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Old Sun, Apr-01-18, 04:55
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Kristine Kristine is offline
Forum Moderator
Posts: 25,698
Plan: Primal/P:E
Stats: 171/145/145 Female 5'7"
Progress: 100%
Location: Southern Ontario, Canada

Jean, congrats again. I have to keep a limit on my online time, too. I don't have specific time limits, but I have a hierarchy of important "tasks" vs complete time-wasters. No time-wasters unless the more important stuff is taken care of, as well as my IRL daily to-do list.

One rule that's helped me is no "trying to catch up" on Twitter, Facebook, etc. If anything important happened in anyone's life and I didn't get a phone call or run into the person IRL, then I'm not close enough to that person to worry about it. Fight your FOMO. If I want to use social media, I just jump in and don't scroll down very far.

Day 61

1. Activity: the usual lazy weekend 'nope' X
2. Weigh-in: done
3. Supps: done
4. Food: also nope X

Food freebies used: 9/5

Ladies and gentlemen, I do believe I have proven to myself that corn is as bad for my arthritis and allergies as gluten. I'm mourning here. I may never eat Doritos again. Those were an occasional treat for me. "Hey, they're gluten-free." But this is the second time that I've had them with an otherwise clean diet, and (1) my back is so sore I have a hard time putting on pants and socks ( ) and (2) my allergy meds are suddenly rendered almost useless. My nose is on fire here. Sigh. Well, at least I know. It could be worse; I always think of all the folks with arthritis whose quality of life could be massively improved if their health care providers would just entertain the idea of molecular mimicry and inflammation triggers.

I thought of retooling my remaining 1/3 of my 90 days, but I think I'll just wait until the next 90-day cycle. It looks like I won't be laid off this summer, and the shift I'll be working would be a good one for me to cycle to work a lot of days. That will be one of my goals.
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