Thread: LC our way! #2
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Old Sun, Oct-01-17, 07:55
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OMG- Let a gal take off a few hours here and I came back to a bursting thread!

Leeann- I LOVE LOVED LOVED your post. I have always called that ability to "feel" emotion of an environment as a "sensitive". Which I too can to. It was surprising to me that everyone can't do that.
I have never thought about the Tigger/Eyore connection. It makes perfect sense.

And for you- to be a sensitive like that would absorb those feelings around you.
When I say I am "peopled" out- it is sorta the same thing. I have used the word emotional vampire. There are those type of people out there, and they never have to open their mouth!!!!!
So I totally get your zen balance thing in your home. I too read your post several times. Just a interesting thing to think about, especially when ya think about the people in your life. Thanks! I too am going to google like BLUE did - the quiz.

Blue- I love when we are going along and get a "ah ha" moment! Emotional eaters- yes have always been associated with a negative emotion. That is so true- about the happy times too!

I am so onboard with clothes being the barometer of how we are doing! Yes I too kind of measure the size with success- am I going up or down?!
So glad you found an inspirational piece and one that works for you right now!
I am a clothes horse as well, as well as the bling that goes with it, and the bag, and shoes OF course!
I think that is why I am loving the series you suggested- OH the CLOTHES- and GLAMOUR!!!!!!!! I am on episode 15 I think- she and her father are getting along well- she was invited to the party that Hilter's ladies will be attending. I can't wait to see the next episode.

Sorry got lost in that show for a sec.! Very glad you are back on track. I too need a kick in the rump to DO SOMETHING PHYSICAL!!!!!

Lori- Goodness! I feel for your BIL- but I would SO NOT be ok with that crap he pulled in YOUR home. I think your hubby needs to draw the line!
WOWSA - on getting promoted right out of the barn so to speak! AWESOME for you!!!!! I bet you give 100% when you are there! Most people in retail can make or break a place with great/poor service! I know you are great! Plus, not a slam to younger people. However I like to hire older people over younger people personally.

People our age know that hard work, and respect for what you are doing is valuable. We don't take work for granted or feel entitled. But that is another entire post on that last sentence!!!!!! I won't go there today!
I will be interested to see how you tackle BOOTCAMP- like a pro I am sure!

KMOM- Loved reading about the life of you with your special daughter. It did give me pause when I read it. How many times as mom's have our kids tried to talk to us and we are distracted and not into it? I am guilty of yea yea yea ok. But with a "hand" speaking SD you HAVE to stop what you are doing and PAY ATTENTION. Thanks for a glimpse into your life!
I am curious to google Leeann's Tigger/ Eyore quiz! Such good thinks to thing about have been written by all of you yesterday! Love some good meaty reading!

Yesterday- was well up and down for me!
I will TIGGER like start with the good:
Ava that little stinker- has quite the reputation for "wanting to do her own thing". She hates confinement. They bundle her up like a burrito to keep her hand from pulling out all her tubes. No it doesn't last, she wiggles and wiggles and wiggles until she can poke her hand up and out- and then all bets are off.
I had to laugh- I saw it! The nurse said she is feisty and keeps them busy. She then looked at my DD and said- you are going to have to watch this one! She will be a handful someday! YAY- go AVA!!!!

My DD loved the sleepers and everything!
I got to spend some good time with the grandson. He is talking and repeating EVERYTHING! I MEAN EVERYTHING. Gigi - had to watch my mouth!

So the not so great:
My DD wanted me to take GS to lunch- Wendy's. I could roll with that, unless burger. So the set up- we finish lunch and are walking toward the door. I have the tray in one hand and am reaching to take Noahs hand.
In a split second- his foot goes from carpet to greasy/wet tiled floor. He hits the tile face first- with a blood curling scream. The second later I go to grab him only to slip in the same grease on the floor and landed HARD on my right hip!
He is now screaming and bleeding from a fat lip- I am on the floor afraid I have broken something because of instant pain myself. Plus the tray went flying.
All this happened in a second. Do you think anybody from behind the counter did anything?????

Some guy standing in line came straight over to help my GS- I am still laying on the floor. I told the guy to get the manager. Who slowly walks over- stands over my and asks if I need anything??? WTHELLO?!?!?!?!? I was still on the FLOOR. I assessed I was ok to get up- but was limping. I had to get to see my GS. I took him to the bathroom to clean up the blood off his face.

After I came out- I went up to the counter and ask to speak to the manager again. So he comes to the counter and asks what I want. I said a copy of your incident report. He said he didn't write one. I said I wanted one. So he brings ME the paper work- and states he doesn't know how to fill it out or what he was supposed to do. Can you all picture this. So I am now filling out paper work- with a screaming toddler on the "other hip".

Whew- so I text my DD - to meet me back at the house. She is unfazed by the big lip and says he gets them all the time. I say my good byes and head out.

Meanwhile on the drive back I am having shooting pains from the hip I fell on. I did find a urgent care in route back home to get an x-ray. NOTHING broken. However lots of swelling the doctor said to expect for a few days.
I am in an EYORE mood today. I am during my hip- grateful nothing broke and irritated at the lack of concern by the staff there.

I will be fine- I am taking today to just chill. I am not even going to the like I need to. I am raiding my freezer and will end up with a chicken stir fry and cali- rice and call it a day.
Laundry and puttering are in order. I will recharge- much needed.

And that was my eventful day. I swear- drama seems to follow me, and it's draining.

But let me end on a positive! I will mend, be on plan, and move on.
OH another thing I am going to do today........ give one last ditch effort to online dating. So I am going to go with the one that takes time to get to know someone- before you meet. It is a longer process but more meaningful. Not a hook up site. So sorta ready to give that one last whirl. This site is not cheap either- as BLUE said, ya get what you pay for! So of course I picked the most $$$$$$!

Ok - have a great day all
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