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Old Mon, Feb-08-10, 14:04
MarieB MarieB is offline
Senior Member
Posts: 557
Plan: Atkins 220.5lbs Jan 2007
Stats: 250/220.5/150 Female 5'5"
Progress: 30%
Location: Vancouver, Canada

welcome, moondaught I eat a LOT of fat... maybe too much, haha. Fat is included on m & e

ljsmom: so glad you're headache free today!! I have a bit of a cold, I'm hoping this is as bad as it'll get, which isn't too bad. A little sniffly, a little headachy (more in my neck/tension), but overall not too bad. I have the day off today so I'm just taking it easy, only have to work 2-3 hours tomorrow as well, so I think I can hack it. Thanks for your healthy well wishes, all! I'm so glad you're feeling well today, Stacy!

Armywife: meat & eggs is the plan, not meat & cheese. Some people eat a bit of cheese, but in moderation because it can cause stalling. I eat lots of eggs some weeks, none other weeks, just depends on my mood, whether I have HB eggs ready & waiting (a great way to stay on plan, have hard boiled eggs stocked up in the fridge for when you want a snack but dont want to cook a whole meal).

for me, my meat & eggs plan includes lots of fat. I eat when I'm hungry, generally 3-4 small meals a day, drink lots of water. If I do eat any veggies in small amounts, I make sure to have a bit of protein along with it (last night I had a small head of steamed broccoli, with lots of butter, and some fried ground pork sprinkled on top).

I have not had ANY cheese or dairy in a few weeks now. I'm a major cheese head. I could eat cheese all day, every day, but I've stopped buying it.

I've also been snacking a bit on my room mate's sunflower seeds... not the ideal snack for M & E but so far I've remained in ketosis...

When I eat leezlelee's hamburger in a bowl, I just fry up ground beef with some spices and add a big dollop of mayo. I don't add any cheese or anything. It still tastes pretty good, tho, and makes the ground beef last longer (the idea behind m & e really is a high FAT diet, with moderate protein, rather than a high protein diet)
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