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.muse. Fri, Mar-02-07 23:36

Advice, please? :)
I've scanned through a few pages of posts, and I've also checked the sticky threads, and didn't see anything regarding this, goes.

I'm looking at getting a nice tax return this year, and I'm wanting to spend some money investing in a machine or two for my house, so I can exercise even if I'm unable to get out and walk. I've got a hefty amount of weight to lose and I want to tone while I lose so I don't get that wet-paper-towel looking skin when I'm done.

I've been looking into Tony Little's Gazelle, as well as a stationary bike from wal*mart, and I'm looking for some feedback. From a lot of the reviews on the sites I've visited in regards to the Gazelle, a lot of people complain it's not a good work out, but I figure for someone over 300lbs, it probably isn't too shabby.

Does anyone have any experience with this, that could help me out?

I try to walk occasionally, but, I have a 4 month old little girl and sometimes I just can't. Okay, being honest, most of the time I just can't. By the time she's ready to leave the house she's crabby and it turns into more trouble than it's worth.

I just can't seem to find the motivation to do any type of floor exercises, that require a video or anything like that, because I get bored after about 5 minutes. I'm looking for something that I can do while I watch TV so the time flies a bit more, and I can do daily without much interruption in my daughter's schedule.

emily30 Fri, Mar-02-07 23:54

I have a Gazelle which my DH got for me when I first started Atkins in May 2005. I get an excellent workout on it. I still use mine and never had a problem with it. It did come with a video that I don't use because I watch tv while I do it. Mine has extra resistance on it that you easily snap on and off, it has a 350lb capacity, it's quiet and sturdy, so you can do it while your baby is napping.

I do recommend the Gazelle.

Gostrydr Sat, Mar-03-07 09:20

I don't want to want to piss anyone off,but here's why I don't like the Gazelle or the Elliptical..

One word..Momentum

This momentum makes excercising on these machines easier. Yes I know you can adjust things to make it more difficult, but momentum plays a huge role in both of these pieces of equipment. Momentum is not ideal when it comes to excercise .

I think the real benefit is the low impact on the joints,but if I were you , I'd opt for the staionary can do more intense and effective types of cardio like HIIT wihtout momentum

cs_carver Sat, Mar-03-07 11:59

try them out
1. I don't see where the tax return is going to come from. Didn't think exercise machines were deductible. YMMV.

2. If you aren't sure about a particular machine and you're planning on buying new and expensive models, it might be worth $20 and some energy to join a gym for a month and see which ones you like. It really doesn't matter what strangers on the internet think--only you know what you will REALLY maybe do. I will NEVER burn real calories on a stationary bike. Period. No matter what anyone says. The only thing that has ever worked for me is a stair stepper, when it comes to machines. YMMV.

3. Sometimes, you can get much better deals at thrift shops, Craigs List, ebay, or Play it Again Sports. Depends on your budget and your tolerance for shopping.

4. I'm not sure if you're talking about a specific brand, but make sure you fall within the safe weight range for the product you decide on.

Good luck.

.muse. Sat, Mar-03-07 13:25

1. I don't see where the tax return is going to come from. Didn't think exercise machines were deductible. YMMV.

Who said I was going to write anything off? I'm getting back nearly 10k this year, as in, my 2006 taxes.

2. If you aren't sure about a particular machine and you're planning on buying new and expensive models, it might be worth $20 and some energy to join a gym for a month and see which ones you like.

I wish I had that option. I don't. Every gym in a 200 mile radius where I live requires membership fees and a yearly contract. So you're looking at 150-280$ to join the gym, and a monthly fee of 35-90$, and you have to agree to stay for a year. If you don't, they bill your credit card for the remainder of the year.

Strangers opinions are a lot cheaper than my options right now. Even the YMCA out here requires a membership fee & contract, though theirs is only 6 months.

4. I'm not sure if you're talking about a specific brand, but make sure you fall within the safe weight range for the product you decide on.

