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Wed, Oct-10-01, 14:04
It seems like every time I tell someone that I eat a low carb diet they have something negative to say about it (usually unfounded). I told my boss at work and she told me I was ruining my kidneys and poisioning my body. I told her that I have read several books on low carbing and I have never heard of this. She is on something called "The fat fighting cabbage soup diet," She showed me her eating plan and I pointed out to her that it was really just a low carb diet in disguise ... she was furious!

Lisa N
Wed, Oct-10-01, 14:16
The next time someone mentions one of those "rumors" (that kidney one has been around forever!), ask them if they have read any medical studies that support their view or if the information that they read quoted any medical studies supporting it. They won't be able to because there ARE no medical studies that support it. As a matter of fact, there are more and more studies coming out all the time that actually support the fact that low-carbing is not harmful and in fact very beneficial for several groups of people like those with PCOS, Epilepsy and Thyroid problems as well as those with insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia. As for the kidney thing, my doctor checks my kidney function every six months and there have been no problems at all. Ignore the critics, they're just believing what they've read or heard without researching it to see if it's really true.

Wed, Oct-10-01, 14:32
It seems that the people who are so steadfast in believing that this diet is wrong are the ones that are doing something worse. The cabbage soup diet doesnt sound all that balanced to me, I wonder if there is scientific data about it? I also get people telling me that what I am doing is wrong, but they are eating the "standard" diet of crap, McDonalds, donuts, etc and are feeling justified in that. It makes you wonder eh?


Wed, Oct-10-01, 14:34
When my physican recommended the Atkins diet for me she said that it's the only diet that has 30 years of medical documentation to support it. I think that's a good enough answer for anyone that might try to tell me that LC is not good for me.

My experience has been that it's easiest to not the discuss my diet with anyone but my closest most supportive friends. All of the naysayers just drain my positive energy.

Wed, Oct-10-01, 15:21
If anyone tries to sound smart by dissing this wol, just tell them to point their browser to our "Low-Carb Studies" section from the menu above. There's enough documented studies their to change their mind, at least if their minds are open. :)


Wed, Oct-10-01, 15:23
I'm with you, Marlaine! Why get into an argument that's just going to make both parties unhappy? (And what a great doctor you have BTW!)

I never use the words 'low carb' around any but those whom I know will be supportive. To everyone else, IF they notice what I'm eating and IF they happen to ask, I say "I don't eat sugar or starchy things." For some reason, they seem to think that's healthy, while low carb isn't! Go figure.... :rolleyes:


LC Sponge
Wed, Oct-10-01, 16:27
I'm pretty much like Rachel. I will tend to first say "no sugar for me, thanks" before I dialogue about the low carb.

It's only if we get on a dieting topic that I will go there, and by then I know the person I am talking to is a *dieter* and will respond kindly.

However, the longer I am near-around-at goal, (believe ME there is no such thing as AT goal, the bouncy bouncy thing happens even then) the less people *remember* that I used to be heavy. So I get less and less *wow you look great - how did you do it?* now.

So stick with this WOE, the longer you're on it, the less you have to talk about it!

Wed, Oct-10-01, 16:39
I just say I'm on a high protien diet and I've given up sugar and starch. Haven't had anyone say anything mean.
I learned quickly the first few times I said "low carb" to anyone. Mean as I used to be! :D

Thu, Oct-11-01, 00:19
Just tell her that your doctor put you on it. I’ve never had any reply with that one except once when a smart-aleck quipped in, “I wonder what medical school she went to!” I quickly retorted, “I wonder what medical school you went to!” Everybody laughed at her! Ha! Ha! Ha!

LC Sponge
Thu, Oct-11-01, 05:03
:lol: Bill, you might have hit the nail right on the head with that one. !!!

The very best response to low-carb critique should be "Thank you 'Dr.', and tell me when can we get together for my pap smear/prostate exam?"


Thu, Oct-11-01, 05:42
I had a guy tell me at work that I'm going to keel over from a heart attack by following Atkins and then he went on to say "You eat a pound a bacon and a thick steak with an inch of fat!!" So I politely told him that I don't eat those things...and by the way dummy, do you know what kind of a doctor Dr. Atkins is....a CARDIOLOGIST! DUH!!

