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Old Sat, Aug-14-04, 16:37
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cococarby cococarby is offline
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Posts: 410
Plan: low carb
Stats: 150/150/120 Female 5'6
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Location: Indiana

Miss Model- my advice to you is to throw out your scale. I used to weigh in every day and the number i was given dictated my mood for that given day. I didn't feel "better" until the scale showed that magic number... and even then, there was another magic number I wanted to see. When I began this woe, I had a pretty big cheat about once a month. My stomach and headache told me how physically bad I felt. But the scale told me how I emotionally bad I felt and for how long I would feel that way. I also obsessively tracked my daily calories, carbs and fat grams. This too became self destructive. Now, I don't write down what i eat and have learned to listen to my body. Instead of, wow! ive only eaten 300 calories today, I can afford to eat a piece of cheese right now, and still have xx many calories saved for dinner!, its like: my stomach growls, i feed it, i dont think about food again until im hungry again. I cant tell you how much better I feel. Also, instead of weighing every day, I do so about twice a month and I am seeing numbers drop faster than when I was obsessing about every little thing! Occasional cheats have officially stopped too. I refuse to let numbers run my life. By "letting go" of all the little control factors that I used to monitor my day to day, I realized that i was not living life to the fullest. I was actually glad that another day had past quickly and I had "done good" that day. I dont want to spend my life wishing the days were almost over. I know you didn't ask for advice, nor I am I directing it at you. Just a little insight though, from a person who knows. good luck.
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