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Old Mon, Jun-22-15, 18:02
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bevangel bevangel is offline
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Plan: modified adkins (sort of)
Stats: 265/176/167 Female 68.5 inches
Progress: 91%
Location: Austin, TX

Hey April - you just mentioned you just got a Fit Bit so I'm guessing you've been doing a bit more walking the last day or so. Yes?

Well, lots of people seem to gain a little weight when they start exercising! So don't get upset about that slight uptick in weight after you started exercising. Muscle is more dense than fat...which basically means, if you take a 1 inch cube of fat, it will weigh a whole lot less than a 1 inch cube of muscle even tho the two are the same size.

When you don't exercise and you're on an LC WOE, your body burns some fat just to keep you alive. When you do exercise, you body burns just as much fat to keep you alive as a tiny bit more to provide energy for the exercise. But, it also uses a bit more of the protein you've eaten to create new muscle tissue...and that muscle tissue weighs more than an equal sized piece of fat. Plus, after exercising all of your muscles are going to become slightly inflamed and hold on to a tiny bit more water than they otherwise would.

Thus, when you begin exercising, you may show a net gain on the scales BUT you will be getting smaller. Tiny bits of fat from all over your body got burned away...but equally tiny, or even tinier bits of muscle were built. The added muscle plus the extra water that the temporarily inflamed muscles are holding onto weighs more than the lost fat. So the scales say you've gained weight but it isn't FAT weight and you're actually SMALLER and stronger! And isn't getting smaller the real goal anyway?

Unfortunately, it is a whole lot harder to measure those teeny tiny muscle gains - which are probably spread all over your body - than it is to measure weight loss which our scales see as a whole body thing.

Keep exercising and stick with your WOE. Ultimately, the more muscle you gain the easier it will be to continue to lose weight AND the better you will look and feel.
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