goal before she posts any more pictures of herself. I have nothing but admiration for women who are attempting to lose weight - they have to be much more determined and patient than men. I'm sure there is an explanation why they lose weight slower than we do... I don't know what is though.

I'll stay in touch and continue to follow your advice. Your site quadrafit.com will continue to be a primary source of nutritional and training information for me. I don't know where I would be right now without it.

lowcarber.org , quadrafit.com, all the folks who provided support and most importantly a loving, Heavenly Father who wants only good things for His children have made this happen: going from an obese, depressed recluse to someone planning on stepping onstage and competing in a bodybuilding contest. What more can I say. dankar

Wed, May-15-02, 03:24
Hi Cher,
Thanks for staying in touch. It's always good to hear fom you.

I see that middle number in your stats has gone down another 7 pounds to 174... YES!!!!! I believe you had lost 49 the last time we took notice - now it's 56. Bravo, Cher, Karen and I are so happy for you!

We can't wait to see some before and after pictures when you are ready to post them. Thanks again, Cher. dankar

Sat, May-18-02, 15:10
I just jound your story and what an inspiration. My husband and I are both on this WOE. We are both 64 years old which makes it more difficult to lose. I can understand how your Karen feels, my hubby has passed me up and has been eating lc for a month or so less than I have. He is disabled with COPD and doing really well with 29 lbs off since the end of Jan. I am losing very slowly I think due to a thyroid problem which I am taking medication for.
After reading your story I am really ready to do some serious walking.
Thank you for motivating us all
Bev :wave:

Sat, May-18-02, 17:02
I imagine you will be receiving a lot of email like this one in the next week since your story has been featured in the weekly mail. I am reinspired if you will. I had about one week of exercise success on this WOL. I have been walking almost every day but it has been frequently put off to the last minute or squeezing it in on my lunch break. I never walked yesterday. The morning was weather was ok but cold. The weather only got worse as the day went on. I too was at the bottom when I started this woe. I weighed 298 and had gotten as high as 306. I think I am a little taller than you but still need to take off at least 65 more lbs. At what point did everyone you see begin to notice? People noticing seems to be a big concern among many of us. Also were you always disciplined or did that just happen recently. When I say disciplined I mean that you made yourself walk religiously etc.? Even though you didn't try your going to be a role model for many of us. I am very impressed.

Sun, May-19-02, 00:43
Hi Bev,
My wife Karen and myself appreciate the kind words and your taking the time to read our story. We feel a special bond with other couples who have decided to commit themselves to this way of life.

There are times when Karen becomes discouraged... especially in the midst of a stall. Lately her weight loss progress has been slow while I, on the other hand, am eating more carbohydrate than ever in an effort to maintain... it doesn't seem fair. My love for her has grown along with my appreciation of the valiant effort she is making to achieve her goal weight.

Walking together gives us an opportunity to become closer. Our "journey together" becomes reality instead of merely being a figure of speech.

The motivation and inspiration we received from all that replied to our story is far greater than any we offer. Taking the time to answer each and every reply is merely "enlightened self interest".

Good luck to you and your husband. Please keep us posted on your progress. Your new LC friends, Dan & Karen

Sun, May-19-02, 03:02
Hi Jerry.
Congratulations on losing 33 pounds. You should be very proud of yourself.

One of the easiest things in the world to do is finding an excuse not to exercise... here are a few of the ones I might use. I'm busy, I'm tired, I exercised yesterday, it's too hot, it's too cold , my shoelace broke etc. etc. etc. Take a look at Bevb's quote (her signature at the bottom of her reply) which appears 3 replies before this one. Your signature, by the way, is also wonderful.

Nobody decides to change their life because they are on a winning streak. We change because something painful happens. It's the pain we obey.

My barber was the first to notice I had lost weight. I'm not sure how long after I started this happened - perhaps a month? My wife, Karen, didn't receive a single weight loss acknowledgement for 6 months. What magnificent determination on her part!

Compliments, flattering remarks, even jealous looks provide the motivation we need to keep going. At least they did for me. They are VERY important. A simple "thank you" is the most appropriate response when we receive one and you will be receiving many one day soon.

My opinion, for what it's worth, is that there is no better form of exercise than walking. It decreases the appetite, accelerates the metabolism, relieves stress, burns fat and most importantly makes me feel good. I have never gone for a walk and wasn't glad I had done so after I finished. I'll be going for a walk with Karen after finishing this reply.

As for being disciplined... I have not always been so. Any degree of discipline I now have resulted after I made a commitment to this WOL.

Thanks for your kind words and support, Jerry. Stay focused. dankar

Wed, Jun-26-02, 08:04
Here is a picture of me at my "camp" at a lake in Maine taken 6-24-2002.

My neighbors and people who go by in their boats want to know where is the guy who use to live here. I just tell them that guy does't live here anymore. Stay focused. dankar

j. mcadams
Wed, Jun-26-02, 08:51
Dan so good to finally see a post from you, I have been wondering how you and Karen are doing. Great picture, have a wonderful summer. Joan

Thu, Jun-27-02, 01:02
Hi Joan,
All is well. Thanks for staying in touch. dankar

Thu, Jun-27-02, 06:21
Hey Dan!
I too am glad to see your face around here every once in a while! I know you're busy this summer but I am happy that things are well! Tell Karen I said hi!!

Take care,

Fri, Jun-28-02, 04:58
Hi Linda!
Its wonderful to hear from you! How have you and Trainerdan been?

Karen and I are fine. I've been busy with my business, taking people on guided fishing trips here in Maine, and Karen has been tutoring.

Being a Registered Maine Guide and taking people fishing on the rivers here in Maine has always been quite demanding physically.
My being in shape has made the job a real joy. My clients seem more relaxed and I am more confident than I have ever been knowing I am better prepared for whatever situation presents itself. There seems to be no end to the benefits of my new Way of Life. Karen says hi. stay focused. dankar

Wed, Jul-03-02, 13:59
Holy cow! You look FANTASTIC, hubba hubba! Good for you:)
Totally an inspiration:)

j. mcadams
Wed, Jul-03-02, 14:04
Hi Dan and Karen, I just wanted to drop in to wish you both a great FOURTH OF JULY. Hope you two are having a great summer. Joan

P.S. Oh yeah finally got a pic of myself posted also in my journal is a picture of myself and my "DH Bob. j..

