Thread: LC our way! #2
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Old Thu, Sep-28-17, 17:10
Blue52 Blue52 is offline
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Hi guys,

As always, thanks for all your kind words of support. I'm doin' OK to fine on any given day, but it is a struggle to keep the blues and the stress to the corner of the room. Caring words help me tame those two little devils.

Nic---I watched your link on making the cauliflower crusts, and I watched the one on how it could be a burrito too. That guy is fun and right up my alley, as he states,"I'm too lazy to do it the hard way, so I find the easy way." Having read other recipes for cauli crusts I rejected them as they sounded like a mess. His is easy and straightforward. And, you could buy the cauli rice and make it even easier and quicker. Thanks for sharing this. I REALLY thought the burrito one looked fantastic.

Jaz---Agree w/Lori, think the most important thing you need for your clients is a waiver. I'm sure there's standard legal boiler plate language for this if you google it.

And WOW, did you get a bargain bonanza on Ava's first wardrobe! What a thrill for you, all those cuties AND for a song. It will be so fun to show them to your daughter. Just thinking about those little sleepers makes me think of how soft they felt on my baby boy, and along with the baby magic lotion, smelled like heaven until---haha, you know what I'm sayin'. Always amazed me how fast those little darlin's can go from smelling delicious to reeking.

Trigger---OMG, I hear ya on the persistent kiddo! My son could be like a wood pecker when he wanted something---rat-a-tat-tat, rat-a-tat-tat till you think your head will explode. We used to think for sure he'd end up being a lawyer and win every case just so they didn't have to listen to him anymore. LOL, just 3 more months to go to be pecked at. Got a helmet handy? Lord, it takes the patience of an angel some days when you have a strong minded kid.

Lori---Sounds like you're enjoying the job. Can't remember, do you get a discount? Oh, and it's great your trip to Key West is on! Wonderful place, and I bet by the time you get there they'll have gone a long way to having it up and going. Tourism is so important to them.

K-mom---When do we get to hear about the room you got for you and SD? Love hearing these details and visualizing it all. Where does the cruise go?

Thurs water: 3/3.


Man, was I crabby today. You know, one of those days that the universe seems in cahoots to irritate the bejeezy out of you in every little way possible and THEN you stub your toe and end up yelping, swearing and crying as if someone had taken a dagger to your heart? In my case I didn't stub my toe, but did have a smaller client of mine who is usually easy to work with just about drive me over that edge.

Which led to this very loud thought balloon of running to the convenience store and buying a big bag of Cheetos and a jug of Diet Coke and drowning my sorrows. I literally laced up my sneakers and grabbed my keys. Got to the door and stopped. I didn't do it, which surprised me because I could have sworn I was going to do it. But I think in the end, I don't like my treats that way. I like to choose them, not have them choose me. Like to eat for enjoyment, not as an emotional pacifier.

That victory kind of turned the day around for me. Sighed, took my sneakers off and went to the refrigerator to decide what to make LC for dinner. AND, I came up w/something I'm about to make and I think it's going to be really good.

I'm sautéing up some onions. Then I'll add cauli-rice to that, and then salsa to the whole thing---Spanish rice of a sort. Then I'm going to put that on a slice of Lavash bread, w/grated cheese on top and some jalapeño peppers. Roll it up and have myself a nice LC burrito. Top w/sour cream and a drizzle of taco sauce. I'll let y'all know how it turned out.
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