Thread: LC our way! #2
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Old Fri, Sep-08-17, 04:30
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Wow- did we lose our thread? Now I have to jog the memory!!!!Don't like doing that first thing in the morning!

Thanks BLUE- for getting us up and going! I love those pajama days in front of a computer with my hair up in a pony tail and just my glasses on. No fuss!

I am glad you are doing well on your WOE- in the mist of uncertainly. It helps because then you can be healthy and strong in other areas of your life! How are things going?

Leeann- I am sure you posted on the other thread- I missed it. But I gather your DS is now doing music and not sports. That is his passion so good for him!

KMOM- water 2/5 yesterday. I love you are going low and slow! It's the only way! Plus you got a walk in- GOOD for you!

Lori- Did you post yesterday? Are you ok? I feel very not kept up- just one day! When is your next Vacay?

Trig- are they closing schools Monday due to IRMA? How are you doing?
Hello- I always read back a few pages- so I am a day or so behind.

We are prepping here for the hurricane. I went yesterday to the grocery to pick up some chicken and the shelves were almost bare!

So I too picked up water. I will go back to the store after work- I have not shopped all week. So I am hoping it will not be a nightmare at the grocery. But right now millions of people are pouring into Atlanta to escape the storm. Traffic was really BAD just trying to get home last night. I heard there is not a hotel room to be had anywhere here.
We are going to get the rain here too- but they said by the time it gets here it will be a category 1 - . Still it is something I don't want to drive through.
I also instructed the staff to take their computers home. I am hopeful to not have to work all day. Hopefully out out about 3:30.

Yesterday was a productive day. I really like my counter part- she is a manager for the staff outside the office. But we work closely together as the office staff supports the field team.

So the buzz- it looks like our program MAY merge with another program under the umbrella of UHC. What that means for everyone- I wish I knew. Everything is really hush hush. Everyone is looking to me to give them reassurance. I have told them what I know for sure is that nobody has said anything at this time about losing any positions. More to come.......

I am feeling very BIG..... I have not cooked at home for the last week. I have been grabbing dinners and lunch out. It has resulted in feeling like crap. I have kept it low carb- but highly salty meats.
I hold water like crazy. I need to befriend my kitchen again. Yesterday I had a ham and pepperoni on a salad. Totally processed salt! Not weighing today- but my clothes are really TIGHT! URGHHH

So I will make up a list- of things to grab at TJ's. Chances are I will be stuck home Monday and Tue. OK by me.

OK- all keep ya posted.
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