Thu, Jul-04-02, 03:43
Hi Marie, Hi Joan...
Thanks for replying, your kind words and support.

Your avatar pictures are wonderful... you are both very lovely ladies.

Karen and I hope you have a safe and peaceful 4th. of July. Stay focused, dankar

Fri, Jul-05-02, 09:44
Originally posted by dankar
Hi Linda!
Its wonderful to hear from you! How have you and Trainerdan been?

Hey Dan!
Dan and I have been good. Very busy but good! We just moved him into a new apt. this weekend so boxes are still everywhere!
Hope you had a nice 4th of July!


Sat, Jul-06-02, 21:26
This my first time to reply and I am impressed with the two of you. I have been on and off of this diet and am going to get back on after reading your letter. Thanks. :wave:

Mon, Jul-08-02, 04:26
Hi LindaT,
We want to wish you the very best. This Way of Life has been a blessing for us and we hope it will also be one for you as well. Welcome and stay focused. dankar

Fri, Jul-19-02, 20:12
On August 10, 2002 I will be competing in my first bodybuilding contest - the NABF (North American Bodybuilding Federation) "Supernatural"... so named because they test for steroids and other anabolic like substances.

The competition will be held in Scarborough, Maine near the city of Portland at the Scarborough High School. The prejudging begins at 1 pm.

I have entered the "Grandmaster" (over 45 years of age) and "Master" (over 38) classes.
I would also qualify for the Men's Open Lightweight Class (under 154 lbs.) if I chose to.

The picture below was taken yesterday 7-19-2002.

My journey gets more interesting everyday. Stay focused, dankar

Fri, Jul-19-02, 20:41
We'll all have our fingers crossed for you, Dan. You remain an inspiration!


Fri, Jul-19-02, 20:57
Thanks Nat. Dan

j. mcadams
Sat, Jul-20-02, 07:39
WTG DAN, I agree with Nat you are such an inspiration.
Please give my best to Karen. Hope your alls summer is going well. You look great...joan

Sun, Jul-21-02, 05:05
Hi Joan,
As always, thanks for your support and encouragement.

Preparing for the contest and operating my guide service has certainly made our summer a busy one.

I am being trained by a guy who was "Mr. Maine" in 1997. The mandatory poses and a posing routine set to music are quite challenging, especially for a novice like myself.

My Way of Eating has become super clean and additional cardio work both in the morning and evening as well as an increased workload in the gym are a real test for a man my age.

The goal is to become as "ripped" as possible which means losing body fat and water and achieving a hard, tight look to display the musculature.

Karen is doing well and dealing with some HRT issues at present.

Hope you are well and having a peaceful summer. Stay focused, dankar

j. mcadams
Sun, Jul-21-02, 06:58
Dan, will this event by any chance be on ESPN??? Let us know I would love to watch.
Tell Karen I am going through the same thing about the HRT, we just never know which is the right way to go.
Okay sounds as if you guys are busy but so glad you take time to do some posting. joan

Sun, Jul-21-02, 19:58
Hi Joan,
My competition is not going to be televised as far as I know. Thank goodness - I am nervous enough about entering as it is.

My competing, nonetheless, is the realization of a dream.

The most prestigious event in the sport is the "Mr. Olympia" contest... the super bowl of bodybuilding so to speak. This year I believe that contest is being held in Las Vegas in October. dankar

Sun, Jul-21-02, 20:03
Hi Dan,

I've been keeping an eye on you...although not posting ;)

Just wanted to wish you all the best with the competition...goodness, look how far you have come. :eek:

I can only imagine what getting to goal is like :rolleyes:


Sun, Jul-21-02, 20:10
If we don't allow others to do our thinking and we stay focused we can achieve many more goals than simply a number on a scale. Thanks, Lesley, for your kind words and support. dankar

Mon, Jul-22-02, 08:46
Hey Dan!
Your picture looks great! I am so excited for you....the competition is so close! Best of luck!! Dan and I will both be sending good thoughts to you on that day. As always, tell Karen I said hello!


Wed, Jul-24-02, 05:08
Hi Linda,
It's always good to hear from you. You, Trainerdan and your web site quadrafit.com have been with us for most of our LC journey and, as I've said before, are a big part of why we have been able to come as far we have.

These final pre contest weeks are demanding. My present WOE makes the Atkins' induction phase seem like a binge. Daily, but short and intense, workouts with very few days off is the regimen in the gym... cardio work continues until the final two weeks. I have not noticed any muscle or strength loss as I severely limit the carb. My current bench press (215 pounds) is the same now that I weigh 144 as it was when I began to get into contest shape one month ago. The number of bodyweight exercises I can now perform (pull ups, push ups and dips) have also increased.

I've neglected my legs over the course of my development and there is no doubt they are my weakest body part. All the walking and cardio I have done have leaned them out... my calves, however, have some size from all the years I carried close to 225 lbs around.

My posing routine music is an 80's song by a group called "Will to Power". The name of the song is "Dreamin"... what everybody told me I was doing when I first thought about entering.

Karen is well, working hard and staying busy in the gym also. She recently broke through a months long stall with a 2 pound loss... needless to say she had a smile that went from ear to ear.

Give our best to Trainerdan. Hope you are getting settled into your new apartment. We think of you both often. Dan and Karen

Mon, Jul-29-02, 04:45
These old friends have been with me every step of my LC journey.
They were on my feet when I went for my first walk almost a year and a half ago... they will be on my feet when I go to compete in my first bodybuilding contest on August 10, 2002.

I recently had to buy a new pair. I will save these old friends for special occasions and to remind me how far down this road I have traveled. dankar

Mon, Jul-29-02, 10:03
What an inspiration!!!! Your story made me cry. I truely believe I have found the missing piece in the weight loss puzzle. I am new and look forward to seeing great results like you both!! I want a six pack too!!

