Thread: New "Loser"
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Old Sat, Jan-27-18, 05:39
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JEY100 JEY100 is offline
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Congratulations on losing 18 pounds in 25 days.
But yes, we have seen that story before.

That quote in post 26 is from two of the top low carb researchers who have been studying this diet for over 30 years. In all those years, they haven’t figured out why the body's four pound "grey zone" of weight moves as it does, but one thing I notice myself is that alcohol is dehydrating.

Leading to posts along the lines of "I went out Saturday night, had a big meal and drinks and lost weight"...until it comes back. But if you "feel thinner" you may indeed have had the fabled "woosh' (re-read why the scales lie and watch Nurse Cindy's video) or you are just one of those irritating men who lose weight rapidly and continuously. Whatever. ..if the scale goes up or down are on your way to a healthier low carb lifestyle ....except going back to alcohol. You will be most successful if you make it a rare treat until at your goal weight.

It is not the calories and carbs of alcohol that will stop your weight loss, but "oxidative priority". The body perceives alcohol as a toxin and has no mechanism to store it, so will burn it first before carbs, and lastly fat.

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