Thread: Is a Vitamin D
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Old Thu, Oct-22-09, 11:19
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Originally Posted by Hismouse
I have a Big Question, my Dr. just emailed me and told me to take 50,000 units once a week?
These Biotech 50,000iu are fine DON'T have a prescription they are bound to be DRISDOL or other form of ERGOCALCIFEROL.
I have just had a rant about that here if you want to understand why D2 is a waste of time and money and may do more harm than good.

Is there two many zero's in there,
50,000IU/WEEKLY = 7142iu daily absolutely fine for raising status particularly this time of year, check again maybe in 3months or perhaps in March before the summer just to see if you can drop down to one every 10days. But it is safer to be higher than 55ng than below so the sooner you get into safe territory the better.

and would it be better to break that down to daily?
only if you are pregnant or trying to become so or if you are breastfeeding. The baby either in the womb or out requires a STEADY intake of D3 If this is or may become the case then use something like this 5000iu in MCT oil there are others in fish oil or olive oil. Alternate ONE on odd days and TWO DAILY on even days of the weeks. That way over a week you get about the same. or if that sounds too complicated take one of these 2400iu with a 5000iu so you are around the 7400iu/daily intake about the same as the 50,000iu/once a week regime.

She also told me to take 400mg of Magnesium.

You have a doctor who knows what she is doing.
Increasing vitamin D status significantly increases absorption of calcium so you now have more calcium than before.
calcium tenses muscle fibers
calcium excites brain neurones
So more calcium on it's own means possibly muscle cramps feeling mentally tense.
Magnesium relaxes muscle fibres
Magnesium calms the brain neurones.
Most people 68% of USA are magnesium deficient so benefit from extra magnesium. When you didn't have sufficient calcium it didn't make your muscles tighten or your brain feel tense, but improving calcium status reveals or points out the magnesium deficiency state. The fact your Doctor anticipated this shows she's on the ball.

Which of the magnesium is best for me.
Magensium Chelates are what Krispin suggests.

These MAGNESIUM Malate are cheap and work OK

Some people prefer Magnesium Citrate Code ~~~~~~ $5 discount.

Help, please this shocked me.
What is shocking isn't that you didn't know but this is GENERALLY the case. You are absolutely no different from the majority of readers of this forum. It's only the people who are actually taking more than 4000iu/daily that are likely to have levels around 55ng/ml that are sufficient to reduce incidence of cancer/heart disease Diabetes etc.
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