God Bless

Mon, Jul-29-02, 14:20
We are rooting for you harpseal. Stay focused. dankar

Thu, Aug-15-02, 20:52
Last Saturday, Aug. 10, 2002, I competed in my first bodybuilding contest... the NABF Supernatural held in Scarborough, Maine.

I placed fourth in the "Grandmaster" Division (over 45 years of age). There were six or seven competitors in this class.

My dream came true. Thanks to everyone here who helped make it happen. Stay focused. dankar

Thu, Aug-15-02, 21:16
Hey Dan!
You look great! Congrats on placing 4th. How was it? Was the posing really difficult? Did you enjoy yourself?

What an inspiration u are!!!

Thu, Aug-15-02, 21:59
Hi Linda,
It was a wonderful experience. I can't begin to tell you what it did for my confidence and self-esteem.

I made many mistakes, due to my inexperience, that I will learn from.

The prejudging was difficult. The INTENSE lighting, heat and adrenalin combined with a very vocal audience made it a challenge to stay focused.

Staying hard and flexed for 15 minutes for each class I entered was as tough as any workout I've ever been through.

I actually entered THREE classes: Grandmaster, Master and the men's lightweight open. That meant THREE rounds of mandatory poses as well as my personal routine to music in the evening. I didn't place in the Master or Open lightweight classes. The competition was just too formidable and young and I was just too inexperienced. The presentation is just as important as the physique and quite honestly my paint looked terrible... I needed the experience. I do think I scared the pants off some of the kids in the men's lightweight open though. Not too many 52 year old men line up in that class.

Thanks for your kind words. There is a show in Asbury Park, NJ around the middle of October that may be a good fit for me. It is not a "natural" show, however, and I would really be at a disadvantage. We'll see. Say hi to Trainerdan for me. dankar

Fri, Aug-16-02, 00:19
dankar.....Wow! Congratulations on your recent competition...and for placing 4th....that must have felt incredible! You keep inspiring me...WTG!

Fri, Aug-16-02, 20:07
Thanks Cher.
Oh by the way-

SIXTY THREE AND A HALF POUNDS!!!!!!!! and 85% to goal!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!

What a magnificent achievement. Stay focused. dankar

Fri, Aug-16-02, 20:35

I may lower the goal again...but, I'm feeling great about the progress. Now, if only I could work out as much as you...wow...it would be fun to see what the results would be in one year...hummmm

I CAN do it...it's my challenge :)

j. mcadams
Sun, Aug-18-02, 11:50
Dan and Karen, what wonderful news of placing 4th, that is sooooo coollll. I am so amazed each time I look at your before and after pictures. I think you should contact Dr. Atkins and let him know all about you wonderful success.
Please say HI to Karen for me and hope she has made a decision about the HRT. Stay well and it won't be long before you will be back in Fla. joan

Mon, Aug-19-02, 06:07
Hi Joan,
You are so right about the summer ending and our return to Florida - both are fast approaching.

When we no longer see the hummingbirds at their feeder we know it is time for us to head south also.

Thanks for all the wonderful support. Karen continues to work hard at losing the weight and her discontinuing the HRT seems to have helped. Maybe I can talk her into posting something sometime soon. She is basicly a private person who quietly goes about her business.

Thanks for staying in touch. Your cyber buddies. Dan & Karen

Thu, Aug-22-02, 14:42
WOW!!! A very impressive showing at your competition! Congrats and thanks for the motivation!!


Fri, Aug-23-02, 06:03
Thanks, Shelley, for your kind words. dankar

Wed, Sep-18-02, 06:22
My success story has been published in the November, 2002 issue of "Muscle and Fitness" magazine.

The article is primarily about my experience, contains before and after pictures and is one full page long.

"Muscle and Fitness" magazine is perhaps the most respected and largest publication in the field of health and fitness.

The article appears on page 34 of the November, 2002 issue. I just received my copy in the mail and it should now be on the newstands.

Needless to say I am thrilled that the #1 health and fitness magazine in the world would choose to print my story. Stay focused. Dan

j. mcadams
Wed, Sep-18-02, 07:07
Dan this is soooo coooollll you have been such an inspiration to all of us that struggle with our eating.
Have you and Karen started back to Flordia as of yet??? Again Congrats on this success. Joan

Thu, Sep-19-02, 15:50
Hey Dan,

Sorry it has taken me so long to find my way back here. Things have been unusually busy for me these days.

Congratuations on the 4th pace finish. That is a huge accomplishment! I will have to get some advice from you as my contest date gets closer (still a year out for Mr. South Jersey 2003).

I picked up a copy of the November M&F. Such a great article. Another achievement for you. I'll have to get you to sign it when we run into each other again.

Say hello to Karen for me, and thank you for being such a source of inspiration to us all.

Take care.

Thu, Sep-19-02, 20:08
Hi Joan,
Karen and I plan to leave for Florida around Oct. 15th. The trees
are beginning to change color and the Maine evenings are now quite chilly. Just like the songbirds we love so much it is time for us to migrate south also. Thanks for all the support you've given us. Your LC friends, Dan and Karen

Thu, Sep-19-02, 20:28
Hi Dan,
Its wonderful to hear from you. I hope you are settled into your new apartment. I can only imagine how disruptive it must have been.
Its a little late now and I have a few things I'd like to tell you. I'll get back back to you tomorrow when I'm not as tired. Its been a long day for me. Say hi to Linda for me. Dan

Fri, Sep-20-02, 05:08
I would be honored to sign a copy for you of my story which appears in the November, 2002 issue of "Muscle and Fitness" magazine. You and Linda are part of the reason both Karen and myself have been able to accomplish what we have.

I would be delighted to share what little I know about being a bodybuilding contestant with you. I had someone train me when it came to striking the mandatory poses during pre judging, putting together an individual routine to music, pre contest nutrition, body paint, final pre contest workouts (both anerobic and aerobic), contest selection and maintaining a confident, positive, winning attitude. Nothing would make me happier than to be able to repay you for all you've done for me. I had a video of my first contest professionally done... it came out great. I would love to watch it with you and point out the many, many mistakes I made so you won't have to make the same ones.

