View Full Version : Bruising very easy why?

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Sun, Mar-28-04, 17:29
I have started to Bruise very easy and i have no idea why.
Today i was washing my car and bumped my knee on the step stool and now it is a Bruise about an inch round and dark purple?
then i got out of the shower and counted 7 other Bruises that i have no idea how i got!

help please!!!

Sun, Mar-28-04, 17:36
As the layer of fat under the skin decreases, people bruise more easily (due to less cushioning of the blood vessels). So, maybe the increased bruising relates to your loosing weight.

Sun, Mar-28-04, 17:40
I normally bruise easily. When I started LC though I looked like a prize fighter or abuse case. Someone sugegsted adding vitamin C and E to my suppliments. I found the E really helps me with the bruising.

Sun, Mar-28-04, 17:51
Hi Petcrazed,

You'll find lots of info on bruising in this old thread: http://forum.lowcarber.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=40004&highlight=bruising


Sun, Mar-28-04, 18:58
Just a note. My Mom's platelets fell extremely low after taking daily aspirin and vioxx over a period of time. She had bruising. Finally she went in to the Doctor after a year of ignoring the syptoms.