Thread: LC our way! #2
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Old Tue, Jan-09-18, 05:19
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Jaz66 Jaz66 is offline
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Urghhhhhhhh...... Cold medicine hangover..... I couldn't breathe outta my nose last night. It doesn't feel like a cold. More just cold, and sniffling weather. So I took some cold meds- it had me wired - trouble sleeping. So I am not moving real fast this morning.

If I didn't have to be at work today I would take a sick day. But I have to. Why? I spent some hours yesterday writing my first paper and emailed to myself at work to pretty up before I submit it.
I am having some user issues with my MAC. I have also downloaded a office word for Mac- but it is a little different. And it IS the little differences that got me frustrated over this paper last night. It is DUE tomorrow.

I feel good that I won't need to do much more to it. Just clean it up and whip out my APA manual- for proper citation.
The content however was really interesting.

It was a simulation that I was in charge of a city that had a train derailment with a chemical spill. So I had to pick people from different organizations in the community to assist in the disaster. So I had to pick 10- then narrow it down to 5 and give my rational for who I picked and why. Of course I picked the Fire and police chief, then the director of the Red Cross, also a community organizer and school principal. The principal, because the trail derailed behind a school, in the simulation. It really was fun- except the little grammar details.
You know the type of STITCH! Making my quilt!!!one paper, one stitch at a time.

Yesterday was a great WOE day. Easy- pot roast, and chili dogs.
I have thinking about one more day of it before I freeze the leftover. I can only eat the same thing so many meals in a row! I might go for chicken today actually.

What a stunning game last night- what a lose in overtime! WOW OH WOW! Maybe next year for Georgia!

Lori- are you back at Bootcamp? I know what you mean by the flexibility piece. I don't know how our bodies go from a mean lean machine to - flabby and stiff almost over night! Glad you are back at it!

Trig- more recipes please! Warm weather is coming your way! Did your pool freeze? The complex pool did!!!! I saw it yesterday and was shocked.
Does your kiddo shop online?

Leeann/ Blue/ Kmom- Not forgotten out of time! Will catch up this afternoon! Have a great day ladies!!!
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