When I was having second thoughts about putting on a posing suit and getting up onstage in front of hundreds of people and competing against athletes half my age, when I was questioning myself about whether I belonged up there or was just fooling myself and almost backed out, someone said something to me that I would like to say to you - THERE ARE NO LOSERS UP THERE!

You will compete one day and it just might be Karen and myself making all that noise in the audience rooting for you. If there is one thing I've learned since I began my new Way Of Life it is this - dreams do come true.

Say hi to Linda for me and thanks, Dan, for staying in touch. dankar

P.S. I am competing in an NPC contest in Manchester, New Hampshire on Sunday, Sept. 29, 2002. It is not a natural show so I will be at a disadvantage. I plan on being 3 lbs. heavier, harder and having a little experience this time. The "Masters" division in this show is for contestants over 40 years of age. One of these days I'm going to find a contest that has a "Masters" division for contestants over 50. Whoever I line up against that day will have their hands full.

Sat, Sep-21-02, 12:24
I can't beleive how good you guys look! Those abs! What more can I say?

Sun, Sep-22-02, 06:55
Hi Dan!
I just saw Dan's copy of Muscle and Fitness... WTG! I am so happy for you that your story is in there. Let me say again how amazing both you and Karen are. Please tell her I said hello! I hope all is well in Maine!


doreen T
Mon, Sep-23-02, 07:30
hiya Dan,

It's been ages since I've had the chance to visit your Success story. Overseeing all the forums, and a fair bit of upheaval in my personal life keeps me pretty occupied these days :daze: But I saw your message in the thread about posting pics, and had to zoom over here to CONGRATULATE YOU on your successes. I'm humbled that you'd even think I had anything to do with it, other than standing on the sideline, shouting Rah-Rah and You Can Do It. :)

And now I get to shout You Look Mahvelous :heart: You've accomplished so much in just a little over a year. And no end in sight :cool: Congrats to you on having your story published; I'm going to make a point to get my hands on the Nov. issue of Muscle & Fitness.

I hope that closing up the park in Maine and the move back to Florida, is uneventful for you. And I hope you and Karen get the chance to enjoy the beautiful fall colors before you head back.originally posted by dankar
One of these days I'm going to find a contest that has a "Masters" division for contestants over 50. Whoever I line up against that day will have their hands full.Right on!! Definitely a winner :cool:

I wish you continued personal success and good health :rose:


Mon, Sep-23-02, 08:32
Hi Doreen,
Thanks for your kind words and for staying in touch.

You are right about my having come a long way in a year and a half. I must admit, though, I am still very insecure about being able to keep the weight off. The thought of gaining it back and once again being obese might be worse than never having lost the weight in the first place.

Accomplishing alot also means having alot more to lose. The thought of being fat, once again, is frightening. I've been thin before and have gained it back so I know what I am capable of.

Anyway - today is what counts. Thanks again, Doreen. Dan

Thu, Sep-26-02, 10:56

I would like that. I have the same worries about posing, having never done it before. It would be good to have you show me the way on that.

Good luck in your next show. Wow, 2 in one year. There's no stopping you!

In the meantime, this copy of M&F is being kept in a safe place.

Take care.

Thu, Oct-03-02, 14:48
Here is a photo my wife, Karen, took of me competing in my 2nd. bodybuilding contest last Sunday, 9/29/02.

j. mcadams
Thu, Oct-03-02, 15:37
Dan, I went back through yours and Karen's journal and found those beginning pictures and you know what????? You look 30 years younger now. So if Atkins would work that way for me and I looked 30 years younger I would only look 20 years old. Another reason to stay low carb..Great picture.
Say HI to Karen for me. Best wishes joan :thup: :thup: :thup:

Thu, Oct-03-02, 19:11
Hi Joan,
Thanks for staying in touch. There seems to be no end to the benefits of this WOL (Way Of Life).

Weight loss is just the tip of the iceberg.

Many folks think that a low carb WOE (Way Of Eating) means eating bacon and eggs three times a day, no fruit, no vegetables while our cholesterol rises and our kidneys shut down. I no longer argue with them.

Many think a low carb WOE consists of almost nothing but protein and less than 20 grams of carb a day. While this is true during the induction phase... it is not during the ongoing weight loss phase and maintenance phases. In my humble opinion the maintenance phase more accurately represents the low carb WOE.

I cannot remember the last time I had less than 20 grams of carb in a day. There are foods I avoid (sugar and white flour for example) but I still love to eat and do not feel deprived. If I ever feel like I'm missing something - I take a good long look at a picture of myself a year and a half ago.

I'm sure there are many nutritional plans that are healthy and cause us to lose and then control our weight besides a low carb WOE. I may someday investigate some of them again more thoroughly.

For the time being, though, I will continue to do what works best for me... a low carb lifestyle.

I don't know if I look any younger, Joan, but I sure do feel like a kid again. Karen says hi. Your LC friends, Dan & Karen

Fri, Oct-04-02, 04:22
great picture Dan. I like the seperation between your delt and biceps, and the tie in between your delts and pecs.

Looks good. :)

How did you feel on competition day?

Fri, Oct-04-02, 07:15
Although I listen to the comments and advice of almost everyone, there are few I recognize as being expert when it comes to nutrition, exercise and this WOL... you, sir, are one of them.

Its always great to hear from you, Dan.

I felt a little smooth for my last show on 9-29-02. I actually looked and felt much better the day before. Although I have some experience changing my level of carbohydrate due to my following a CKD, it's still tricky getting the timing right. I'll eventually discover the pre - contest formula that works best for me.

I experimented with using sodium for greater vascularity and different foods in an attempt to achieve and prolong my pump before going onstage. At least I learned what doesn't work for me.

I was heavier for this contest. I've been eating more and doing a lot of incline bench presses lately in an attempt to fill out my upper chest and tighten up the loose skin I have in this area. I was thicker upstairs but my ab cuts were not deep. My conditioning could have been better.

