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Old Fri, Apr-13-07, 18:02
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HairOnFire HairOnFire is offline
Registered Member
Posts: 489
Plan: Carbs not
Stats: 159/124/130 Female 67 inches
BF:Playing the field
Progress: 121%

Foil packs of tuna, chicken, and salmon. Small cans of salmon, tuna, etc., if you can handle the weight, or just bring enough for the first night.

Beef jerky if you can handle the small amounts of carbs. (Check labels, some are carbier than others.)

Cooked chicken pieces/steak pieces for the first or second nights. It should keep fine if you bury it down in your pack. I've done this.

Cook up a mess of bacon, wrap it in foil and then in plastic wrap, and it'll keep for a couple of days as well.

There are some websites selling very high-quality pemmican (jerky) that is better than the commercial Slim Jim crap. Google "pemmican" for websites selling the high quality stuff. You could bring nothing else and you would literally be able to survive on this stuff the way Steffanson did with the Inuit. I did a 4-day out-and-back backpacking trip and brought pemmican, and some chicken legs for the first night, and that's all we ate.

Taper carb intake to zero before the trip. Once you are into total fat-burning and zero carb, you'd be amazed how powered you will be even on much lower calories.
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