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Old Wed, Oct-01-14, 07:54
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khrussva khrussva is offline
Say NO to Diabetes!
Posts: 8,671
Plan: My own - < 30 net carbs
Stats: 440/228/210 Male 5' 11"
BF:Energy Unleashed
Progress: 92%
Location: Central Virginia - USA

I've done a lot of sorting through clothes in recent days, too. Most of what I own no longer fits and I've filled two trash bags and several donation boxes. I love all the space this is freeing up in my bedroom! 4X & 3X clothes take up a lot of space! I sorted what I have left into what fits now and what I will soon fit. Once I lose another 50 (or so) I will be left with almost nothing to wear and will have to do some shopping.

A funny thing happened the other day. I've been holding off buying new clothes as I transition from huge me to no longer obese me. I've had plenty of smaller clothes just waiting for me to get small enough for me to use them. Plus, I hate the idea of buying something new and having to donate it a month or two later. I have no problem buying Goodwill or yard sale clothes if I am lacking in any particular thing. The one problem with my plan is underwear. My tank size briefs are feeling more like loose fitting boxers and I am nearing a size where they won't stay up anymore. I was out walking the other day and my undies fell down inside my shorts! What a weird feeling. Luckily there was nobody nearby and I was able to discretely reach down and yank the up. Anyway - it looks like I just might have to deviate from the plan and buy some new underwear.

Originally Posted by Jamackarch
I read on here that some of the individuals who have always been big/heavy have a tough time accepting the new smaller/lighter person in the mirror as themselves, and that makes sense. In the same way, people who haven't "always been fat", like me, have the opposite problem: we can't accept the fat reality and we keep thinking we are just fine, when we are most certainly not.

I've experienced both sides of that. I was always heavy as a teenager and, like most, was self conscious about my weight. In my early 20's, I lost a lot of weight dieting, jogging, and lifting weights. I eventually got into "6 pack abs" shape. But I still had the "I'm fat" mindset and did not like going without a shirt for a long time. Exercising my butt off, I kept the weight off for several years and eventually lost that "fat" mindset. Then I got married, got a desk job, and started gaining weight again. My new "skinny" mindset stuck around for a long time, too. I would go without a shirt well after I had stuff hanging out all over the place. I eventually became self conscious again and stopped "letting it all hang out." It is funny how the brain works sometimes. Anyway, I did learn a lesson from it all about how my head works. I'll keep that in mind when I reach goal this time.
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