Thread: Sommersizing
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Old Mon, Aug-06-01, 19:45
LowCarbKel LowCarbKel is offline
New Member
Posts: 13
Plan: Suzanne Somers
Stats: 155/137/130 Female 5'5"
Progress: 72%
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Talking Sommersizing

Suzanne Somers
Level One - this is where you lose the pounds
Level Two - Maintain weight

The plan involves food combining AND low carb intake. Certain foods are not allowed at all; such as bananas, potatoes,white flour.

Basically, the plan in Level One is as follows:

1. Eat fruit alone on a empty stomach (and at least 30 mins before carbo meal and 1 hour before protein meal)
2. Eat meats/fish (proteins) with vegatables (asparagus, green beans etc)
3. Eat complex carbohydrates only (whole grains, no white flour, pasta etc) with vegatables. Do NOT mix with protein.

Eat until you are FULL. It's not necessary to count carbs but the lower your carb intake the greater the results. No sugar, or white flour.

On Level Two (you should have reached your desired weight) this is the maintainance part of the plan. Here is where you add a treat here and there, maybe a piece of bread with your eggs and bacon once in a while. Pay close attention to your body, it's easy to fall into a stall here... believing you can get away with more than your body can handle. I personally stick very close to level one.

A typical day for me includes:

Fruit in the morning on a empty stomach...strawberries or peaches. 30 minutes later whole grain/rye toast with tomatoes and basil spinkled over top.

Lunch is a huge ceasar salad with chicken breast.

Supper may be a couple pork chops, steamed broccoli with cheddar cheese and some red peppers fried in olive oil.

Dessert is generally sugar free jello with heavy cream whipped.

My treats range from...butter or peanut butter on my toast. A piece of bread with my eggs and bacon (maybe once a month), a glass of wine with dinner twice a week and ketchup with my eggs. However, please remember while these cheats have not affected my weight loss everyone is different so pay close attention to your body.

Started Somersizing April 15th, 2001
Start weight 155lbs
Current weight 130lbs
Goal 125 lbs

Height 5'4"
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