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Old Wed, Mar-01-17, 15:19
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bevangel bevangel is offline
Senior Member
Posts: 2,312
Plan: modified adkins (sort of)
Stats: 265/176/167 Female 68.5 inches
Progress: 91%
Location: Austin, TX

Hey everybody!

My goal this month is to QUIT drinking artificially sweetened drinks and see what effect, if any, that has on my weight. Our tap water tastes just awful without something added to it and I've never been willing to buy bottled water. So I've been flavoring most of my drinking water with various flavors of Crystal Light pretty much ever since we moved here almost eight years ago. Got one of those 3 gallon jugs of water that are refillable and will try sticking to plain water for one month. See if I can kick the sweetener habit AND see if this might break my 18 month long stall.

2014: Jan/~265/253/245/241/236/231/226/220/213/209/203
2015: 202/198/194/191/190/186/184/179/179/174/174/172
2016: 173/175/???/175/174/176/174/173/172/171/173/173
2017: 175/173/176/Apr/May/Jun/Jul/Aug/Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec

03/01/2017: 176

BTW - This month marks, as close as I can figure it, my 3 year low-carb anniversary.

Here's to MARCHing downward.
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