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Old Tue, Jul-01-03, 21:04
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Stargrrl Stargrrl is offline
Registered Member
Posts: 29
Plan: Carbohydrate Addicts then Atkins now trying Somersizing
Stats: 122/118/110
BF:Dont know
Progress: 33%
Location: Inland Valley, Ca.

Im going to be switchint to SS as well.

Heres my deal, I started Atkins in January and initally had an awful time getting off bread, cereal and potatoes. I lost 11lbs in the first 6 weeks of serious low carbing with no exercise this was a period of about 6 weeks in Feb/March.

During that time I did not exercise because I was down with a work injury. So I beleived I was doing really well with Atkins and finally after months of struggling got to the point that I could eat mostly cheese meat, eggs and salad all the time. I went back to an induction routine becuase I was hungry after getting back to work and ate a few more carbs than I should of. Mostly in the form of Atkins brownies which I can seem to have just one serving of it got so easy I thought why not?

Then I got REALLY sick I didnt know what was wrong with me or that it was diet but for 5 days I could hardly move, I felt heavy like my arms were like logs, and when I turned my head the room turned with it, also and most bizarre I had this awful tight feeling in my head as if I'd lifted heavy weights. I had started back on my bowflex routine but only 5lbs and very few reps. Finally someting told me to go eat oatmeal and I felt better instantly, it took me a few days to walk straight and trust myself driving but I did get better.

After this experience I was back on the carbs again, only complex but enough that I was no longer losing weight, I found that as soon as I got low enough to start losing I would also start to feel badly again. Right now I am doing a personally modified diet using Atkins, and bodybuilding principles, it goes like this:

Breakfast- 1 egg w/3 whites scrambled, 1 whole wheat toast, mint tea w/2 splendas
2nd Breakfast- 3 egg whites scrambled w/ham
Snack- High Protien LC Bar
Lunch- Atkins Chicken Teriyaki w/ 3 TBSP couscous
Snack- Atkins Chocolate Protien Shake w/cream and 4 splendas
Dinner- Meat, Veggies, Salad (no croutons, but almonds or pine nuts)
Desert- Sugar Free Jello w/ Whipped Cream
Before Bedtime- Atkins Chocolate Protein Shake (same prep as before)

I have this exact list tacked up on my fridge so I only have to look at it to know what I need to eat next. I do feel great on this plan and I have the energy to kick up my cardio and strength train more seriously. This is the routine for the next 8 weeks untill our trip to Hawaii and then I'd like to go on the SS diet because I can have a carbo-milk combo in the morning, MY GOD how I miss cereal!

I've only heard from one person who's had this experience so far and she said it was malnutrition. Some are tempted to think it was low blood sugar but Im certain that its not because I had that before I started Atkins for years and know the syptoms really well, this was different and honestly awful I never want to feel like that again. I dont know that induction is quiet as safe as its been touted, Atkins book said that your body will make carbs if your not ingesting them, but I know in my case it was just downright dangerous. Still I am in agreement of the evils of sugar, potatoes and refined flour and no matter what diet I maintain from now on those things will be downright minimal!

Sorry for the novel this thread really spoke to me

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