The Gazelle IS a brand, and it's really not that expensive. It's cheaper to buy the whole thing than it is to pay a membership fee at one of the gyms. It's also low impact, which is my issue, as I had a bad knee injury in HS so I can't do jogging and such like that.

I appreciate the feedback, regardless if you misunderstood my question.

In regards to the momentum, that's kind of what I was wondering, it looks kind of like a high-priced swing, so I wasn't sure if it -works-, y'know?

Emily, Gostrydr, I appreciate the feedback as well, although both of your opinions differed from the next :D

Helen H Sun, Mar-04-07 17:18

If it were my money, I'd buy a real bike and training roller so that you can use in indoors in bad weather or when you want to watch tv while training. This way, you have a real bike to use in summer for transport.

If it weren't for my bike, I'd do almost no cardio, I just don't have time. But since it takes the same time to cycle somewhere as to bus it, and I save the bus fare, I end up cycling off around 4000 cals a week without losing any time.

rdharper Sun, Mar-04-07 17:23

Originally Posted by .muse.
I've scanned through a few pages of posts, and I've also checked the sticky threads, and didn't see anything regarding this, goes.

I'm looking at getting a nice tax return this year, and I'm wanting to spend some money investing in a machine or two for my house, so I can exercise even if I'm unable to get out and walk. I've got a hefty amount of weight to lose and I want to tone while I lose so I don't get that wet-paper-towel looking skin when I'm done.

I've been looking into Tony Little's Gazelle, as well as a stationary bike from wal*mart, and I'm looking for some feedback. From a lot of the reviews on the sites I've visited in regards to the Gazelle, a lot of people complain it's not a good work out, but I figure for someone over 300lbs, it probably isn't too shabby.

Does anyone have any experience with this, that could help me out?

I try to walk occasionally, but, I have a 4 month old little girl and sometimes I just can't. Okay, being honest, most of the time I just can't. By the time she's ready to leave the house she's crabby and it turns into more trouble than it's worth.

I just can't seem to find the motivation to do any type of floor exercises, that require a video or anything like that, because I get bored after about 5 minutes. I'm looking for something that I can do while I watch TV so the time flies a bit more, and I can do daily without much interruption in my daughter's schedule.

Imho, walking IS the best exercise. See if you can find a way to enjoy, and the time to do it. Save your money.

aprils0909 Sun, Mar-04-07 18:43

WOW! Thats a healthy return. I would take up walking like pp said, it's free. Then reward my weight loss with a trip or something. There are theme cruises and you could find one fitting to your low-carb lifestyle, too. Personally, I would do something memorable with the money.

.muse. Sun, Mar-04-07 20:08

..but my problem is, as I stated, I can't usually get out to walk. My daughter is 4 months old, Florida is steaming hot, and after 10 or 15 minutes in the sun, she's wailing and sweating, even wearing a sun bonnet, light clothes, and sunscreen. And I don't feel safe walking in our neighborhood at night because there's no sidewalks.

While I'd love to be able to walk, it's really not a good option for my current situation.

.muse. Sun, Mar-04-07 20:11

WOW! Thats a healthy return. I would take up walking like pp said, it's free. Then reward my weight loss with a trip or something. There are theme cruises and you could find one fitting to your low-carb lifestyle, too. Personally, I would do something memorable with the money.

And also, the money we're talking about here is like 200$, it's really not a terrible amount, at all. The Gazelle is very reasonably priced, I just don't know anyone in person who has one, I was hoping maybe some of the people here would have experience with it.

Helen H Mon, Mar-05-07 10:55

Originally Posted by .muse.
..but my problem is, as I stated, I can't usually get out to walk. My daughter is 4 months old, Florida is steaming hot, and after 10 or 15 minutes in the sun, she's wailing and sweating, even wearing a sun bonnet, light clothes, and sunscreen. And I don't feel safe walking in our neighborhood at night because there's no sidewalks.

While I'd love to be able to walk, it's really not a good option for my current situation.

In that case, the bicycle may be an even better option. Once she's six months, you can put a babyseat on the back and take her out for rides on the bike. I spent years cycling round with a child on the back, and we went all over the place. They all loved it.

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