Should I mention that he's overweight?! Why knock it if you haven't tried it. What's gets me is that people try extrememly dangerous diets and pills ALL THE TIME! I've done it! Cabbage soup, 1000 calories a day, Phen Fen, you name it, I've tried it. But they say that this is unhealthy?? Go figure! :daze:

Thu, Oct-11-01, 10:14
Originally posted by LC Sponge
"Thank you 'Dr.', and tell me when can we get together for my pap smear/prostate exam?"Your… what? http://plauder-smilies.com/eek.gif While I am aware of reported discrepancies between the national Canadian Health Plan and the medical system in the United States of America, a "pap smear/prostate exam" is not, I repeat, not a medical procedure administered in the United States of America.

Thu, Oct-11-01, 11:23
I have been very shy in the past about telling people which diet I'm on. I have always avoided saying anything for fear that I would be riduculed and shunned like some modern day Elephant-Man.

But now that I'm past the hundie mark I'm finding it easier and easier to create converts. Other people with weight issues will ask me what I've done. . . especially those who watched me unsuccesfully and might I add stooge-like bumble from one diet to the next. When I tell them they actually consider it. . . excepting my friend Lee who swore he could out-diet me with weight-watchers and Tae-Bo when I started my diet.

It's eight months later and he weights several pounds more than when he started and has gained a pants size. I have lost a hundie and dropped several pants sizes.

Yet still he will not listen, insisting weight watchers is the better program. GRRRRRRRR!!!


Thu, Oct-11-01, 12:51
a "pap smear/prostate exam" is not, I repeat, not a medical procedure administered in the United States of America. - BillT

Hmmm... then what do you suppose my Dr. has been up to every year for the last 25 years of my life when he takes that thing he calls a Pap smear? It's a test that detects irregular cells in the cervix and uterus, and it's something every woman over the age of 16 is heinously familiar with.

As for a prostate exam, it's like mammography for men -- every male over the age of 40 should be getting one every year with his annual physical.

Thu, Oct-11-01, 13:23
Originally posted by AmandaSo

Hmmm... then what do you suppose my Dr. has been up to every year for the last 25 years of my life when he takes that thing he calls a Pap smear? It's a test that detects irregular cells in the cervix and uterus, and it's something every woman over the age of 16 is heinously familiar with.

As for a prostate exam, it's like mammography for men -- every male over the age of 40 should be getting one every year with his annual physical.

*lol* Amanda I think he was referring to having both of them done to him. ;)

Thu, Oct-11-01, 13:26
BOTH? That just wouldn't be fair. Either one, individually, is bad enough (or so I've been told about the latter).

He just said it with such conviction, it seemed as though he were denying their very existence.

Not that there's anything WRONG with that....


Thu, Oct-11-01, 13:28
Nat - probably somewhere there is a hermaphrodite that is having a pap smear/prostate exam right this very minute. :D

Thu, Oct-11-01, 13:58
Anyway... my solution to concerned but misinformed friends who worry about me eating low-carb is to simply send them the URL for the article (see right side of this page) entitled "Studies suggest Atkins diet is safe". And if they're still doubters, I send them the one about how high-carb diets raise LDL cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterol.

It usually works like a charm.


LC Sponge
Thu, Oct-11-01, 15:58
Bill, you're a scream.

I guess I walked right into that one.

My "and or's" (/) get the best of me sometimes !!!!

And Amanda - I only wonder what men would do if a prostrate exam was like a mammography - what part of the guy would they *SQUEEZE* to take the picture??? :lol:

Thu, Oct-11-01, 17:13
I love how he never clues you into the fact that he's joking.

Thu, Oct-11-01, 18:48
Originally posted by LC Sponge
Bill, you're a scream.
I guess I walked right into that one.
My "and or's" (/) get the best of me sometimes !!!!Good! Because I was gonna say I sure didn’t want to know where that "sponge" had been! http://plauder-smilies.com/rofl.gif

Originally posted by LC Sponge
I only wonder what men would do if a prostrate exam was like a mammographyYou do have to prostrate to get a prostate exam!!!

LC Sponge
Thu, Oct-11-01, 18:54
Hmmm, now I know why I get those funny looks.....

Fri, Oct-12-01, 12:07
"Goodness, dear, you might just be right. Please pass me the butter."