Overall, I feel I've made progress. My confidence, posing and knowledge of body paint and oil have all improved.
The show in New Hampshire on 9-29-02 was an NPC contest.
The NPC (National Physique Committee) show format is different from the NABF (North American Bodybuilding Federation) format. There are different mandatory poses and individual routines. The differences are not that great, however.

I intend to compete as a lightweight (less than 154 pounds). Since I intend to stay lean I should never be more than 5 pounds away from being in contest condition. My nutrition and gym routine will begin to change about one month before a contest... not the 12 weeks many athletes need to get ready.

I am still very sensitive about gaining weight due to being obese. Bulking and cutting is not the way I want to go right now. As a result I know my gains will come more slowly... so be it.

I've attached a photo of myself as I begin to strike a "crab most muscular" pose in the show last Sunday.

Thanks, Dan, for being such a great source of information and support. You and your website quadrafit.com have made a big difference in my life. Say hi to linda for me. Karen says howdy. Dankar

Sun, Oct-20-02, 15:11

I just picked up the Nov issue of the magazine you're in. Woo Hoo!! I showed my husband and he was floored. :)

You look great, and you're an inspiration to all of us regardless of age or gender!

Am looking forward to hearing more about your continued successes.



Sun, Oct-20-02, 15:11

I just picked up the Nov issue of the magazine you're in. Woo Hoo!! I showed my husband and he was floored. :)

You look great, and you're an inspiration to all of us regardless of age or gender!

Am looking forward to hearing more about your continued successes.



Mon, Oct-21-02, 04:38
Thanks, Friday, for your kind words and support.

This website has been a big part of whatever success my wife, Karen, and myself have experienced. There are lots of good people here who helped make it happen. Good luck to you and your husband. Dan and Karen

Mon, Oct-21-02, 05:16
Alas - the time has arrived for us to leave Maine and return to Florida. This will be my last post until I set up our computer after our arrival. We plan to make several stops along the way so it may be a couple of weeks until I can post again.

I weighed 147 when I left Florida at the end of April - 6 months ago. I will weigh 148 when I leave Maine tomorrow (10-22-02). I've added muscle and my body fat percentage is approx. 6.7%.

Thanks to everyone for being a part of our LC summer and fall. Dan and Karen :wave:

Tue, Oct-22-02, 13:28

Congratulations on being in M&F magazine...isn't that an incredible reward for all your efforts. You are such an inspiration...what you have accomplished is just incredible. I look forward to picking up a copy of the magazine.

Everytime I come here I feel re-energized about the endless possibilities that are out there for me. The one I hope to accomplish most will be re-shaping my body via weight training and cardio. That part of the program has been a difficult one for me, because of the fibromyalgia. But, I'm determined to overcome this challenge. I know that I will be so much happier with my body once my exercise becomes a way of life for me.

WTG Dan! I'm so proud of you!

Sat, Nov-09-02, 06:42
Congratulations on your magnificent achievement. Loosing 73 pounds only happens to someone after they become dedicated to a new way of living. You should be very proud of yourself. My wife, Karen, and myself are well aware of the price you paid. You are now a role model yourself. Helping others is one way we say thank you for the blessings we have received. Are you going to post any pictures? I am certain Karen and myself are not the only ones who would love to see them. WTG Cher!

The trip back from Maine was uneventful and we are now back in Florida.

I don't know what fibromyalglia is... I hope nothing serious.

Thanks again for your support and encouragement. dankar

Wed, Nov-13-02, 17:38
Anyone who has replied to or paid attention to my story will find this interesting. Just click on the link below. Stay focused. dankar


Sat, Nov-16-02, 13:11
Dan and Karen


I just started the Atkins way of life (not 'diet' as you say in your story). I am putting your before and after photos on my mirror to remind me everyday of what is possible!

You both are TRUELY an inspiration.


Sun, Nov-17-02, 12:29
Hi Keith,
Thank you for your kind words and good luck. There are lots of fine people here at this site who will be wonderful sources of inspiration and advice for you.

Dreams do come true. Avoid people who think they don't. Stay focused. Dan and Karen

Wed, Nov-27-02, 07:01
Here is a photo my wife, Karen, took of me competing in my third bodybuilding contest - the Florida State Championship "Florida Gold Cup"... an NPC show held on 11-16-02 in Palm Beach Gardens, Fl.

I placed second in the Men's Master Division... my best placement yet. There were 1500 people in the audience. I beat some good competition and couldn't be happier.

Adding muscle while staying lean and following a LC way of eating is a slow process. Bulking up by consuming more calories and carbohydrate is the more traditional approach. I have added 3 pounds of lean muscle since August, 2002. Stay focused, dankar

j. mcadams
Thu, Nov-28-02, 06:15
Dan and Karen, just wanted to drop in to wish you both a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.

Dan great picture. You have come so far. Fantastic...joan

Thu, Nov-28-02, 06:30
Originally posted by dankar
I placed second in the Men's Master Division... my best placement yet. There were 1500 people in the audience. I beat some good competition and couldn't be happier.

Dan, I think saying you've done a great job is a huge understatement!!!


Thu, Nov-28-02, 08:36
Thanks old friends for your kind words and support.

I've said it before and I'll say it again... this site is where it all started for me. The information, encouragement, support and fellowship I found here made it possible.

I am sure there are other roads that will lead us to a healthy way of eating and living - a LC WOL is not the only one. It is, however, the one that has worked best for me.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Stay focused. Dan

Wed, Jan-22-03, 09:09
When I first found this web-site I went straight to the sucess stories. I wanted to see just what was possible by choosing the Atkins/LC WOL. I think I read most of the stories on the home page, I found all of them to be encouraging to say the least. Yours however stuck with me...I could not get over the photos. I saw what You were able to do and I commited myself to change my WOE and WOL.
I have been on induction for a week and a half. I feel great! I have been exercising regulary. (I have to work out on my exercise machine inside...back here in Maine it has been brutaly cold for weeks!) I have also been on this site every day for the support and information.
Today I specificaly went looking for a post of yours so I could both congratulate you and your wife as well as thank you for your inspiration.
I have indeed started a new way of life and I love it. I am thrilled by how great I feel and the progress I have made so far. I am equally excited to know that time will take care of the rest. I feel that I have definatly made a change in myself rather than being deprived by some diet.
I used to believe that I would always carry a "spare tire". No mattaer what I did I could always pinch at least an inch. All through high school and college I ran as much as ten miles a day. I was in great shape but I was eating a very high carb diet. I thought I was supposed to. I stopped running after my last colleg race before graduation. That was the D-II National cross country championships. I was carrying extra body fat then and ten years and many pounds later I still am.
I know I am getting long winded here...
The point is I never knew what I was doing wrong. Then I see You and what you have accomplished!!! I did'nt know about LC then and that was the past but I know about it now and that is going to make all the difference.
I am making progress and feeling great today. That is Great!
Someday though I will see my Abs.
When I need support I can always read about your sucess.
Keep warm in Florida! We're freezing here in Maine!

