View Full Version : need breakfast help

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Sun, Mar-28-04, 08:24
I can't eat eggs anymore for breakfast. It has too much animal fat and causes me to have rashes, any alternative breakfast ideas that has some protein in it?

Sun, Mar-28-04, 08:26
Is your issue with eggs or animal fat? Answers will differ depending on your answer to this.


Sun, Mar-28-04, 08:38
i'm pretty sure it's with eggs because nothing else has caused a chain reaction.

Sun, Mar-28-04, 08:44
Smoothies with protein powder
Tuna or chicken salad
Hot flax cereal

Sun, Mar-28-04, 08:44
I'm not on OWL but from what I have seen, looks like you could eat:

Low carb yogurt
Atkins cereal

I'm sure that someone closer to being where you are in the plan will have great ideas!


Sun, Mar-28-04, 09:04
i tried bacon and a slice of lean meat today and have to say it was very tasty this early (the meat). Maybe I can change over to that! Thanks everyone

Sun, Mar-28-04, 09:13
I've learned to escape the common perceptions about what is "breakfast" food. I'm as likely to have a salad and hamburger for breakfast as I am to have scrambled eggs for dinner. The only thing I try to do is get more calories in the morning than at night.

Sun, Mar-28-04, 09:20
I like cottage cheese or ricotta cheese mixed with a little vanilla extract, berries and chopped nuts. Sometimes I leave out the fruit and drizzle it with sugarfree maple syrup or add a sprinkle of cinnamon and nutmeg. I also like to have cantalope and soy sausages sometimes. (of course use the real stuff if that's what you like. ;) ) Tofu 'scrambled' with salsa and black olives and topped with cheddar cheese or sour cream is good, if you are one of those that don't hate tofu. Goodluck on finding some egg free options that you like. :)


Sun, Mar-28-04, 10:09
I am a shake girl all the way. I just can't seem to get down breakfast food...I love my shakes...I mix them with cream and ice in the blender....it's really good..plus you can get all kinds of flavors...and still add stuff of your own to it...right now I am really stuck on my vanilla ice cream flavor:) I think when I start adding some fruit I am going to try strawberries w/ banana flavoring yumm!!

good luck!

Sun, Mar-28-04, 10:19
leftover cold chicken legs with mayo and/or heinz 1 carb

that has always been my fave breakfast, even before LC

Ms Sarah
Sun, Mar-28-04, 11:18
I ordered some Atkins Breakfast Bars from Toronto but they have not arrived yet. I'm not sick of eggs yet - but I would like some options before I do tire of them.

I thought I read here someone has one of teh ATkins Banana Nut Muffins with some cream cheese on them for breakie...now THAT sounds yummy to me. I think I'll bake mine tonight and have them for a few mornings this week. Is that suitable or should I have a piece of bacon "with" it.....
I'm a rookie and just starting to experiment with recipes and dif foods. I can honestly say (for a change) I have not cheated - and after last week myscale "upping" 2lbs...I was fit to be tied! grrrr :devil:

Mon, Mar-29-04, 08:26
Elsah, your breakfasts sound really good. I'll have to try a few. I am just sick and tired of eggs - fried, hard-boiled, over easy, scrambled, poached, devilled. Thanks for the suggestions!

Mon, Mar-29-04, 11:17
According to protien power ther eis an acid in eggs and some meats that many people are allergic too. You might want to read protien power to find more information about it.

You can still use egg whites to make a morning omlette.
Hot cereal (I use 2 tbsp ground flax, 2 tbsp unprocessed wheat bran, 1 scoop designer whey protien powder)
Atkins cereal

Also you don't have to stick to traditional breakfast items. Have left overs from the night before. Make up a hamburger or a large salad.