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Old Wed, Jul-02-03, 15:48
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Default BRx C2/W1/D1

These numbers are from yesterday's workouts. I put off posting them, because, well...I hate the new forum. Every interface widget that I used (and liked) has been changed, and not for the better. And no one need give me any lectures on changing technology. I was an interface designer and usability evangelist, and I feel confident in my assessment that these changes are not Good Things. Feh.

On with the show...

Gym stuffs: Chest & Bis
- Bench Press 1x20x45, 10/10/10/10x75
- Incline Press 1x20x20, 10/10/9/8x50
- Flyes (Flex) 1x20.40, 10/10/10/10x70
- Hammer Curl 1x20x15, 10/10/8/8/7x22.5
- Seated Bicep (HammerStrength) 1x20x10, 10/8/8/8/7x35
First workout of Cycle Two...and it pretty much kicked my ass into a new gear.

I wasn't sure where to start with the bench presses, as it's really been ages since I've done them. I definitely went a bit low, so the weight will be uppped there next week as well as on the flyes.

After the workout I felt almost a little down when I looked back over the numbers and saw the weights drop. It took a bit of time to remind myself that the weights are supposed to go down to accomodate the increased sets and reps. I still felt a bit like a wimp, though. I think I just got used to seeing the higher numbers. I'll adapt.

And now the guidelines...
BRx Cycle 2, Workouts
- Warm-up sets optional (I'm doing 1 set of 20)
- 4-5 working sets per exercise--4 for large muscle groups, 5 for small
- 8-10 reps per set
- 1.5 mins rest between sets
- Final set of each exercise is to failure. It's noted in the book that this may happen at as low as 3-4 reps.
- Increase weight when max reps (10) are completed in final set.

I'm switching up the following exercises (not required in the program, but I'm doing it to keep the routine from getting too stale over the next six weeks):
Chest: Barbell bench press instead of dumbbells
Biceps: Hammer Strength seated bicep instead of preacher curls
Back: Hammer Strength mid-row instead of seated rows
Triceps: Change to rope handle for the cable pushdowns
Legs: Squats instead of leg press, standing leg curl instead of lying leg curl, seated calf raises instead of standing calf raises
Shoulders: no changes
Abs: no changes


And the food number from yesterday:
Calories Eaten Today
source grams cals %total
Total: 2447
Fat: 71 635 27%
Sat: 16 148 6%
Poly: 7 60 3%
Mono: 27 243 10%
Carbs: 180 531 23%
Fiber: 47 0 0%
Protein: 293 1171 50%
"yellow" carbs: 116

I hit my protein and fiber numbers and stayed under the yellow carb limit. w00t! for me.
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