Thanks Dan

Shane aka MaineDaddy

Wed, Jan-22-03, 18:12
Thanks, Shane, for your reply. Your kind words are much appreciated by both my wife and myself.

Not long ago I read a story about the singer Rick Nelson. He was asked to describe his career. He said "my career has been a series of comebacks". His words described my life and that of many others perfectly.

I have been thin and fat, rich and poor, sad and happy, up and down. Just keep coming back.

I, too, live in Maine - half the year anyway. My wife and I have a camp near Lake Sebago where I am a Registered Maine Guide.

Thanks again and good luck. Stay focused. Dan

Thu, Jan-23-03, 08:28
Thank You for the words of support.

I know what you mean by ups and downs, sucess and failure. I could name a few. I mentioned before that I was an athlete for eight years...well I spent the following six or so smoking two packs a day. I was basicly trading one for the other. On Valentins Day it will be three years without smoking. The very thought of smoking repulses me now. I changed my WOL then and I am changing it in a simmilar way now.
The key to my sucess with the smoking was being ready to quit, and a great support network. Well I am definatly ready to change my WOE and I have found a Great support network here in these forums.
After reading through these sucess stories yesterday, I had the best workout I have had in Years. I literaly took the energy from the screen to the Machine. I felt great, in focus, and fully invigorated. I have also increased my H2o after reading about your gallon a day.

Thanks Again Dan

Off the topic...
So you say you're a Maine Guide??? We may have to meet sometime. We could share some fishing lies...Oh I mean fihing stories! I have a camp, on an island, outside of Millinocket. I have had some good times trolling the lake for salmon. I have caught a few fish on Sebago, and some of the surrounding ponds. Ahh makes me think of summer!

Frozen in Maine

Fri, Mar-28-03, 20:21
April, 2003 will mark the 2 year anniversary of my Low Carb Way of Life.

I've attached a picture of what I look like today thanks to my new WOE. This picture of me was taken on 3-15-2003 while competing in the level V, NPC "Sunshine Classic" Bodybuilding Contest held in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

I won the Men's Master Class - yet if someone were to ask "what is the most noteworthy event of your LC journey?" my answer would be " not having a piece of bread for 2 years!". I find it hard to believe that many nutritional "experts" still question the merits of this Way of Eating. dankar

Fri, Mar-28-03, 20:45
Hi Dan!
You look MARVELOUS!!! Congrats on winning!! :) How is Karen doing? Please give her my love! :)

Are you in Florida now for a while? I hope all is well. A lot has changed with me, but all has turned out for the best. I hope you and Karen will keep me updated on your wellbeing and your successes! And when you come near Philadelphia, you let me know!!! :)


Fri, Mar-28-03, 22:07
Dear Linda,
Its so good to hear from you... its been a long time.

Karen is fine and still loosing pounds and inches. She has finally begun to get the weight loss recognition she has worked so hard for. I'll tell her you asked about her.

We are still in Florida, getting ready to leave for Maine next month.

I have an idea about what the changes are you referred to in your post. Karen and I hope you are happy. We will try to stay in touch.

We leave for the Florida Keys tommorrow for a day or so.

Winning the Men's Master Class of the NPC "Sunshine Classic" was thrilling. I was never more prepared for anything in my life. I came in dry, ripped and ready. I weighed 144 and my Body fat percentage was 5%. It was a big show - a level V, National Qualifier for the open classes. A couple of big name IFBB Bodybuilders were guest posers and they had a huge audience. It was also the national event for wheel chair athletes and there were many competitors for the women's fitness and figure competition. There was no shortage of adrenalin this night!

I'm attaching a picture of my rear double bicep pose. I guess the 10,000 pull ups I did worked (just joking).

Karen and I have missed talking to you. Stay well. dankar

Fri, Mar-28-03, 22:29
Here is a picture of what I looked like 2 years ago.

Does a Low Carb Way of Eating eliminate body fat and yet still provide the nutrients necessary to build muscle when also following an exercise program? You be the judge. dankar

Fri, Mar-28-03, 23:06
This picture was taken on 3/15/2003 - 2 years after I began a LC WOL dankar

j. mcadams
Sat, Mar-29-03, 06:45
My Goodness Dan, Look at all those ''ripples''. You are so amazing. How is Karen doing? Give her my best. This time around I am staying very focused on low carbing and since Jan.05, I have lost a total of 17 pounds and 8 inches. This is the most weight I have lost the entire time I have been low carbing, but the difference is I am committed this time.
I'm still exercising 3 times per week. Thanks for posting your picture. Give Karen a hug for me. Take care, joan

Sat, Mar-29-03, 11:24
Hey Dan!
Your pics are amazing and your progress is only 2 yrs is absolutely inspirational! I like the ripples! :)

I am going to pm you with my email address so you can stay in touch when you get the chance. And if you are headed up to Maine next month and are thinking of stopping somewhere, let me know if the PA/NJ area is on your list. I would love to get some dinner with you and Karen.

Yea, a lot has changed and I am very happy, thank you! This is the happiest I have been in a long time and I am enjoying doing things for myself!

Glad Karen is well! Have fun in the Keys!

Mon, Mar-31-03, 04:51
Hi Joan,
Its good to hear from you.

17 pounds and 8 inches - WTG!

