Thread: LC Our Way #3
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Old Fri, Dec-20-19, 05:30
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Jaz66 Jaz66 is offline
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Good morning- I slept and slept, can't wait to sleep past 5 tomorrow!

NIC- I really enjoyed your email- regarding the similarities between your dad and your son. Striking! Does he see it as well? I bet your dad is proud!
Cool that your son is really getting into his music! The last kids- tend to be the more artsy, musically inclined, not sure why . Have you noticed that?

I know you will be getting in a festive mood with the family coming together. When do you pick up DS21? Is he coming in through DC? I noticed there are not alot of airports here. The weather for Christmas here is going to be stellar! Enjoy your time out with family.

LORI- I find it interesting there are so many types of Yoga. I am going to look up the restorative yoga. I mentioned in my last post I am so stiff lately and losing flexibility. I need to DO something in a stretching sorta way! Not a class but some stretching here in the morning.
Do you stretch before you go to the gym?

Cool you got another box. You are using Home Chef now? Never heard of it. Those boxed meals are all the rage now! You even see those male kits in grocery stores now! It really is nice to have a recipe and all the ingredients to follow!

BLUE- - You sound busy my friend! Are you getting the hand of your new phone? Did you You Tube any videos? I bet it can do alot. I don't have an iPhone- just a cheap android. People LOVE their iPhones.
Are you all set for the holiday? Any plans to go west any times soon?
Plane tickets are so high right now!

TRIG- - hey there! Is your kiddo off 1/2 day today as well?
Did you find any goodies at the drugstore? I have found some cool things there!
Is both mom's coming to your house? I know you said your mom was making lasagna. Did you know that and Pizza is the top foods make for Christmas even? I didn't know that until I saw an article about that. I find that so interesting people carb up like that PRIOR to a Huge Christmas dinner!
But looking back- the ex and I ALWAYS order Pizza Christmas Eve so we didn't have to cook and would wrap up the stocking stuff on Eve. So ya I can see it.
Cool though you have a plan for your food. I am not going to be tempted in any way. I am going to have a roast on Tue and take in left overs to WORK on Christmas Day!
Good morning- I went to bed at 9 last night and slept through. I am going to rest this weekend. Although I do want to get some groceries in so I can stop BUYING food. It has been 90% fish though. It has been a good WOE week for me.

I am working Christmas- I mentioned that earlier- so it doesn't feel festive. I am totally cool with skipping Christmas this year! My Christmas will show up in my paycheck !!!! HAHAHAHAHAH- Plus I was less tempted to buy extra stuff. I bought the littles each a toy- and my kids all got a 50 dollar gift- Mom and her hubby got a gift card and done. It was still over what I planned as I have not had a check since Oct.

I am looking forward to getting paid!!!!
Today I think I will be in the Ortho unit with a different preceptor. I like her too. Well everyone has been friendly. It is a very small knit community I can see that.
Hard to believe I am a week down out of 13- 12 to go. This will go VERY FAST!!!! - Wow.

I am looking forward to ringing in a NEW and FRESH year! Even though it's another year gone by- I am hopeful that this year is going to be super positive in so many ways. Positive in growth in my career. I am just as interested in where this path will go as you all are!
Second- I am feeling more settled about my WOE. As my stress decreases- I am feeling good about NEXT year being the year to focus on MY needs for getting back into a healthier place. If I don't start losing I am thinking about an Endo consult. But I need to give myself a opportunity to adjust, get some rest and just eat clean!
SOOOOOOO ....... ready to turn the page as the song goes!!!!

Nothing else going on. I am so craving soup. Like cheeseburger soup- something rich, and hot and filling. Although there was a crab bisque that looked really good as well! The only thing - buying out you just don't don't know what garbage they put in it! I will fish a few recipes on line and pick stuff up for this week upcoming.

Today is a crap shoot as it is Friday and I am tired. I do know it will be most likely fish of some sort.
Have a great Friday all!

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