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Nancy LC
Fri, Mar-26-04, 15:36
Yesterday was Hungry Day for me. I've really been watching the calories, the weight is going DOWN and I'm premenstrual. Everything has been smooth sailing then WHAM! I have a day when I'm about to eat my telephone, I'm so hungry. Unfortunately they sold out of plain nuts in the vending machine, so I ended up with an ounce of the honey roasted ones.

At home, I ate normally until I went to bed. Then tossed and turned until I got up and ate another small meal (low carb cereal and milk, a few peanuts).

Now today I'm not nearly as hungry. In fact, I'm less hungry than usual.

I'd really resent hungry days more if I didn't have an Unhungry Day usually the next day.


Fri, Mar-26-04, 15:37
Usually when I am more hungry it means a whoosh is near. Or TOM

Fri, Mar-26-04, 15:48
Eating things high in fat should help curb your appetite. Do you like cream cheese? I've found that eating a good heaping spoonfull helps me. You can also add in a little splenda or sf syrup for a sweet treat.

Fri, Mar-26-04, 17:51
DianaO, I've noticed that too, a lot of times I have a whoosh after having been abnormally hungry.

Nancy LC
Fri, Mar-26-04, 19:58
Well, I typically eat about 65-70% of my calories from fat. Lunch was 2 ounces of cream cheese and 3 slices of bacon on low carb bread. Usually I find that is VERY filling. Yesterday it was like... "Ok, thank you for the hors devours, where's my meal?"

Today, I took the same thing to work, but took my own peanuts and doubled up on the jello/cream cheese pie. I ate the sandwich and was absolutely stuffed. I didn't eat any of the snacks I took along. Its now 6pm, my usual dinner time, and I'm coasting along not really all that hungry.

I think I'm possessed by an imp. :p

Fri, Mar-26-04, 20:05
You know, now that you mention it, my Hungry Day was yesterday! Started tom this morning, and have not been nearly as hungry today. In fact, I've barely eaten and am no where near my carb amount for the day. hhhmmm..hadn't even paid any attention...just knew I ate way more lc candy than normal.

Nancy LC
Fri, Mar-26-04, 20:49
Its funny, I don't remember my TOM affecting my appetite so much before low-carbing. Maybe its just because before I was eating pretty much all day long, and now I'm not so I notice when there's a big increase in my appetite.

I think my period is going to start tonight or tomorrow morning so perhaps there's some kind of hormonal change that prompts the "feed me" urges.

The exciting thing is that this month I've lost weight BEFORE my period. I'm hoping that means there will be a minnie-whoosh afterwards.

I gotta say, I think buying Fitday and planning my eating out ahead of time has really helped me a ton.

Fri, Mar-26-04, 21:21
I try to make those hungry days count by stuffing my face with veggies... at least BEFORE I hit the lc ice cream! :lol:

Nancy LC
Fri, Mar-26-04, 21:29
I was caught flat-footed and really didn't have an appropriate kit to handle the hungry day. Yesterday, I guess I didn't get the full blown hungries until after I got to work. By then, I was locked into only eating what I had brought, which seemed terribly inadequate.

So today, I packed an extra snack, plus I doubled up on my usual snack. And I brought extra veggies for lunch. And what do you know, I had no appetite today. :p

Maybe I can track my Hungry Day in fitday and learn to figure on when it is coming, if it is indeed linked to my TOM.

Fri, Mar-26-04, 22:13
A lot of times I have a whoosh after having been abnormally hungry.

From your lips to the woosh fairy's ears! I have been starving all day. :D