Thread: Advice for PCOS
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Old Fri, Mar-20-09, 08:06
katskradle katskradle is offline
New Member
Posts: 3
Plan: don't know
Stats: 262/261/200 Female 5'5"

Thanks everyone, for your advice!

I have had my iron checked last month, as well as been tested for diabetes (twice, most recently last month), both of which I have no issues/problems with currently.

My hair thinned out about ten years ago, I haven't had recent issues with hair thinning or falling out. (Though I miss the thick head of hair I had as a pre teen/young teen!) I don't have weak nails, though I do struggle with depression and fatigue, both of which come with the PCOS however. I am not sure what is going on with the memory loss...but my dr ran a ton of bloodwork, all of which came back that I am within "normal" range. My mom 'reassured' me that all the women on her side suffer from short-term memory loss. I think I'm a little young for it---and most the women on her side also suffered from prescription drug abuse, which I have not--so I just don't know what to think. Or what I was thinking about 5 minutes ago. (slight joke)

I was reading that a protein defficency(sp) can cause irritability as well. I read you're supposed to get 70g daily, which I don't get. I'm wondering if that may be the cause of my recent and sporadic bursts of anger.

I have been trying to get into the low-carb. I'm introducing it slowly, starting with portion control on the carbs...but from what I have been reading, carbs are in practically EVERYTHING. I'm also finding carb counts to be conflicting. I read two different atkins promoters, one saying eat less than 20g of carbs daily, the other saying don't go less than 50g because it can cause other health complications. I am not a water fan, but I am drinking 'Skinny Water' now, which is flavored, has no calories, and no carbs.

As far as losing weight slower, I am not losing weight now! (I work out 3-5 times a week at a gym and am practicing a fairly balanced and portioned diet for the past 3 months now) If it helps with the PCOS, then I'm down.

Thanks again for help and input, and keep it comin'! I am excited to see some positive changes ahead of me!
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