Stay focused. You know what you have to do. We all fall down once in a while... the important thing is that we get back up and keep moving forward.

I'll tell my wife, Karen, you were asking about her. Your friend, Dan

Mon, Mar-31-03, 05:28
Hi Linda,
We had a great time in the Florida Keys - got some good sun!

We will be leaving for Maine around 5/14/2003.

I am going to take a training course and become a certified personal trainer. The course is being held in Rhode Island. We will stop there on our way to Maine.

I have decided to focus on training others rather than being a full time Registered Maine Guide. People are just not traveling like they use to. My Guide Service business is way down. I love taking people on guided fishing trips in Maine... but I also have to face economic reality. People may still be taking a vacation, but the first thing that goes in the budget is the expense of a guided fishing trip. I have some trips scheduled for this season - but not as many as I have had in the past. As you know life means change and we can either accept the change or choose to be MISERABLE! I have chosen not to miserable.

Karen says hi and hopes, like I do, that you are happy and healthy :p

I'll keep checking for your PM. Your friends, Dan and Karen

Fri, Apr-04-03, 18:53
Thats great!! You are exactly the kind of person that should become a personal trainer. You can show people how far you've come and that way it seems more realistic to them that they can achieve their goals!!

Best of luck!

Sun, Apr-06-03, 23:35
wao those pic left me speechlees!

Wed, Apr-16-03, 14:29
I have taken the time to read this entire thread, because quite frankly I am totally blown away by your transformation. I do have a question about your diet. I am curious about how much fat you consume in your diet. Also curious about what sources of fat you consume. I look at you and see someone who was actually bigger than me when you started, and 11 months later are at a lower body fat % than I have ever been. I certainly hope I can achieve similiar results. I started about 2 months ago and have lost about 25-27 pounds. I credit that to diet and exercise. Intense aerobic exercise, and a very satisfying easy to follow Atkins plan. I remeber you mentioning that you had stayed with pretty much the same foods the whole time, what was a sample day? I look forward to posting my pics in the future. I have started back lifting about 1 week ago, more than anything I was stalling becauase I put on muscle fairly easy and wanted to see the pounds drop significantly before I started lifting. Personally I could care less what I weigh, if I have abs that look like yours!

Fri, Apr-18-03, 03:48
Hi BugMan,
Congratulations on your 27 lb weight loss, I am happy for you.

In answer to your questions: I paid little or no attention to the amount of fat I consumed in the beginning - the amount of carbohydrate was my primary concern. Today I am more conscious about the amount of fat I consume. Peanut butter, a limited number of egg yolks, salmon and beef are some of the sources. I also supplement with "EFA" (essential fatty acid).

My pimary sources of protein are chicken, egg whites, protein powder, beef, fish and peanut butter. I eat much less cheese than I use to and also limit my consumption of low fat milk.

My sources of protein, fat and carb have changed over the years and will continue to do so - I now eat more brown rice and oatmeal for example. These two foods are VERY high in carbohydrate and should be avoided unless you have a level of activity (anaerobic or aerobic) which may permit their use.

Thanks for taking the time to reply to my thread and keep up the good work. I'm rooting for you! dankar

Fri, Apr-18-03, 07:12
We'll lets make that an even 30 as of today. I had gone through on of those stalls that everyone talks about then over the last couple of days dropped about 3 lbs. I am sticking more to the traditional Atkins myself, even though what you are doing has worked for me in the past. It seems to me if I keep my activity level high just about any diet seems to work for me. THe thing that I have noticed is even though I haven't done any heavy lifting for the most part I have maintained the muscle that I have had. On many of the past higher carb/low fat diets I was always loosing muscle. Especially on the Vegetarian program. I was down in the 140's, but I was sickly looking. Might have been able to got a acting job as a POW. I never even at that weight had any muscle definition. Know at 175 I don't have any definition around the midsection, but my arms, legs and shoulders are starting to show seperation. Like I said before I am just starting back to lifting again so I may see a little stall in the weight loss, but if the definition starts becoming more apparent I will be satisfied. My waist is down from 42 inches around the belly(not belt) to 33 inches.

I got to a point this winter were I was eating a handful of tums a day, was pretty certain that I was getting a hiatal hernia, and possibly even getting a regular hernia on my left side(had a hernia reaired on right as a result of wearing a lifting belt and doing leg presses with 600lbs about 7 years ago.) After loosing about 10-15 pounds most of the symptoms have gone away completely. I had a physical Wednesday, and am anxiously awaiting my blood results. Funny thing is my Doctor who is at least 100 pounds over weight had to listen to my history of weight gain and loss over the last year. Didn't get into what I was eating to loose the weight, didn't feel like hearing his opinion on Atkins really anyway.

Mon, Sep-01-03, 10:17
Well, I thought I had seen it all till I saw DAN! Wow. I am terribly impressed......The funny thing is, I was just talking to my husband about this diet. One of my comments was that when bodybuilders start preparing for competition the first thing they do is dump carbs and load up on proteins to build plenty of LEAN body mass! Low and behold I found your pics. I didn't need you to prove it to me, but what a reinforcement!!!

I used to powerlift about 10 years ago (early 20's)...was a VERY trim 140 pound lady with all the suitors I could handle...and WAY loads of power. I had a 250 deadlift AND squat. Not bad for someone who looked as little as me. I want it BACK! YOU are my inspiration. I am going ot the gym tomorrow...and the next day...and the next day......

I would love to hear fromy ou and your wife Karen sometime. It'd be exciting to know how you made such great achievements. Besides maybe we can become friends and we can visit you in Florida in exchange for a visit to us in the Netherlands! lol


Tue, Sep-02-03, 07:04
Hi Charlotte,
Thanks for taking the time to read our thread and your kind words.

There are lots of wonderful people here at this site who helped my wife and myself achieve our goals.

Powerlifting is a wonderful way to stay fit. Don't let others discourage you from doing it. People who tell you dreams don't come true will never have their dreams become reality and will do everything they can to make sure your's don't as well. Avoid them like the plague!

