Thread: LC our way! #2
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Old Tue, Sep-19-17, 06:34
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niccofive niccofive is offline
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Hi everyone!

Jaz- So sorry you fell! Ouch! And then you got beat up with a massage. I hate massages like that. I got one like that (my first massage ever) and I didn't go back for YEARS. Then I learned to ask for a Swedish massage and now I love them.
Glad AVA is doing well!

Trig- Re: the ACT. I bet she does great, especially if they score her in comparison to other kids her age. She is a smarty!
How can she need makeup already? Didn't you just her a very expensive boatload?

Re: Jeans/pants- my kids have all had issues with pants. They are weird. DD22 wears jeans now but wouldn't until late high school. She didn't like the way they feel. Both DS's avoid jeans. They both prefer khaki pants or shorts. It is really funny. DS15 won't wear jeans at all. I think he has one pair that I make him take/wear on mission trips.

Blue- I saw WW with my Dh as a favor to him - I'm not interested in movies like that. It was okay. I don't really get the appeal! You are good to your Honey, and he is good to you.

Lori- Glad you are having fun. Seems like there might be hurricane related weather stuff up there - who knew? I loved Maine so much. I can totally imagine spending a month there in the summers very happily. Very laid back vibe and friendly people.

KMom- Definitely want to hear your thoughts on the cauli crusts. I made that before, once, but it was a good bit of work. It would probably be easier now with the pre-riced cauli.
I hope your Dr appt goes well and you get some input re: your low heart rate.


Good morning, ladies, or should I say sleepy morning? I am having a bit of trouble adjusting so far this year. I could easily go back to sleep and that isn't really my jam.

Things are going well here. DS15 seems to really like being an only child. I wasn't sure what to expect but whatever it was, this is better than that. I'll take it!

Busy week this week, at least for me. Besides getting DS15 to school for band in the morning, I don't usually have to be anywhere very early. But this week I had an 8 AM meeting on Monday (so I just sat in the parking lot from 7:30-8 since I was already there), today I have MoW, tomorrow I have to have Sophie at the vet for her surgery at 8 and then I have to be at the school at 8:30 to volunteer for the school pictures (I get DS's free for doing that.) By Thursday I will be whipped!

I also moved DS's music lessons from 5 and 5:30 respectively to 7 for one and 8 for another, on two different nights. That is late for me! I like to be in my jammies well before that. I'll do it for a while and then ultimately I may force him to do both on the same night. I understand him not wanting to bc they are two different instruments and it can be hard to transition between them but I might do it to him anyway. lol

Driving him places is somewhat inconvenient, but at the same time it is giving us more face/talk time, which I do appreciate.

He said his first AP test was really hard- much harder than he expected, but we told him it would be, so at least he knows it wasn't just him. There is a very steep learning curve with that!

I think we might see DS18 this Saturday. We are in talks about meeting him at college to watch the UMD v UCF football game. That could be fun!
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