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Old Wed, May-18-05, 08:32
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schelle schelle is offline
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Default What works?

What works for one person may not work for all-each eprson may have different symptoms as well.

I would first like to say that I myself do not feel like I have "instestinal problems" such as IBS, etc. My main OVERWHELMING problems were the extreeme fatigue (that came at the same time I was nursing my newborn and she got "Thrush" in the mouth), very unusual headaches, (not so much painful but as if my head were detached-like the moment before you might pass out or something-weird vision and all), and other "memory/thought" problems most lable as ADD/ADHD. As an act of desperation I WILL admit, I purchased Threelac from a website that had MANY "testamonies" relating to my symptoms and their success with it, not just the many other symptoms many people have with "candida".
I spoke with my mentor, he is someone that I value tremendously his opinion. If something works for you than stick to it.
Threelac has worked for my extreeme fatigue and a few other minor things I have noticed are "becoming" normal. However there is still the Enterococcus ingredient that bothers me. Someone posted saying lots of bad stuff about it, and I read MANY websites about the stuff. Aparently it is put in many thing including cattle feed to kill off bacteria like e. coli to prevent passing it to humans, and that Enterococcus is only dangerous to people such as AIDS, Cancer treated etc. that have a very low immune system.
Anyway, I am in search of finding someone with nutritional knowledge in my area that may tell me what I can take to achieve a "balanced" life for me and my girls. and as far as "diet" goes I will say the only thing I have changed is SUGAR. I started w/ atkins and was miserable to eliminate ALL CARBS and ALL SUGAR! I did so for nearly 3 weeks and said PHEWY! I now eat bread (sugar free/ or multi grain and sometimes very sm amt. of white bread), small amounts of potatoes, rice, and pasta, added nuts back in and some fruits.
I have not seen/felt and side effects from doing so-but I don't feel like I am allergic like some people to hardly any foods- but I now see what a HUGE effect sugar can have on a person! and just because I'm not a kid anymore doesn't mean I can eat "junk food" all day and skip healthy foods! So maybe in some way that is my Allergy! It maynot make me have "tummy" problems but it does make me have highs and extreeme lows, I can become VERY forgetful during the day, and have sort of "panic attacks" in high stress situations. This is why I am also becoming more convinced that Threelac is not a "Miracle" fix, that yes I too could find some other more affordable ways to achieve my balance and help my oldest daughter's Attention problems as well. I wish EVERYONE in the WORLD the BEST of HEALTH they could possibly achieve! God Bless!
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