Thread: This is hard!
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Old Wed, Oct-11-06, 10:37
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BoomerGuy BoomerGuy is offline
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Default How Hard Is It?

Hi Rosie - and welcome!

There are varying degrees of difficulty in anything, and I suppose that includes dieting. I'm guessing there's someone out there who has an irresistable craving for cauliflower, and who finds it hard to avoid it. (For me, that would be pretty easy. )

We are all bombarded with new ideas, fad diets - you name it - multiple times each day. And accepting each new idea or plan, even if it sounds logical, doesn't serve us well.

So here's my advice: Decide on a plan, then "stick to your guns". That plan may be strict SB, or low carb, or vegetarian, or whatever. Just make sure you've done your homework and that it's a healthy plan that has a track record of achieving what you're after.

Then "just do it". Ignore any "new and better, hottest thing on the planet" ideas like the plague. And do that for a reasonable time, like a year or more. If it really hasn't panned out, then sit back, do your homework again and formulate another plan and then execute it, giving it time for results.

I'm going to tell you a "dirty little secret" that you probably won't hear very often. Are you ready...?

Life is supposed to be hard.

Yep. It's what makes us strong. (Notice that I didn't say "impossible", just "hard". ) It's excercise that builds our muscles and develops our cardio systems; just sitting on the couch doesn't develop muscles or stamina. In fact, just the opposite occurs.

If taking off weight or getting healthy or getting in shape was just a breeze, we wouldn't value the process nearly as much. So, yes it's "hard" following the Schwarzbein Program, but it's nothing like running the Iditarod. If this is the plan you really believe will gain you the results you're after (and it likely will), then grab on tight and hold on! You were genetically engineered to overcome obstacles, and you'll find incredibly clever ways to accomplish those things that seem a challenge (or even an impossibility) to you right now.

And besides losing weight, losing fat and getting your body systems whipped into shape - the whole process will make you stronger in every way.

You go, girl!


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