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Mon, Sep-26-05, 03:57
I'm on day 11 of induction. I have stuck to it like glue. Even yesterday when chocolate birthday cake (I made) was sitting there, I didn't touch it.

But I have lost no weight, apart from water/bloat.

Other than that, nothing.

Can anyone give me any help?

I'm eating:

Scrambled eggs, english bacon (lean stuff like Canadian bacon)

Coffee with double cream - about 4 a day.

Snack: hard boiled egg - bit of mayo

Lunch: tuna mayo, lettuce cucumber etc

Dinner: Ribs, or a steak, or chicken, plus a salad or veg again.

I know I'm in ketosis, but nothing is shifting.

I have an as yet untreated thyroid condition (all the tests are 'borderline') but I can't believe that this is stopping me from even losing a pound.

I even cut my carbs right down over the weekend (a la meat and egg type fast thing) and nothing happened.


Any ideas? :q:

Mon, Sep-26-05, 04:04
First of all don't panic! Second, you may want to up your carbs to the full 20 grams allowed during induction. Third, coffee has been know to stall some people (not me however). I drink mine black but I remember that there is a limit to the amount of cream you should have per day. Just some ideas--good luck!

Mon, Sep-26-05, 04:14
I agree with focus, Dr Atkins found there's very little difference between no carbs and up to 20g carbs per day - which is why he revised the Induction phase for the newer books. So no harm in going back to the full 20g carbs per day. Extra nutrients is always good.

How is your water intake and exercise going?

If you haven't lost anything in 11 days don't stress too much, there is such thing as the Whoosh which is where your fat cells retain their water and size just in case you gain again - in human terms anyway. There's an article on this on the Atkins website.

Starts off with:

"Fat cells are resilient, stubborn little creatures that do not want to give up their actual cell volume. Over a period of weeks, maybe months of "proper dieting", each of your fat cells may have actually lost a good percentage of the actual fat contained in those cells. But the fat cells themselves, stubborn little guys, replace that lost fat with water to retain their size. That is, instead of shrinking to match the reduced amount of fat in the cell, they stay the same size! Result - you weigh the same, look the same, maybe even gained some scale weight, even though you have actually lost some serious fat."


Mon, Sep-26-05, 04:46
Ok, well I'm back to my 20 carbs today - I just dropped it for the Sat and Sun to see if it would do anything ... which it didn't.

Thanks for the fat cell info Bsheets ... That's slightly more encouraging news.

I am drinking loads of water (This is probably too much info, but my urine is totally clear!) but you're right ... I'm not getting too much exercise ... house stuff, wallpapering over the weekend, mounds of laundry ... It's all house stuff and not an actual exercise 'session' as such.
My house is just up for sale (prior to move to Aus) so we've got a lot to clear up, so majority of time is spent on this... (plus my three children, one of which is at home - 3 yr old)
I'm looking forward to having just regular stuff to do .... (not sure that will ever happen!)

Mon, Sep-26-05, 08:30
I have heard, that with thyroid problems, most people can't lose eating under 30 net grams of carbs. Try upping them with veggies and see if that helps. Also, have you measured yourself lately? Lose any inches?

A true stall is one that lasts 4-6 weeks, with no loss on the scale or inches. If you're not measuring-start now. There will be plenty of times when you lose inches but no pounds. I've gained weight, but lost inches...so it does happen.

And don't forget-your body has alot of fat to lose. We lose in places we can't see or notice every day. Are your rings loose? Do your toes look a little thinner? You have fat around your organs that will disappear with this plan...but alas, you can't see it happening.

Do not give up and keep on going! It's working, just have to be patient. Good luck with the thyroid thing too. Hope when they figure it out, it will help!

Mon, Sep-26-05, 09:48
Interesting about the thyroid thing/net 30g ... thanks for that and I'll increase some more at the end of this week.
My face looks thinner and I no longer have a 'tummy' but I just don't know whether that was water.

Ho hum! :lol:

I'm off to see a new doc soon about this suspect thyroid. The last was useless and told me I'd need to get 'much worse' before he'd treat me. Charming, eh?
I can't imagine him saying that to someone with a heart attack.

'I realise you have cardiac infarction but I'm afraid you'll have to get much worse before I can consider treating you.'

But it's ok cos it's only my thyroid? This is a new doc and I've heard he goes on symptoms rather than just the numbers (which are 'borderline')

I'd just be so pleased if I could see some evidence of the loss on the scales. It's so encouraging when that happens I think. They almost validate what you're doing is right...

Maybe my scales are just evil and they hate me. Well, I have been standing on the things every morning for a few months ... You'd think that would be enough to cause a little ill feeling.

Maybe I'll throw them out, teach them a lesson and just humiliate myself with a public weighing at my pharmacy.

I will not give up... I will keep going ... and I will beat those damn scales into submission.


Mon, Sep-26-05, 09:51
Love the title to your thread! Definitely got my attention! :lol:

Mon, Sep-26-05, 09:56
Love the title to your thread! Definitely got my attention! :lol:
:lol: same here LOL

Mon, Sep-26-05, 10:06
:lol: Just a little frustrated, ya know?!

Mon, Sep-26-05, 11:26
Awwwww...don't be....you have to remember that this is a way of life and not a diet.....and that it took time for the weight to pile on, so it will take as long (if not longer) to take it off.....BUT that being said I truly sympathise with you, I get frustrated too at times because it doesn't come off as fast as I'd want it to.....but hey at least the needle is going in the RIGHT direction now...slowly, but surely!!! ;)

Hang in there!

Mon, Sep-26-05, 12:26
On a positive note, you avoided that chocolate cake! Great job! :wave:

Mon, Sep-26-05, 12:44
Yeah, but only for hubby's birthday.

In two days, it's my son's b'day and mine! :D

But I won't be eating the cake!!!