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Old Sun, Jan-20-02, 10:35
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Erin4980 Erin4980 is offline
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Plan: Atkins/ Protein Power
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Location: Memphis, TN
Default John2001,

"What happen to you" (in regards to the weight lose) now I'm more selfconcious about myself and constanting making sure I look thin. I seem to be getting more critical of myself now than before. ie: friends say, your thin enough. I say I need to lose a little more yet. I'm hoping I'll adjust to the new me, when I get there in my own mind.

I can not agree with you more. It's almost like on the one hand, I want people to notice that I no longer am chunky, but then on the other, I feel completely uncomfortable with their reactions, but then again on the flip side, I'm constantly dressing to expose (conservatively) the weight that I've lost.
I gained thirty lbs. during my first three years of college, so this is how all my friends have seen me since we've met. But they have no idea that I gained another 10 during my senior year (those being my last 10 to lose), and I want to tell them I have another ten, but then they always say "your thin enough."

When I first started highschool (eight years ago), I think I got there the moment when eat disorders really "took off." I understand people have be anorexic (and other things as well) for years, but of my six closest friendest three of them have been hospitalized for eating disorders. And I can't even tell you how many more I know that weren't even my bestfriends. The president of my highschool in 1997 (I graduated in 1998) was on the was on the cover (of I think) Time exposing her eating disorder. So for me, I think all my friends think I;m going to get too skinny or get an eating disorder. Even my bf has started to nag me about the dumbest things in my mind.

Everyone will just have to get used to us, in our new bodies (as will we).

Good Luck on hitting your goal.
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