View Full Version : Losing inches Before Pounds?Anyone Else?

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Fri, May-14-04, 11:32
Hi everyone :) Im new here and getting slightly frustrated.Im almost at the end of induction (in a few days) and my weight is not coming off very well.I did make a booboo and ate 2 strawberrys 1 yesterday one today before reading on more in the book...sugar right? Thats sounds so dumb 2 strawberrys lol anywho......But before that nothing surgary or fruit.I feel like Im losing I measured only a few days ago because I was feeling like I was losing but the scale was saying NOT MUCH lol Did anyone else lose inches before weight?And Im staying at 20 carbs a day.Also why is coffee or caffine so bad?Im slightly confused on parts in the book,must be the hair..thanks in advance :)

Fri, May-14-04, 11:55
Yeah I notice that I lose inches first then it appears on the scale.

Hang in there, your not far now. :)

Fri, May-14-04, 14:10
thanks I hope I start seeing it in numbers soon :)

Fri, May-14-04, 14:24
I'm just the opposite... pounds, but no inches. Ugh... I don't know which is worse, honestly. Hang in there!

Fri, May-14-04, 14:36
I am raising my hand!!!! Inches before Pounds!!!!

Fri, May-14-04, 19:10
Ok I have some hope thank you all :)

Fri, May-14-04, 19:11
KEEP YOUR FATS REALLY HIGH! Go to www.fitday.com and make SURE your fats are at LEAST 65% of total cals.

It'll come. You'll see.


- Built

Fri, May-14-04, 19:20
Way more inches than pounds.

Its almost depressing. I think I lost something insane like 50 inches with my last 33 lbs. I cant remember the exact number, but its in my journal and I remember being scared by it lol.

Hang in there.

Fri, May-14-04, 21:03
same here at the moment. spent the last two months battling the same pound and not losing it...then finally measured today and noticed 5 cms gone. it's encouraging enough to stick with it. :)

Fri, May-14-04, 21:35
I was sad this past week I hadn't lost a pound while my hubby lost two. Then I measured myself this morning, I lost an inch each off my hips and waist. :p
( Though Id REALLY like to see the scale drop a pound or so)

Fri, May-14-04, 22:16
I've never measured myself but I could definitely see the armpit flab disappearing. I noticed my bra lines on my back weren't quite so noticeable either.

Coffee is not recommended during induction because it spikes your blood sugar and could leave you with cravings. I don't know about you but since I've been eating this way I've had soooo much energy that I don't need caffeine anymore (I've also got hyperinsulimia).

Hang in there, and besides wouldn't you rather LOOK better than see a better number on the scale?

Sat, May-15-04, 05:33
Well you all are so helpful Im glad I found this site! :)

Sat, May-15-04, 08:11
Me too. I haven't lost any pounds for about 1 1/2 weeks now but amazingly I can watch my stomach shrink. It's very cool. Me personally I'm not as concerned with the scale #'s because just the pound loss wont get me into smaller clothes. I actaully like the inch loss more!

Sat, May-15-04, 08:53
I just measured and believe me, measuring or weighing myself was taboo until about 2 weeks ago. Everyone here supported me and I finally did it and I am glad I did! Since Tuesday the 4th, I have lost 2 inches around my Bust, 3 around my waist and 3 around my hips...I almost don't believe it.

Sat, May-15-04, 12:55
what are bra lines?

Sat, May-15-04, 14:24
I get those. It is when the fat in my back flops over the bra...yuck!

Sat, May-15-04, 17:59
Oh yeah - I remember trying to jog, and feeling the back-fat jiggling. That was when I knew I HAD to do something.

Sat, May-15-04, 19:51
KEEP YOUR FATS REALLY HIGH! Go to www.fitday.com and make SURE your fats are at LEAST 65% of total cals.

It'll come. You'll see.


- Built

I have been tracking my calories at fitday and see that my fats are normally between 70 and 75% of intake, protein normally around 36-38% and 2% carbs. Is that where I want to be? You seem to know so much about this....have read a lot of your posts.

:) jillinmo

Sat, May-15-04, 20:01
Okay, if your fats are at 70%, your proteins are at 36%, and your carbs are at 2%, that totals up to 108%. Something's gotta be wrong with those numbers.

Lets do this another way: how many GRAMS of fat, protein, carbs?

Sat, May-15-04, 21:12
I was going by memory so it wasn't exact.....here is what I actually ate today:

Average Calories
source grams cals %total
Total: 1138

Fat: 83 751 67%
Sat: 41 366 32%
Poly: 6 53 5%
Mono: 25 226 20%
Carbs: 8 20 2%
Fiber: 3 0 0%
Protein: 89 356 32%
Alcohol: 0 0 0%

so that's 67% Fats
2% Carbs
32% Protein

I see that this doesn't equal 100% but I am pasting this directly from my fitday report....could they maybe round up a percent? Who knows..

Should I stay around here?
Yesterday my fat intake was higher

Sat, May-15-04, 21:41
Okay - NOW we're cooking!
Fitday DOES round. That's fine. I just wanted to see the ballpark.

Your ratios are in a PERFECT ballpark. But your calories are insanely low. Like, just over HALF what they probably should be.

So, now I start asking questions, and I'm gonna switch to my journal so folks can get back to their regularly scheduled thread.

Tue, May-18-04, 19:12
Thanks for the info. I have been trying to increase my calories but I seem to be staying around 1000 or so. I also am purchasing a bodylastic system off of ebay. the resistance bands....do you know anything about them? I thought it would be good for weight training. Thanks for all of your help. Seeing your photos is inspiration, lemme tell ya! thanks again and I'm sure I will be harrassing you more for help! :D

Tue, May-18-04, 19:45
I don't know anything about resistance bands, but I'm sure there are others here who do, and I'm sure there are books and internet sites with helpful info.

I don't think you should FORCE FEED yourself extra calories, but keeping your cals so low for extended periods of time will tend to drop your metabolic rate and slow weight loss.

Now, it looks like you've just started Atkins - your appetite will come back up a bit on it's own after induction, so no worries.

And harrass away!

Good luck

- Built

Wed, May-19-04, 12:24
I've lost 12 pounds, and 12 1/2 inches. I focus more on the inches myself. I want to get smaller, that is the whole point. The scale can fluxuate with water weight etc, but your tape measure is your friend.