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Old Tue, Mar-14-06, 17:14
Teena G. Teena G. is offline
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Posts: 41
Plan: Nondieting/Moderation
Stats: 000/000/000 Female 5'5"
Progress: 3%

Hi Nicole -


I'm just starting SB myself, but just wanted to pop in to say welcome and to suggest that you read the post below entitled "Menu ideas for SP newbies....Actually any ideas."

There is a person in that thread that goes by "Ksrt." She was once a patient of Dr. S. Her input is VERY helpful!

All I know is that if you are a "diet-alcoholic," then you have, most likely, severely messed up your metabolism - like the rest of us (sigh).

From what I am reading in her book (book one), you really have no choice but to commit to this - even if you wind up gaining weight in the beginning. I'm sure you understand all of that or you wouldn't even be here. Just reiterating the obvious - haha.

From reading that thread, I learned that Dr. S has increased the recommended amount of carbs in her latest book. I just ordered book three and hope to glean more needed understanding from it. I think, if I'm remembering this right, Dr. S also recommends in the latest book that you might want to limit fruit to just one serving if you tend to have problems from eating fruit - ie, sugar highs/lows.

I am finding that if I keep my carbs at the "Healing" level (ie, 15 per meal x 3 meals per day; 7 per snack x 2), I get depressed and I also don't sleep as well. Both of those things are BIG indicators to me that I NEED more carbs. So I am upping them.

For me, it's not about weight loss anymore - and I have around 150 pounds to lose!!!

My snacks are fresh peaches or berries in some cream (oh, yum!) with a piece of beef jerky and some raw veggie slices (hence I am getting the good fat (cream) that keeps the insulin level in check, the good protein (beef) that is needed to rebuild, the carb (fruit) that is needed for energy and the veggies that are needed for the vitamin/mineral content).

I buy the beef jerkey from a good source. If I eat too much cheese, I don't feel as well. I use to eat this snack with cheese for the protein. I'm trying not to eat so much cheese - just to feel a little better. Don't know why it affects me like that.

As you continue to read her books and read the posts on this board, I think you will begin to understand what constitutes a protein and what constitutes a carb - as well as what is a protein/carb combo. Just keep reading. You'll get there.

Dr. S makes a very good point in book one about how, as we age, we need less carbohydrates for energy, yet we continue eating the same type of meals that we did 10 to 20 years earlier. That made a lot of sense to me. SO now I know that I don't need anywhere near what I use to eat, but the 15 carb limit, like I said, is not working, so I do have to up them in order to not become depressed and to get a much needed sleep. I think it's just a learning process. Our bodies are so individual....there's just no "one-way" diet for any of us. We are all too individual.

If you are like me, I always wanted a much simpler solution than this - however, once you learn the basics of this - and for me, knowlege is what is needed to understand why I am doing what I am doing - I think it will just get VERY easy. I am certain that there are many that will be able to explain that this really isn't that complicated. Though, for me, ANY change is complicated - haha!

I wish you the very, very best....and again, WELCOME!

There are a LOT more people on the board much more wise than I am that can aid you in this process. I know that there's a lot more to it than just what I was able to say, but I hope it helps you.

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