A low carb way of eating did prepare me for the precontest nutritional plan I follow. Based on my personal experience there is no more effective way of maintaining my weight. One thing uninformed people are not aware of is that there are good sources of carbohydrate and horrible sources of carbohydrate.

Stay focused. Your friends, Dan and Karen

Tue, Sep-02-03, 07:29
Thanks so much for your return message and the words of encouragement. I have to say, my husband was equally impressed with your accomplishment. And, he is now doubly supportive of my efforts to return to my former youth! And, he was INCREDIBLY supportive to begin with . He never knew the thin me and when I ask why he married me "fat", he says, "Because you are the most wonderful, beautiful woman in the world." Well, I cannot argue with him, can I? OK...I don't want to!!

Anyway, you have an amazing attitude and are incredibly positive. Ever thought about motivational speaking for Atkins Devotees? Robert Atkins would be proud I know. Pardon me for saying so, but you don't look like a twenty year old kid...me either for that matter! lol So, I am doubly impressed that you and your wife are so committed to a lifestyle change like this. Who says "old" dogs can't learn new tricks?

Whereabouts in Maine are you folks when you are there? And where in Florida? My mother was originally from the panhandle (Pensacola)..I am a Texan by birth, but lived in SC most of my life.......I lived in Milton, Florida for 3 years. My hubby and I were also in Florida for a week and a half on vacation this summer. I took him to St Augustine and to Orlando (everybody loves Disney!) Anyway, he is Dutch and has had limited exposure to the US but loves Florida. I do too, but personally, I think Maine is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen.

My mother died 4 years ago the 12th of this month.....hence the weight gain. I went through a very bad time dealing with it. The summer after she passed away, I jumped in my car (I was living in Wash. DC then) and drove all the way to Maine without stopping except for gas. I spent a couple days hunting lighthouses and sitting on rocks on the coast. I also found the most beautiful stone chapel (Episcopal) in Kennebunkport, just North of the Walker-Bush home. I will never forget that little church on the sea or how I felt after spending a few hours in there on my knees. Makes me feel like crying as I think about it. Anyway....I love Maine and have such fond memories of the way the beauty and the ruggedness of it healed me when nothing else could. I envy you and your wife!!

I hope to talk to you more. It's lonely being an American in this part of the world. There aren't many of us here. Oddly enough, my best friend is a CUBAN! Life sure brings us to strange situations doesn't it?

Yours in LCing,
Charlotte Vennik-Fordham

Tue, Sep-02-03, 07:36
Here is a photo my wife, Karen, took while I was competing in a show on August 9, 2003. Dan

Tue, Sep-02-03, 07:47
I'll try again to attach a picture from the August 9, 2003 contest. Dan

Tue, Sep-02-03, 08:00
I haven't posted any pictures for quite some time and I am having difficulty doing so.

We live near Portland, Maine on a small lake. It is a very beautiful part of the world. I am sure your home is wonderful as well. Stay in touch. Dan

Tue, Sep-02-03, 08:12
I sent you another PM with my email address. Feel free to send along any pics. Of Karen also. I want to see how she is doing. Men seem to do SO well on this WOE. I guess women just don't have the metabolic advantage that you guys do!

it's real hard eating this way here...these Dutch eat more potatos than the darm IRISH! And, well, if it weren't for bread, they'd probably all starve to death! Bread, spread with butter and sprinkled with Chocolate is breakfast...Yes, you heard me right! They also love Chocolate/hazlenut spread on bread. ICK! And to find a big fat juicy steak is nearly IMPOSSIBLE!!! in fact, I have yet to find one. I know there is one SOMEWHERE! There are so many cows in this country!! If I don't find one soon, I am going to go butcher some porr animal and tote it's carcass home for some nice T-bone and porterhouse!!!!!!!

Where I am is quite lovely..a 700 year old fomer port city...Now on a HUGE fresh water lake called the Ijsselmeer. It was formerly the North Sea, pre the building of the great dikes in the 30's. This was the home base for some great shipping companies and Dutch explorers. We are just across the laske from Edam...the place where the cheese is made and also near Gouda...of Gouda Cheese fame! We are also 20 miles Northeast of Amsterdam. North Holland is a fabulously quiet place to live. But, I still love the rocky coasts of Maine. If you ever get our way, you'll have to come visit. Holland is MUCH MORE THAN AMSTERDAM. In fact, Amsterdam is so overrun with foreigners, you can't find a Dutchy anywhere really. lol The REAL Netherlands exist in the small dorps (villages) and in the forests and the coastlines....

Tot Ziens (See you later),
Charlotte (and Jack, the hubby)

j. mcadams
Tue, Sep-02-03, 09:38
Dan and Karen,
Remember me????? Joan McAdams, remember I had such a difficult time last year when I began low carbing, well I have finally gotten my act together. I am now 52 pounds lighter and 34.5 inches slimmer.
I have missed you both so much. Saw a post from y'all and just had to stop in. Sounds as if things are still moving alone for you both.
Just wanted to stop in to say Hi to both you and Karen.


Tue, Sep-02-03, 11:26
DO I REMEMBER YOU! of course I remember you. I probably wouldn't recognize you, even if we had met before in person, now that you've lost 52 lbs. and 34 inches however!!!

I am so happy for you Joan. I guess Mondays are a good day to start a new way of life (our private joke- remember?)

We are fine and enjoying our little lake here in Maine. The trees will be changing color soon and the temperature is telling us to get ready to return to Florida... we still have another month before we head south with our friends the hummingbirds.

Stay in touch old friend. Karen says hi. Dan Boylan

j. mcadams
Tue, Sep-02-03, 12:24
Now I know you remember me, ''Monday's are a good day to start a new way of life". That was always my favorite line.

Hummingbirds, Bob and I didn't have any this year due to so many other flowers being out. I am so glad I saw your post, I think of you both often, but you know how it is, sometimes that is as far as it get.
Now if you have a chance go to page 203 of my journal there are before and after pics.

Best to you both...


j. mcadams
Wed, Oct-01-03, 15:32
Hi Dan and Karen,
I'm not sure which one is having the b'day, so I'll just say HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Hope it is a wonderful day.

