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Old Mon, Mar-06-17, 10:26
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deirdra deirdra is offline
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A better way of thinking about it is that you have lost 8 lbs in two months (18 since your high of 225) and that is mostly fat. At first you lost a lot of water and your body probably found it too dehydrating and retained more water water to equilibrate while you continued to lose fat.

Finding ways to reduce stress and get good sleep will help too. I went to a stress reduction seminar that had a few good tips. As we walked in we were given a handout and some adhesive coloured dots. Then we were told to think of three nature-related times in our lives when we felt calm and fantastic. Mine were cresting a heather-covered hill in Scotland, walking down the old cool stone steps from Monticello to the parking lot through the forest in full fall colours, then on to the warm summer beach in the Outer Banks of North Carolina; I actually feel cool, then warm as I walk from the hilltop to the water's edge. You sit or lie down, close your eyes and consciously relax your body one part at a time, starting with your toes and up to your scalp and back down as you visualize your three calming memories. I still do this when stressed 8 yrs later and it only takes a couple of minutes and can be done at your desk. Then we discussed ways to feel more in control at work. An excellent suggestion, if you have bosses and other people barging into your workspace all the time, is to say - I just need to make a call or send an email and then I will come to YOUR office. That gives you time to relax, gather your thoughts and be the one in charge when you go to their office; standing while they sit adds to your feeling of control. Finally we were told what the coloured dots were for. When nobody is looking, you put them above the doors of offices of people who stress you out. When you see your dot you smile and feel empowered, not vulnerable or stressed-out. As I walked back to my office, I walked past a lot of administrative offices that already had other peoples' dots on their door frames. I added a few of my own.
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