Thread: LC Our Way!
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Old Sat, Oct-29-16, 06:46
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Saturday Morning-

Charms- thanks for your post. Glad to get to know you! I think you are in the right place. Taking care of an aging parent is challenging on every level. Somehow we always think our parents will always just be there. But the older I get- wow- life seems to just fly by. I will be the next generation after my parents!!!!!!!
It is true- with your medical stuff- lighter and healthier is the way to go!!!

Leeann- I think - just going to say it. I feel "we"- are in a transition. Blue- used the word serendipitous in her last post. I really feels that applying to everyone of us. Who would have ever thought that a group of us could come together at this time in our life- "out of the blue"- and bond the way we have.

Plus- think about the last year- and the up coming phase for us all- TRANSITIONS- I think describes this group.

Leeann- you are transitioning your kids into the adults they will become- and rediscovering yourself- and your next stage. I remember that stage. It is a major adjustment- but you will find another "something" to put your energy. And how wonderful- you can take that step back and re-evaluate and say I need a break. BLUE- is right- you just keep coming here GF- :hugs: to you!

Trig- Urghhhh.... hate to hear you are now got a bug- you all keep those germs to yourself! Plenty of fluid! I think Mussinex works well for the crud.
Maybe you can sit in the sun a bit today- it will be nice your way. OMG- you sure have me pegged. You were right on with the set in my ways comment. I seriously don't know how I am going to handle that.
hopes you feel better and the kiddo stays healthy.

BLUE- I hate that when I nap- then AWAKE all night!!! I feel ya. hopefully you have kicked your virus to the curb. You last post regarding your mom- and the ups and downs we have been reading about- sorta stopped me in my tracks.
It makes me want to put stuff into the perspective of the big picture. I think at times it's east to get so caught up in the trivial things - we forget to take that step back and see the bigger picture. Thanks for that.
As far as your WOE- goes- if the 6/1 is working for you- then you work it, until you are ready for something else.
We all need a break now and again- as long as we don't toss WOE to the curb- which you have not done. OUR WAY

I was just plum tired last night- was in bed early! I am still adjusting to the schedule of having a schedule. My Bella- is adjusting too. She has become VERY needy when I am home now. I am never out of her sight and she usually has a paw on me.

this last week has been really rough- weight/WOE/Sleep/feeling good-
I have been feeling "fat"- with all this TOM- and fluid. I am still not done with it- physically- but mentally I am over it- and ready to get back up and running on my plan- and feel good. I find that being tired/ and not feeling well can derail.

You all are correct- that I can fully work on the WOE- and really get into now that the job stress is over. I too am transitioning into a new Chapter- a good one I feel.
Change is never easy- even for the good, pushes us out of our comfort zone. I am taking a step back this week end too- for some self reflecting.

Mr. Big texed me that "cupid"- has hit his heart. Omg- what do I do with that????? Urghhhhh- That is another post altogether. Granted I don't want to grow old alone- but IN MY SPACE.
I will self that topic for now

Rest up everyone and be kind to yourself!!!!!
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