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Old Mon, Oct-12-15, 15:58
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Tamoney Tamoney is offline
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Posts: 995
Plan: Atkins 72'
Stats: 329.4/254.0/179.4 Female 5'10"
BF:hmm..too much ;)
Progress: 50%
Location: Myrtle Beach, SC

Originally Posted by Himadri
So this is a multiple milestone post.... as well as a re-cap of how I got here

I re-started this WOE December 24 2014 at 294 pounds, which is the heaviest I have ever weighed. (I may have been heavier by a few pounds but didnt weigh to confirm, so I am going with 294!)

I had successfully lost some weight using both original Atkins and the 1990s version of Atkins, so thats where I went-- I remembered the basics, so I immediately cut out all sugar, bread, starch, etc. Meanwhile, I dug out my old 1990s book and also bought a used copy of the original Atkins at my local Salvation army (25 cents) and I read and re-read. I also searched for and found this forum, and spent time reading new and old threads.

I stayed in pretty strict induction (Atkins '72 style) for several months, with the addition of more cream and more cheese. I use this forum's P.L.A.N. program to track foods, weight, and measurements. I started paying attention to macros, and try to stay around 70 % fat, 20% protein, and 5% carbs, based on protein being under around 100 grams a day. (But I am not overly strict with macros day to day). I have recently added some nuts and chia seeds, and I have found that my total carb count and % (I count total and not net) can be a little higher, likely because of the fiber that the chia seeds add to my intake.

I DO drink a boatload of diet soda-- hasnt seemed to be a problem. Its something I will address if it eventually is a problem, but for now, its my one vice I have dabbled with having a few SF candies and bars (Aldi's "endulge" brand because I am cheap and so are they lol) without ill effects, but I keep that to a minimum! Overall I avoid "copycat" recipes (for low carb bread, noodles, etc) or dependence on SF sweets-- instead I have embraced the lack of cravings for carbs and sweets, and my tastes have adjusted accordingly.

My consumption of on-plan foods has varied (both in assortment and quantity), as has carb/protein/fat balance and calories, however I HAVE NOT CHEATED-- as far as, no sugary carby stuff, no bread or pasta or potatoes. Even when I gain or have a pause in the losing action, I stay on plan. (If you look at my P.L.A.N. foods and see that I listed sugar, be aware that its my own personal shorthand for the carbs in artificial sweetener, because I am too lazy to figure out how to add a custom food/recipe for that )

If I am hungry, I eat-- more bacon, more cheese, more pork loin, a whole skillet of ground lamb and some shredded cabbage with curry.... whatever amount it takes to keep me satisfied and on plan. Its not often that I go over 1600 calories but sometimes I do-- 2200 2300 on occasion-- but there are also days I am well under 1000. I do track it, but I dont sweat it.

The results are, so far, I have lost 95 pounds in 9.5 months. I am under 200 pounds for the first time in 12 years. I am now 66% of the way to my tentative goal of 150 pounds. I will be turning 50 in the fall of 2016 and I should be at or beyond that goal for the occasion

I feel better-- we have a small farm and animals to care for, and I can climb hills and fences and carry buckets and stack firewood without feeling like I am going to asphyxiate. I sleep better, my knees and hips feel better. I can (and often do) walk out to the pasture, when I used to hop on my ATV. I have much more energy and most days i feel like my thinking is clearer and my memory is sharper.

I have lost a significant number of inches-- 8 inches off each thigh, 16 inches off my belly, 14 inches off my hips, nearly 5 inches off each arm-- and more. And I didnt measure the first day, it was about 2 1/2 weeks in, so I was likely even bigger.

Weight loss has not been linear-- I am a near-daily weigher, to keep myself aware and honest, and yep my daily weight goes up and down, but as long as the overal trend is downward, again, I dont sweat the little bounces.

Here is a pic yesterday comparing my highest weight to current, wearing the same shirt. I have had to buy some clothes to remain dressed, because the old stuff is either sliding off or like trying to function in a tent-- I still have to make myself look at size large top rather than searching for a 3x or 4x, and size 14 pants rather than size 22 or whatever stretchy ones I could find that fit without being skin tight. I can wear jeans again now too-- all day-- without feeling cut apart.

So thats my multiple milestone report-- Thanks Russ for encouraging me to post here on this thread-- still a ways to go, but I am determined to keep on with it!

Himi: I am so proud of you, and so glad I got to know you! You have done an amazing job and stuck to your plan completely. You look amazing! Congratulations on your huge milestones. I hope a year from now, I will be posting something similar.
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