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tokenyanke Tue, Apr-30-02 11:23

a down day!
I'm having a down day today! So bummed about not being able to keep the weight off once I lose it! I follow everything so carefully but it still doesn't work for me.

I fell into a mini binge last night cause I was so stressed over it! I don't know what to do now.... I guess I can try the Fat Fast all over again and get back into ketosis. I just feel like I'm a failure. Nothing ever works for me and I am just one of those people who is so disciplined and it makes me totally mad when I can't lose weight! It's like my body is going to be this weight no matter what I'm eating.

That's it... I'll shut up... Just had to vent a little!


TeriDoodle Tue, Apr-30-02 11:41

You're so close to your goal....don't feel so bad!! Those last few pounds could take a while to come off. Just take a deep breath, stick to the plan, and go with the flow. This is a WOL now, remember?

I do know how you feel....I had one of those moments this morning when I stepped on the scale ... it was 171 :( At this rate it will take me a year or more to lose the weight I want. But I am okay with that.... it's better than the track I was on!!

You're doing great, sweetie. Keep smiling!!

tokenyanke Tue, Apr-30-02 11:51

Thanks for the encouragement. I just don't know what to do.
At one point I was down to 153 a few weeks ago! Then I felt great and soooo close... Now I'm 157.5 and it just keeps fluctuating... but in the upward direction... no matter what I do!

It's so discouraging.


TeriDoodle Tue, Apr-30-02 12:27

why don't you post your meals in a journal for a week or so and let some of the experts help you evaluate them? It could be something real simple you're just overlooking. There's an answer..... don't worry!

Jeanner Tue, Apr-30-02 12:45

Don't despair!
Hi there,

Trust me I know how you feel. I have been fighting the scale and now refuse to weigh myself! Invest in a tape measure I swear by it. Are you excercising at all. Also remember that TOM and building muscle causes fluctuations.

Smile your doing great! :D

tokenyanke Tue, Apr-30-02 12:47

I posted one last week, but can't remember where! I also don't know how to start a journal for people to read so I'm at a loss there. I'll try the fat fast for a while and see how that goes.


tokenyanke Tue, Apr-30-02 12:49

I do have a measuring tape and I keep track of that too... but as my weight has been going back up, so have my measurements, so I just don't feel like even checking now cause I know it's worse

Louloo Thu, May-02-02 05:25

I know how you feel. I have been fighting these 2 or 3 lbs for the last couple of weeks. One day I'm down, the next day I am up. Have tried everything to get going again. I will not give up. I'm drinking more water, walking more, watching what I am eating etc. I know that this is only temporary and I will start losing again it's just a matter of time.

Don't give up!!!!


Annie2802 Thu, May-02-02 05:40

Re: measurements
Originally posted by tokenyanke
I do have a measuring tape and I keep track of that too... but as my weight has been going back up, so have my measurements, so I just don't feel like even checking now cause I know it's worse
I too have the same problem, Yesterday 154 today 158 very dissapointing.

Banana Thu, May-02-02 16:09

Hey there Tokenyanke
Keep on smiling, I know exactly what you're feeling. I wrote one day that I was the lowest I've been for years, then when I weighed myself again another day I was up 2-3lbs again, and it's the same old 2-3 up and down, up and down, up and down. :o boring!

I decided to track all the way back over my stats, calories, fat, carbs, protein and lbs. I realised that my carbs were slowing inching up, late 20s the mid 30s, and so were my calories, I had let slip a little what with everyone say you must eat at least 10 - 12 x your lbs weight in calories, that I was eating some days 500 calories more that the 12x. So for the past 3 days I've been watching the calories, going to about 11 x and this morning I was down again. I don't exercise very much, just run around after my 3 kiddies, still all preschoolers! I don't have the time or energy, or money for that matter to go out and train. But I have started to do the stretching that PPLP recommends, it's great, quick and easy and you do feel the muscles going for it!

I'm going to post a question about calories and PP I think and see what people say. I'll let you know after a few days whether the downward move is a trend or just a blip. It could be that after a few days I need to up the calories just to fool the body, you never know, but keep trying, never give up, think of the health advantages, they far outweigh anything else anyway.

All the best
Banana :wave:

tokenyanke Thu, May-02-02 17:26

I'm still hanging in here! I am doing the Fat Fast right now to get me back to ketosis. I feel very hungry and have times when I fell weak, though, so I'll be glad to get past this!

It gets so frustrating some days, but then what else is there?? I've tried them all and did have really good success on one program when I lost the 30# and kept most of it off, but it's like my body just likes being around the weight I'm at and I just have to keep trying to break that mark. I was also able to run then, too, which I can't do anymore because of hip problems. So, I already know low calorie doesn't work for me anymore either.

Healthwise I definitely am better off now... less aches and pains and all those age problems that creep up on us as we age! So, I'm trying to focus on all of the good stuff and quit being so hung up on the weight.

Thanks for all your support and for sharing your similar frustrations. We all have to stick together!

cindi :D

Louloo Thu, May-02-02 19:54

Hang in there!! :angel:

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