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Welcome to the Active Low-Carber Forums

Support for Atkins diet, Protein Power, Neanderthin (Paleo Diet), CAD/CALP, Dr. Bernstein Diabetes Solution and any other healthy low-carb diet or plan, all are welcome in our lowcarb community. Forget starvation and fad diets -- join the healthy eating crowd! You may register by clicking here, it's free!

Wed, Mar-16-05, 11:12
Hello everyone. Found you on the web and thought I would join. I hope you all have lots of good advice. I only started my diet a couple of weeks ago and I have lost 12 pounds. My doc told me I was borderline hypertension and diabetic and officially obese. What a vulgar word! She placed me on a low fat / low carb diet and so far so good. Hope this finds you all well and hope to hear from someone.

Wed, Mar-16-05, 12:26
Congrats on the weight loss so far!! It sounds like you are off to an excellent start! I am a long lost member of this site, I just started back on my diet yesterday and hope to have some success!!!

Best of luck to you and keep it up!! :)

Wed, Mar-16-05, 12:30
Hi there
I am a newbie too. I have the hypertension myself and Dr. told me I have to lose some weight (and when I find the secret tell her because she is a little hefty too LOL). Didn't have any blood pressure problems until I packed on the last 40 lbs.

Way to go on the 12 lbs! I have lost more or less 10. Keep up the good work!

Nice to meet you,

Sat, Mar-19-05, 07:40
Hi! Thanks for the support. How is it going for you? I have decided not to weigh myself at home and just let it happen without adding that extra stress. I have to go each month now to the doc and I thought I would let her worry for me! Have you read some of these posts? Less Dairy will help you loose better? I thought cheese was the snack of choice. Hummmmm....

Sat, Mar-19-05, 07:44
Hi MelaNY! Thank you for the support. It was so great to have two people write me. How is the dieting going now? Finding it hard to start again? I did Atkins when it first came out and just could stick. I also tried a cardiologist diet that had grapefruit juice with every meal, etc. and I actually lost bu again ...couldn't stick. This time with the health as an incentive I am doing great. Live long with the kids or have a nice shape.......I choose LIFE! Hope you are doing well and keep me posted.

Sat, Mar-19-05, 07:49
Welcome! 12 Pounds in two weeks! Great! Losing that way you, nor your doctor will be using that word for long! :D
Welcome, and browse around there is lots of great info that will help you!

Sat, Mar-19-05, 07:54
Congrats on the 12 pounds and welcome to the forum!

Sat, Mar-19-05, 11:57
Hello and welcome to the forum :wave:

I'm sure you'll find this site very informative. And the support you'll get here can't be beat!!!

Best of luck to you :)

Sat, Mar-19-05, 19:47
This is truly a blessing. I am really thankful for this site and meeting other people that I can talk with about our journey. It is so nice not being alone! Anyone have any advice? I have read the books but my doc placed me on low carb for heath reasons. I alternate between a protein shake or eggs for breakfast, meat and veggies for both lunch and dinner. I seem to only snack a bit and when I do, I eat cheese or something like that. Any other ideas? Thanks in advance! :)