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bluViolets Tue, Sep-04-01 16:47

new to the neighborhood
hello...I am new to these parts......I started atkins a couple years ago with some good success...I went from 355 to 285 in about 6 months, then had a long plateau, I was hangin in there, when some other things grabbed my attention away from the plan. last year I was diagnosed with breast cancer and have been in treatment ever since. the chemo drugs caused me to gain weight, and I am now back to 339. I have 9 more radiation treatments and then I am done and hopefully cancer-free.
I am feeling good and ready to start losing weight again. the cancer kinda put me in some confusion about my eating plan, and I have had some time to re-examine it this past year. I still feel low-carb is the best way for me to eat, I felt great and it worked well......but I don't think I should eat as much fat,specifically animal fat such as bacon, and processed meats as I did before [ I think I ate about 80 lbs of bacon in that 9 mos] plus I need to go alot easier on cheese.
because of the cancer, I'm not going to be as strict as I was on atkins because I feel I need to eat more fruit and a serving of protein bread with flax seeds each day...maybe the PP plan will work better for me. I'd like to join the group too.......I'm not as obsessed about losing the weight FAST, like before, because Hey! I'm still Alive! My doc says I'm young and healthy, and since my cancer wasn't hormone driven, the extra wt. wasn't a factor i'll just tag along after you guys if that's okay.........violet

tamarian Tue, Sep-04-01 16:56

Welcome aboard Violet,

Congrats on surviving cancer!

Many of us have been on the same boat, losing weight, and then starying away. Most of us started treating low-carb as a way of living, rather than just a diet.

Protein Power is a great plan, as well as all the other plans, choose whichever suits you the best, as we are all different.

Looking forward to hearing more about your progress.


Karen Tue, Sep-04-01 20:34

Hi blu and welcome to!

I have nothing but admiration for you. :D

One of the things that is great about LC is that you can adjust the way you eat to suit your needs. Your needs - not wants ;) - do change the longer you do it or with research and study about the this way of life.

I don't purposely find fatty meat to eat, or eat many dairy products because I find I am better off without them. I do supplement with Udo's Oil which is a blend that has a balanced omega ratio. I've also stopped using "vegetable oil" and now use cold pressed oils or extra virgin olive oil. I've come to believe that the further away from anything man made we are, the better!

Please keep posting. You may want to start a journal in the Journal forum.


minetofix Wed, Sep-05-01 15:53

I'm new too
I just started this group too and glad to see you joined us. You have been through alot and I admire your courage.

I know what you mean about eating a zillion pounds of bacon! ;) I was doing that too. I found that buying the turkey bacon actually works as well for me -without all the fat. If you cook it slow it tastes good because its all brown and crispy.

I bought one of those George Foreman grills so the fat drips away as the meat cooks - so I feel like I'm getting meat without all the fat! GEEZ! I am amazed at how much fat drips away that used to be going into my blood stream...YIKES!!

Good luck.

bluViolets Thu, Sep-06-01 11:00

fakin bacon
hey there...mine to fix-

[I bought one of those George Foreman grills so the fat drips away as the meat cooks - so I feel like I'm getting meat without all the fat! GEEZ! I am amazed at how much fat drips away that used to be going into my blood stream...YIKES!! ]

do you mean you cook the fake bacon on it?

to all,
thanks for the support guys.............. I weighed in at the docs yesterday at 335....I hope that's correct , my scale at home doesn't comply.
I've been blessed this last year with very wonderful doctors that have treated me with respect and dignity, warm and kindness, except for one.
when I started radiation, due to logistics I had to use a different
center that would work better for me..{ a kind way of saying I exceeded the wt. limit on their table} my doc thought it would be easier on me to check in with a doctor there, instead of going back and forth.
so I saw this new doctor..[very skilled I'm told]- but a pompass, thoughtless oaf, completely devoid of warmth. He couldn't disquise the fact that he was offended by my weight....he answered one question.. then are too big, Why don't you lose some weight?

I thunked my head with my hand and said...OH MY GOD! .....You mean I have Cancer? .......And I'm FAT too?? Why didn't anyone else tell me??

One thing I've learned this year, is to be my own advocate,and to make sure what I do is Best for me, you can bet I called my doctor and said I wasn't going to see that guy again, and she was happy to let me come back to her.

I can't believe how many people have the attitude that ...Well, It's your fault you look like that ,so you deserve to be humiliated!

One last thought for today...YAHOO! I have eyebrows again!

minetofix Thu, Sep-06-01 19:33

hey Ms. Violet!

I sure know what you mean about all the fat dripping out - who would have thought there was that much in one "little" Pound of hamburger :rolleyes:

I do cook the fake bacon in a skillet on the stove because there is no fat in the stuff. Silly me tried it on George Foreman and I mean NOTHING dripped off!

Hang in there Violet!

minetofix :cool:

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